# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe 'lograge', type: :request do let(:headers) { { 'X-Request-ID' => 'new-correlation-id' } } context 'for API requests' do subject { get("/api/v4/endpoint", params: {}, headers: headers) } it 'logs to api_json log' do # we assert receiving parameters by grape logger expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::GrapeLogging::Formatters::LogrageWithTimestamp).to receive(:call) .with(anything, anything, anything, a_hash_including("correlation_id" => "new-correlation-id")) .and_call_original subject end end context 'for Controller requests' do subject { get("/", params: {}, headers: headers) } it 'logs to production_json log' do # formatter receives a hash with correlation id expect(Lograge.formatter).to receive(:call) .with(a_hash_including("correlation_id" => "new-correlation-id")) .and_call_original # a log file receives a line with correlation id expect(Lograge.logger).to receive(:send) .with(anything, include('"correlation_id":"new-correlation-id"')) .and_call_original subject end end end