import { createLocalVue, shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'; import createMockApollo from 'helpers/mock_apollo_helper'; import { extendedWrapper } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import RunnerActionCell from '~/runner/components/cells/runner_actions_cell.vue'; import getGroupRunnersQuery from '~/runner/graphql/get_group_runners.query.graphql'; import getRunnersQuery from '~/runner/graphql/get_runners.query.graphql'; import runnerDeleteMutation from '~/runner/graphql/runner_delete.mutation.graphql'; import runnerUpdateMutation from '~/runner/graphql/runner_update.mutation.graphql'; import { captureException } from '~/runner/sentry_utils'; import { runnersData, runnerData } from '../../mock_data'; const mockRunner =[0]; const mockRunnerDetails =; const getRunnersQueryName = getRunnersQuery.definitions[0].name.value; const getGroupRunnersQueryName = getGroupRunnersQuery.definitions[0].name.value; const localVue = createLocalVue(); localVue.use(VueApollo); jest.mock('~/flash'); jest.mock('~/runner/sentry_utils'); describe('RunnerTypeCell', () => { let wrapper; const runnerDeleteMutationHandler = jest.fn(); const runnerUpdateMutationHandler = jest.fn(); const findEditBtn = () => wrapper.findByTestId('edit-runner'); const findToggleActiveBtn = () => wrapper.findByTestId('toggle-active-runner'); const findDeleteBtn = () => wrapper.findByTestId('delete-runner'); const createComponent = ({ active = true } = {}, options) => { wrapper = extendedWrapper( shallowMount(RunnerActionCell, { propsData: { runner: { id:, adminUrl: mockRunner.adminUrl, active, }, }, localVue, apolloProvider: createMockApollo([ [runnerDeleteMutation, runnerDeleteMutationHandler], [runnerUpdateMutation, runnerUpdateMutationHandler], ]), ...options, }), ); }; beforeEach(() => { runnerDeleteMutationHandler.mockResolvedValue({ data: { runnerDelete: { errors: [], }, }, }); runnerUpdateMutationHandler.mockResolvedValue({ data: { runnerUpdate: { runner: mockRunnerDetails, errors: [], }, }, }); }); afterEach(() => { runnerDeleteMutationHandler.mockReset(); runnerUpdateMutationHandler.mockReset(); wrapper.destroy(); }); it('Displays the runner edit link with the correct href', () => { createComponent(); expect(findEditBtn().attributes('href')).toBe(mockRunner.adminUrl); }); describe.each` state | label | icon | isActive | newActiveValue ${'active'} | ${'Pause'} | ${'pause'} | ${true} | ${false} ${'paused'} | ${'Resume'} | ${'play'} | ${false} | ${true} `('When the runner is $state', ({ label, icon, isActive, newActiveValue }) => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ active: isActive }); }); it(`Displays a ${icon} button`, () => { expect(findToggleActiveBtn().props('loading')).toBe(false); expect(findToggleActiveBtn().props('icon')).toBe(icon); expect(findToggleActiveBtn().attributes('title')).toBe(label); expect(findToggleActiveBtn().attributes('aria-label')).toBe(label); }); it(`After clicking the ${icon} button, the button has a loading state`, async () => { await findToggleActiveBtn().vm.$emit('click'); expect(findToggleActiveBtn().props('loading')).toBe(true); }); it(`After the ${icon} button is clicked, stale tooltip is removed`, async () => { await findToggleActiveBtn().vm.$emit('click'); expect(findToggleActiveBtn().attributes('title')).toBe(''); expect(findToggleActiveBtn().attributes('aria-label')).toBe(''); }); describe(`When clicking on the ${icon} button`, () => { it(`The apollo mutation to set active to ${newActiveValue} is called`, async () => { expect(runnerUpdateMutationHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); await findToggleActiveBtn().vm.$emit('click'); expect(runnerUpdateMutationHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(runnerUpdateMutationHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ input: { id:, active: newActiveValue, }, }); }); it('The button does not have a loading state after the mutation occurs', async () => { await findToggleActiveBtn().vm.$emit('click'); expect(findToggleActiveBtn().props('loading')).toBe(true); await waitForPromises(); expect(findToggleActiveBtn().props('loading')).toBe(false); }); }); describe('When update fails', () => { describe('On a network error', () => { const mockErrorMsg = 'Update error!'; beforeEach(async () => { runnerUpdateMutationHandler.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error(mockErrorMsg)); await findToggleActiveBtn().vm.$emit('click'); }); it('error is reported to sentry', () => { expect(captureException).