// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Webhook push events form editor component Different push events rules when editing existing hook with "all_branches" strategy selected 1`] = `
All branches
Wildcard pattern
Regular expression
`; exports[`Webhook push events form editor component Different push events rules when editing existing hook with "regex" strategy selected 1`] = `
All branches
Wildcard pattern
Regular expression

`; exports[`Webhook push events form editor component Different push events rules when editing existing hook with "wildcard" strategy selected 1`] = `
All branches
Wildcard pattern

Regular expression
`; exports[`Webhook push events form editor component Different push events rules when editing new hook all_branches should be selected by default 1`] = `
All branches
Wildcard pattern
Regular expression
`; exports[`Webhook push events form editor component Different push events rules when editing new hook should be able to set regex rule 1`] = `
All branches
Wildcard pattern
Regular expression

`; exports[`Webhook push events form editor component Different push events rules when editing new hook should be able to set wildcard rule 1`] = `
All branches
Wildcard pattern

Regular expression