import { GlTable, GlLink } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount, mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { capitalizeFirstCharacter } from '~/lib/utils/text_utility'; import CiLintResults from '~/pipeline_editor/components/lint/ci_lint_results.vue'; import { mockJobs, mockErrors, mockWarnings } from '../../mock_data'; describe('CI Lint Results', () => { let wrapper; const defaultProps = { isValid: true, jobs: mockJobs, errors: [], warnings: [], dryRun: false, lintHelpPagePath: '/help', }; const createComponent = (props = {}, mountFn = shallowMount) => { wrapper = mountFn(CiLintResults, { propsData: { ...defaultProps, ...props, }, }); }; const findTable = () => wrapper.find(GlTable); const findByTestId = (selector) => () => wrapper.find(`[data-testid="ci-lint-${selector}"]`); const findAllByTestId = (selector) => () => wrapper.findAll(`[data-testid="ci-lint-${selector}"]`); const findLinkToDoc = () => wrapper.find(GlLink); const findErrors = findByTestId('errors'); const findWarnings = findByTestId('warnings'); const findStatus = findByTestId('status'); const findOnlyExcept = findByTestId('only-except'); const findLintParameters = findAllByTestId('parameter'); const findLintValues = findAllByTestId('value'); const findBeforeScripts = findAllByTestId('before-script'); const findScripts = findAllByTestId('script'); const findAfterScripts = findAllByTestId('after-script'); const filterEmptyScripts = (property) => mockJobs.filter((job) => job[property].length !== 0); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('Empty results', () => { it('renders with no jobs, errors or warnings defined', () => { createComponent({ jobs: undefined, errors: undefined, warnings: undefined }, shallowMount); expect(findTable().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('renders when job has no properties defined', () => { // job with no attributes such as `tagList` or `environment` const job = { stage: 'Stage Name', name: 'test job', }; createComponent({ jobs: [job] }, mount); const param = findLintParameters().at(0); const value = findLintValues().at(0); expect(param.text()).toBe(`${job.stage} Job - ${}`); // This test should be updated once properties of each job are shown // See expect(value.text()).toBe(''); }); }); describe('Invalid results', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ isValid: false, errors: mockErrors, warnings: mockWarnings }, mount); }); it('does not display the table', () => { expect(findTable().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('displays the invalid status', () => { expect(findStatus().text()).toContain(`Status: ${wrapper.vm.$options.incorrect.text}`); expect(findStatus().props('variant')).toBe(wrapper.vm.$options.incorrect.variant); }); it('contains the link to documentation', () => { expect(findLinkToDoc().text()).toBe('More information'); expect(findLinkToDoc().attributes('href')).toBe(defaultProps.lintHelpPagePath); }); it('displays the error message', () => { const [expectedError] = mockErrors; expect(findErrors().text()).toBe(expectedError); }); it('displays the warning message', () => { const [expectedWarning] = mockWarnings; expect(findWarnings().exists()).toBe(true); expect(findWarnings().text()).toContain(expectedWarning); }); }); describe('Valid results with dry run', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ dryRun: true }, mount); }); it('displays table', () => { expect(findTable().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('displays the valid status', () => { expect(findStatus().text()).toContain(wrapper.vm.$options.correct.text); expect(findStatus().props('variant')).toBe(wrapper.vm.$options.correct.variant); }); it('does not display only/expect values with dry run', () => { expect(findOnlyExcept().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('contains the link to documentation', () => { expect(findLinkToDoc().text()).toBe('More information'); expect(findLinkToDoc().attributes('href')).toBe(defaultProps.lintHelpPagePath); }); }); describe('Lint results', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({}, mount); }); it('formats parameter value', () => { findLintParameters().wrappers.forEach((job, index) => { const { stage } = mockJobs[index]; const { name } = mockJobs[index]; expect(job.text()).toBe(`${capitalizeFirstCharacter(stage)} Job - ${name}`); }); }); it('only shows before scripts when data is present', () => { expect(findBeforeScripts()).toHaveLength(filterEmptyScripts('beforeScript').length); }); it('only shows script when data is present', () => { expect(findScripts()).toHaveLength(filterEmptyScripts('script').length); }); it('only shows after script when data is present', () => { expect(findAfterScripts()).toHaveLength(filterEmptyScripts('afterScript').length); }); }); });