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ error: new Error(`Network error: ${mockErrorMsg}`), component: 'RunnerActionsCell', }); }); it('error is shown to the user', () => { expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe('On a validation error', () => { const mockErrorMsg = 'Runner not found!'; const mockErrorMsg2 = 'User not allowed!'; beforeEach(async () => { runnerUpdateMutationHandler.mockResolvedValue({ data: { runnerUpdate: { runner:, errors: [mockErrorMsg, mockErrorMsg2], }, }, }); await findToggleActiveBtn().vm.$emit('click'); }); it('error is reported to sentry', () => { expect(captureException).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ error: new Error(`${mockErrorMsg} ${mockErrorMsg2}`), component: 'RunnerActionsCell', }); }); it('error is shown to the user', () => { expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); }); }); describe('When the user clicks a runner', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(window, 'confirm'); createComponent(); }); afterEach(() => { window.confirm.mockRestore(); }); describe('When the user confirms deletion', () => { beforeEach(async () => { window.confirm.mockReturnValue(true); await findDeleteBtn().vm.$emit('click'); }); it('The user sees a confirmation alert', () => { expect(window.confirm).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(window.confirm).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.any(String)); }); it('The delete mutation is called correctly', () => { expect(runnerDeleteMutationHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(runnerDeleteMutationHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ input: { id: }, }); }); it('When delete mutation is called, current runners are refetched', async () => { jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$apollo, 'mutate'); await findDeleteBtn().vm.$emit('click'); expect(wrapper.vm.$apollo.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ mutation: runnerDeleteMutation, variables: { input: { id:, }, }, awaitRefetchQueries: true, refetchQueries: [getRunnersQueryName, getGroupRunnersQueryName], }); }); it('The delete button does not have a loading state', () => { expect(findDeleteBtn().props('loading')).toBe(false); expect(findDeleteBtn().attributes('title')).toBe('Remove'); }); it('After the delete button is clicked, loading state is shown', async () => { await findDeleteBtn().vm.$emit('click'); expect(findDeleteBtn().props('loading')).toBe(true); }); it('After the delete button is clicked, stale tooltip is removed', async () => { await findDeleteBtn().vm.$emit('click'); expect(findDeleteBtn().attributes('title')).toBe(''); }); describe('When delete fails', () => { describe('On a network error', () => { const mockErrorMsg = 'Delete error!'; beforeEach(async () => { runnerDeleteMutationHandler.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error(mockErrorMsg)); await findDeleteBtn().vm.$emit('click'); }); it('error is reported to sentry', () => { expect(captureException).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ error: new Error(`Network error: ${mockErrorMsg}`), component: 'RunnerActionsCell', }); }); it('error is shown to the user', () => { expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe('On a validation error', () => { const mockErrorMsg = 'Runner not found!'; const mockErrorMsg2 = 'User not allowed!'; beforeEach(async () => { runnerDeleteMutationHandler.mockResolvedValue({ data: { runnerDelete: { errors: [mockErrorMsg, mockErrorMsg2], }, }, }); await findDeleteBtn().vm.$emit('click'); }); it('error is reported to sentry', () => { expect(captureException).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ error: new Error(`${mockErrorMsg} ${mockErrorMsg2}`), component: 'RunnerActionsCell', }); }); it('error is shown to the user', () => { expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); }); }); describe('When the user does not confirm deletion', () => { beforeEach(async () => { window.confirm.mockReturnValue(false); await findDeleteBtn().vm.$emit('click'); }); it('The user sees a confirmation alert', () => { expect(window.confirm).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('The delete mutation is not called', () => { expect(runnerDeleteMutationHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); it('The delete button does not have a loading state', () => { expect(findDeleteBtn().props('loading')).toBe(false); expect(findDeleteBtn().attributes('title')).toBe('Remove'); }); }); }); });