import { GlAlert, GlEmptyState, GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { uniq } from 'lodash'; import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import Api from '~/api'; import UserList from '~/user_lists/components/user_list.vue'; import createStore from '~/user_lists/store/show'; import { parseUserIds, stringifyUserIds } from '~/user_lists/store/utils'; import { userList } from 'jest/feature_flags/mock_data'; jest.mock('~/api'); Vue.use(Vuex); describe('User List', () => { let wrapper; const click = (testId) => wrapper.find(`[data-testid="${testId}"]`).trigger('click'); const findUserIds = () => wrapper.findAll('[data-testid="user-id"]'); const destroy = () => wrapper?.destroy(); const factory = () => { destroy(); wrapper = mount(UserList, { store: createStore({ projectId: '1', userListIid: '2' }), propsData: { emptyStatePath: '/empty_state.svg', }, }); }; describe('loading', () => { let resolveFn; beforeEach(() => { Api.fetchFeatureFlagUserList.mockReturnValue( new Promise((resolve) => { resolveFn = resolve; }), ); factory(); }); afterEach(() => { resolveFn(); }); it('shows a loading icon', () => { expect(wrapper.find(GlLoadingIcon).exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('success', () => { let userIds; beforeEach(async () => { userIds = parseUserIds(userList.user_xids); Api.fetchFeatureFlagUserList.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: userList }); factory(); await nextTick(); }); it('requests the user list on mount', () => { expect(Api.fetchFeatureFlagUserList).toHaveBeenCalledWith('1', '2'); }); it('shows the list name', () => { expect(wrapper.find('h3').text()).toBe(; }); it('shows an add users button', () => { expect(wrapper.find('[data-testid="add-users"]').text()).toBe('Add Users'); }); it('shows an edit list button', () => { expect(wrapper.find('[data-testid="edit-user-list"]').text()).toBe('Edit'); }); it('shows a row for every id', () => { expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-testid="user-id-row"]')).toHaveLength(userIds.length); }); it('shows one id on each row', () => { findUserIds().wrappers.forEach((w, i) => expect(w.text()).toBe(userIds[i])); }); it('shows a delete button for every row', () => { expect(wrapper.findAll('[data-testid="delete-user-id"]')).toHaveLength(userIds.length); }); describe('adding users', () => { const newIds = ['user3', 'user4', 'user5', 'test', 'example', 'foo']; let receivedUserIds; let parsedReceivedUserIds; beforeEach(async () => { Api.updateFeatureFlagUserList.mockResolvedValue(userList); click('add-users'); await nextTick(); wrapper.find('#add-user-ids').setValue(`${stringifyUserIds(newIds)},`); click('confirm-add-user-ids'); await nextTick(); [[, { user_xids: receivedUserIds }]] = Api.updateFeatureFlagUserList.mock.calls; parsedReceivedUserIds = parseUserIds(receivedUserIds); }); it('should add user IDs to the user list', () => { newIds.forEach((id) => expect(receivedUserIds).toContain(id)); }); it('should not remove existing user ids', () => { userIds.forEach((id) => expect(receivedUserIds).toContain(id)); }); it('should not submit empty IDs', () => { parsedReceivedUserIds.forEach((id) => expect(id).not.toBe('')); }); it('should not create duplicate entries', () => { expect(uniq(parsedReceivedUserIds)).toEqual(parsedReceivedUserIds); }); it('should display the new IDs', () => { const userIdWrappers = findUserIds(); newIds.forEach((id) => { const userIdWrapper = userIdWrappers.wrappers.find((w) => w.text() === id); expect(userIdWrapper.exists()).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('deleting users', () => { let receivedUserIds; beforeEach(async () => { Api.updateFeatureFlagUserList.mockResolvedValue(userList); click('delete-user-id'); await nextTick(); [[, { user_xids: receivedUserIds }]] = Api.updateFeatureFlagUserList.mock.calls; }); it('should remove the ID clicked', () => { expect(receivedUserIds).not.toContain(userIds[0]); }); it('should not display the deleted user', () => { const userIdWrappers = findUserIds(); const userIdWrapper = userIdWrappers.wrappers.find((w) => w.text() === userIds[0]); expect(userIdWrapper).toBeUndefined(); }); }); }); describe('error', () => { const findAlert = () => wrapper.find(GlAlert); beforeEach(async () => { Api.fetchFeatureFlagUserList.mockRejectedValue(); factory(); await nextTick(); }); it('displays the alert message', () => { const alert = findAlert(); expect(alert.text()).toBe('Something went wrong on our end. Please try again!'); }); it('can dismiss the alert', async () => { const alert = findAlert(); alert.find('button').trigger('click'); await nextTick(); expect(alert.exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('empty list', () => { beforeEach(async () => { Api.fetchFeatureFlagUserList.mockResolvedValueOnce({ data: { ...userList, user_xids: '' } }); factory(); await nextTick(); }); it('displays an empty state', () => { expect(wrapper.find(GlEmptyState).exists()).toBe(true); }); }); });