import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { merge } from 'lodash'; import Vue from 'vue'; import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import createMockApollo from 'helpers/mock_apollo_helper'; import { trimText } from 'helpers/text_helper'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { expectedDownloadDropdownProps, securityReportMergeRequestDownloadPathsQueryNoArtifactsResponse, securityReportMergeRequestDownloadPathsQueryResponse, sastDiffSuccessMock, secretScanningDiffSuccessMock, } from 'jest/vue_shared/security_reports/mock_data'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import HelpIcon from '~/vue_shared/security_reports/components/help_icon.vue'; import SecurityReportDownloadDropdown from '~/vue_shared/security_reports/components/security_report_download_dropdown.vue'; import { REPORT_TYPE_SAST, REPORT_TYPE_SECRET_DETECTION, } from '~/vue_shared/security_reports/constants'; import securityReportMergeRequestDownloadPathsQuery from '~/vue_shared/security_reports/queries/security_report_merge_request_download_paths.query.graphql'; import SecurityReportsApp from '~/vue_shared/security_reports/security_reports_app.vue'; jest.mock('~/flash'); Vue.use(VueApollo); Vue.use(Vuex); const SAST_COMPARISON_PATH = '/sast.json'; const SECRET_SCANNING_COMPARISON_PATH = '/secret_detection.json'; describe('Security reports app', () => { let wrapper; const props = { pipelineId: 123, projectId: 456, securityReportsDocsPath: '/docs', discoverProjectSecurityPath: '/discoverProjectSecurityPath', }; const createComponent = (options) => { wrapper = mount( SecurityReportsApp, merge( { propsData: { ...props }, stubs: { HelpIcon: true, }, }, options, ), ); }; const pendingHandler = () => new Promise(() => {}); const successHandler = () => Promise.resolve({ data: securityReportMergeRequestDownloadPathsQueryResponse }); const successEmptyHandler = () => Promise.resolve({ data: securityReportMergeRequestDownloadPathsQueryNoArtifactsResponse }); const failureHandler = () => Promise.resolve({ errors: [{ message: 'some error' }] }); const createMockApolloProvider = (handler) => { const requestHandlers = [[securityReportMergeRequestDownloadPathsQuery, handler]]; return createMockApollo(requestHandlers); }; const findDownloadDropdown = () => wrapper.find(SecurityReportDownloadDropdown); const findHelpIconComponent = () => wrapper.find(HelpIcon); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('given the artifacts query is loading', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ apolloProvider: createMockApolloProvider(pendingHandler), }); }); // TODO: Remove this assertion as part of // it('initially renders nothing', () => { expect(wrapper.html()).toBe(''); }); }); describe('given the artifacts query loads successfully', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ apolloProvider: createMockApolloProvider(successHandler), }); }); it('renders the download dropdown', () => { expect(findDownloadDropdown().props()).toEqual(expectedDownloadDropdownProps); }); it('renders the expected message', () => { expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(SecurityReportsApp.i18n.scansHaveRun); }); it('renders a help link', () => { expect(findHelpIconComponent().props()).toEqual({ helpPath: props.securityReportsDocsPath, discoverProjectSecurityPath: props.discoverProjectSecurityPath, }); }); }); describe('given the artifacts query loads successfully with no artifacts', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ apolloProvider: createMockApolloProvider(successEmptyHandler), }); }); // TODO: Remove this assertion as part of // it('initially renders nothing', () => { expect(wrapper.html()).toBe(''); }); }); describe('given the artifacts query fails', () => { beforeEach(() => { createComponent({ apolloProvider: createMockApolloProvider(failureHandler), }); }); it('calls createFlash correctly', () => { expect(createFlash).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ message: SecurityReportsApp.i18n.apiError, captureError: true, error: expect.any(Error), }); }); // TODO: Remove this assertion as part of // it('renders nothing', () => { expect(wrapper.html()).toBe(''); }); }); describe('given the coreSecurityMrWidgetCounts feature flag is enabled', () => { let mock; const createComponentWithFlagEnabled = (options) => createComponent( merge(options, { provide: { glFeatures: { coreSecurityMrWidgetCounts: true, }, }, apolloProvider: createMockApolloProvider(successHandler), }), ); beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); const SAST_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = 'Security scanning detected 1 potential vulnerability 1 Critical 0 High and 0 Others'; const SECRET_SCANNING_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = 'Security scanning detected 2 potential vulnerabilities 1 Critical 1 High and 0 Others'; describe.each` reportType | pathProp | path | successResponse | successMessage ${REPORT_TYPE_SAST} | ${'sastComparisonPath'} | ${SAST_COMPARISON_PATH} | ${sastDiffSuccessMock} | ${SAST_SUCCESS_MESSAGE} ${REPORT_TYPE_SECRET_DETECTION} | ${'secretScanningComparisonPath'} | ${SECRET_SCANNING_COMPARISON_PATH} | ${secretScanningDiffSuccessMock} | ${SECRET_SCANNING_SUCCESS_MESSAGE} `( 'given a $pathProp and $reportType artifact', ({ pathProp, path, successResponse, successMessage }) => { describe('when loading', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios, { delayResponse: 1 }); mock.onGet(path).replyOnce(200, successResponse); createComponentWithFlagEnabled({ propsData: { [pathProp]: path, }, }); return waitForPromises(); }); it('should have loading message', () => { expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('Security scanning is loading'); }); it('renders the download dropdown', () => { expect(findDownloadDropdown().props()).toEqual(expectedDownloadDropdownProps); }); }); describe('when successfully loaded', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock.onGet(path).replyOnce(200, successResponse); createComponentWithFlagEnabled({ propsData: { [pathProp]: path, }, }); return waitForPromises(); }); it('should show counts', () => { expect(trimText(wrapper.text())).toContain(successMessage); }); it('renders the download dropdown', () => { expect(findDownloadDropdown().props()).toEqual(expectedDownloadDropdownProps); }); }); describe('when an error occurs', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock.onGet(path).replyOnce(500); createComponentWithFlagEnabled({ propsData: { [pathProp]: path, }, }); return waitForPromises(); }); it('should show error message', () => { expect(trimText(wrapper.text())).toContain('Loading resulted in an error'); }); it('renders the download dropdown', () => { expect(findDownloadDropdown().props()).toEqual(expectedDownloadDropdownProps); }); }); describe('when the comparison endpoint is not provided', () => { beforeEach(() => { mock.onGet(path).replyOnce(500); createComponentWithFlagEnabled(); return waitForPromises(); }); it('renders the basic scansHaveRun message', () => { expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(SecurityReportsApp.i18n.scansHaveRun); }); }); }, ); }); });