# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe CookiesHelper do describe '#set_secure_cookie' do it 'creates an encrypted cookie with expected attributes' do stub_config_setting(https: true) expiration = 1.month.from_now key = :secure_cookie value = 'secure value' expect_next_instance_of(ActionDispatch::Cookies::EncryptedKeyRotatingCookieJar) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:[]=).with(key, httponly: true, secure: true, expires: expiration, value: value) end helper.set_secure_cookie(key, value, httponly: true, expires: expiration, type: CookiesHelper::COOKIE_TYPE_ENCRYPTED) end it 'creates a permanent cookie with expected attributes' do key = :permanent_cookie value = 'permanent value' expect_next_instance_of(ActionDispatch::Cookies::PermanentCookieJar) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:[]=).with(key, httponly: false, secure: false, expires: nil, value: value) end helper.set_secure_cookie(key, value, type: CookiesHelper::COOKIE_TYPE_PERMANENT) end it 'creates a regular cookie with expected attributes' do key = :regular_cookie value = 'regular value' expect_next_instance_of(ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:[]=).with(key, httponly: false, secure: false, expires: nil, value: value) end helper.set_secure_cookie(key, value) end end end