import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { pipelineData } from './mock_data'; import PipelineGraph from '~/pipelines/components/pipeline_graph/pipeline_graph.vue'; import StagePill from '~/pipelines/components/pipeline_graph/stage_pill.vue'; import JobPill from '~/pipelines/components/pipeline_graph/job_pill.vue'; describe('pipeline graph component', () => { const defaultProps = { pipelineData }; let wrapper; const createComponent = props => { return shallowMount(PipelineGraph, { propsData: { ...defaultProps, ...props, }, }); }; const findAllStagePills = () => wrapper.findAll(StagePill); const findAllJobPills = () => wrapper.findAll(JobPill); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); describe('with no data', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent({ pipelineData: {} }); }); it('renders an empty section', () => { expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('No content to show'); expect(findAllStagePills()).toHaveLength(0); expect(findAllJobPills()).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('with data', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createComponent(); }); it('renders the right number of stage pills', () => { const expectedStagesLength = pipelineData.stages.length; expect(findAllStagePills()).toHaveLength(expectedStagesLength); }); it('renders the right number of job pills', () => { // We count the number of jobs in the mock data const expectedJobsLength = pipelineData.stages.reduce((acc, val) => { return acc + val.groups.length; }, 0); expect(findAllJobPills()).toHaveLength(expectedJobsLength); }); }); });