import { GlTableLite, GlPopover } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { extendedWrapper } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper'; import ProjectStorageDetail from '~/usage_quotas/storage/components/project_storage_detail.vue'; import { containerRegistryPopoverId, containerRegistryId, uploadsPopoverId, uploadsId, } from '~/usage_quotas/storage/constants'; import { numberToHumanSize } from '~/lib/utils/number_utils'; import { projectData, projectHelpLinks } from '../mock_data'; describe('ProjectStorageDetail', () => { let wrapper; const { storageTypes } =; const defaultProps = { storageTypes }; const createComponent = (props = {}) => { wrapper = extendedWrapper( mount(ProjectStorageDetail, { propsData: { ...defaultProps, ...props, }, provide: { containerRegistryPopoverContent: 'Sample popover message', }, }), ); }; const generateStorageType = (id = 'buildArtifactsSize') => { return { storageType: { id, name: 'Test Name', description: 'Test Description', helpPath: '/test-type', }, value: 400000, }; }; const findTable = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlTableLite); const findPopoverById = (id) => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlPopover).filter((p) => p.attributes('data-testid') === id); const findContainerRegistryPopover = () => findPopoverById(containerRegistryPopoverId); const findUploadsPopover = () => findPopoverById(uploadsPopoverId); const findContainerRegistryWarningIcon = () => wrapper.find(`#${containerRegistryPopoverId}`); const findUploadsWarningIcon = () => wrapper.find(`#${uploadsPopoverId}`); beforeEach(() => { createComponent(); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('with storage types', () => { it.each(storageTypes)( 'renders table row correctly %o', ({ storageType: { id, name, description } }) => { expect(wrapper.findByTestId(`${id}-name`).text()).toBe(name); expect(wrapper.findByTestId(`${id}-description`).text()).toBe(description); expect(wrapper.findByTestId(`${id}-icon`).props('name')).toBe(id); expect(wrapper.findByTestId(`${id}-help-link`).attributes('href')).toBe( projectHelpLinks[id.replace(`Size`, ``)], ); }, ); it('should render items in order from the biggest usage size to the smallest', () => { const rows = findTable().find('tbody').findAll('tr'); // Cloning array not to mutate the source const sortedStorageTypes = [...storageTypes].sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value); sortedStorageTypes.forEach((storageType, i) => { const rowUsageAmount = rows.wrappers[i].find('td:last-child').text(); const expectedUsageAmount = numberToHumanSize(storageType.value, 1); expect(rowUsageAmount).toBe(expectedUsageAmount); }); }); }); describe('without storage types', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ storageTypes: [] }); }); it('should render the table header ', () => { expect(findTable().find('th').exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should not render any table data ', () => { expect(findTable().find('td').exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe.each` description | mockStorageTypes | rendersContainerRegistryPopover | rendersUploadsPopover ${'without any storage type that has popover'} | ${[generateStorageType()]} | ${false} | ${false} ${'with container registry storage type'} | ${[generateStorageType(containerRegistryId)]} | ${true} | ${false} ${'with uploads storage type'} | ${[generateStorageType(uploadsId)]} | ${false} | ${true} ${'with container registry and uploads storage types'} | ${[generateStorageType(containerRegistryId), generateStorageType(uploadsId)]} | ${true} | ${true} `( '$description', ({ mockStorageTypes, rendersContainerRegistryPopover, rendersUploadsPopover }) => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ storageTypes: mockStorageTypes }); }); it(`does ${ rendersContainerRegistryPopover ? '' : ' not' } render container registry warning icon and popover`, () => { expect(findContainerRegistryWarningIcon().exists()).toBe(rendersContainerRegistryPopover); expect(findContainerRegistryPopover().exists()).toBe(rendersContainerRegistryPopover); }); it(`does ${ rendersUploadsPopover ? '' : ' not' } render container registry warning icon and popover`, () => { expect(findUploadsWarningIcon().exists()).toBe(rendersUploadsPopover); expect(findUploadsPopover().exists()).toBe(rendersUploadsPopover); }); }, ); });