# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe TabHelper do include ApplicationHelper describe 'gl_tabs_nav' do it 'creates a tabs navigation' do expect(helper.gl_tabs_nav).to match(%r{}) end it 'captures block output' do expect(helper.gl_tabs_nav { "block content" }).to match(/block content/) end it 'adds custom class' do expect(helper.gl_tabs_nav(class: 'my-class' )).to match(/class=".*my-class.*"/) end end describe 'gl_tab_link_to' do before do allow(helper).to receive(:current_page?).and_return(false) end it 'creates a tab' do expect(helper.gl_tab_link_to('Link', '/url')).to eq('') end it 'creates a tab with block output' do expect(helper.gl_tab_link_to('/url') { 'block content' }).to match(/block content/) end it 'creates a tab with custom classes for enclosing list item without content block provided' do expect(helper.gl_tab_link_to('Link', '/url', { tab_class: 'my-class' })).to match(/
  • /) expect(helper.nav_link(html_options: { class: 'active' })).to match(/
  • /) end where(:controller_param, :action_param, :path_param, :active) do nil | nil | nil | false :foo | nil | nil | true :bar | nil | nil | false :bar | :foo | nil | false :foo | :bar | nil | false :foo | :foo | nil | true :bar | nil | 'foo#foo' | true :bar | nil | ['foo#foo', 'bar#bar'] | true :bar | :bar | ['foo#foo', 'bar#bar'] | true :foo | nil | 'bar#foo' | true :bar | nil | 'bar#foo' | false :foo | [:foo, :bar] | 'bar#foo' | true :bar | :bar | 'foo#foo' | true :foo | :foo | 'bar#foo' | true :bar | :foo | 'bar#foo' | false :foo | :bar | 'bar#foo' | false [:foo, :bar] | nil | nil | true [:foo, :bar] | nil | 'bar#foo' | true [:foo, :bar] | :foo | 'bar#foo' | true nil | :foo | nil | true nil | :bar | nil | false nil | nil | 'foo#bar' | false nil | nil | 'foo#foo' | true nil | :bar | ['foo#foo', 'bar#bar'] | true nil | :bar | 'foo#foo' | true nil | :foo | 'bar#foo' | true nil | [:foo, :bar] | nil | true nil | [:foo, :bar] | 'bar#foo' | true nil | :bar | 'bar#foo' | false end with_them do specify do result = helper.nav_link(controller: controller_param, action: action_param, path: path_param) expect(result.include?('active')).to eq(active) end end where(:page, :excluded_page, :active) do nil | nil | false '_some_page_' | nil | true '_some_page_' | '_excluded_page_' | true '_some_page_' | '_some_page_' | false end with_them do specify do allow(helper).to receive(:route_matches_pages?).and_return(page.present?, page == excluded_page) result = helper.nav_link(page: page, exclude_page: excluded_page) expect(result.include?('active')).to eq(active) end end context 'with namespace in path notation' do before do allow(controller).to receive(:controller_path).and_return('bar/foo') end where(:controller_param, :action_param, :path_param, :active) do 'foo/foo' | nil | nil | false 'bar/foo' | nil | nil | true 'foo/foo' | :foo | nil | false 'bar/foo' | :bar | nil | false 'bar/foo' | :foo | nil | true nil | nil | 'foo/foo#foo' | false nil | nil | 'bar/foo#foo' | true end with_them do specify do result = helper.nav_link(controller: controller_param, action: action_param, path: path_param) expect(result.include?('active')).to eq(active) end end end end describe 'gl_tab_counter_badge' do it 'creates a tab counter badge' do expect(helper.gl_tab_counter_badge(1)).to eq( '1' ) end context 'with extra classes' do it 'creates a tab counter badge with the correct class attribute' do expect(helper.gl_tab_counter_badge(1, { class: 'js-test' })).to eq( '1' ) end end context 'with data attributes' do it 'creates a tab counter badge with the data attributes' do expect(helper.gl_tab_counter_badge(1, { data: { some_attribute: 'foo' } })).to eq( '1' ) end end end end