require('~/extensions/array'); require('~/filtered_search/dropdown_utils'); require('~/filtered_search/filtered_search_tokenizer'); require('~/filtered_search/filtered_search_dropdown_manager'); (() => { describe('Dropdown Utils', () => { describe('getEscapedText', () => { it('should return same word when it has no space', () => { const escaped = gl.DropdownUtils.getEscapedText('textWithoutSpace'); expect(escaped).toBe('textWithoutSpace'); }); it('should escape with double quotes', () => { let escaped = gl.DropdownUtils.getEscapedText('text with space'); expect(escaped).toBe('"text with space"'); escaped = gl.DropdownUtils.getEscapedText('won\'t fix'); expect(escaped).toBe('"won\'t fix"'); }); it('should escape with single quotes', () => { const escaped = gl.DropdownUtils.getEscapedText('won"t fix'); expect(escaped).toBe('\'won"t fix\''); }); it('should escape with single quotes by default', () => { const escaped = gl.DropdownUtils.getEscapedText('won"t\' fix'); expect(escaped).toBe('\'won"t\' fix\''); }); }); describe('filterWithSymbol', () => { let input; const item = { title: '@root', }; beforeEach(() => { setFixtures(` `); input = document.getElementById('test'); }); it('should filter without symbol', () => { input.value = ':roo'; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('@', input, item); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); it('should filter with symbol', () => { input.value = '@roo'; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('@', input, item); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); it('should filter with colon', () => { input.value = 'roo'; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('@', input, item); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); describe('filters multiple word title', () => { const multipleWordItem = { title: 'Community Contributions', }; it('should filter with double quote', () => { input.value = 'label:"'; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('~', input, multipleWordItem); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); it('should filter with double quote and symbol', () => { input.value = 'label:~"'; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('~', input, multipleWordItem); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); it('should filter with double quote and multiple words', () => { input.value = 'label:"community con'; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('~', input, multipleWordItem); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); it('should filter with double quote, symbol and multiple words', () => { input.value = 'label:~"community con'; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('~', input, multipleWordItem); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); it('should filter with single quote', () => { input.value = 'label:\''; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('~', input, multipleWordItem); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); it('should filter with single quote and symbol', () => { input.value = 'label:~\''; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('~', input, multipleWordItem); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); it('should filter with single quote and multiple words', () => { input.value = 'label:\'community con'; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('~', input, multipleWordItem); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); it('should filter with single quote, symbol and multiple words', () => { input.value = 'label:~\'community con'; const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterWithSymbol('~', input, multipleWordItem); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('filterHint', () => { let input; beforeEach(() => { setFixtures(` `); input = document.getElementById('test'); }); it('should filter', () => { input.value = 'l'; let updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterHint(input, { hint: 'label', }); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); input.value = 'o'; updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterHint(input, { hint: 'label', }, 'o'); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(true); }); it('should return droplab_hidden false when item has no hint', () => { const updatedItem = gl.DropdownUtils.filterHint(input, {}, ''); expect(updatedItem.droplab_hidden).toBe(false); }); }); describe('setDataValueIfSelected', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(gl.FilteredSearchDropdownManager, 'addWordToInput') .and.callFake(() => {}); }); it('calls addWordToInput when dataValue exists', () => { const selected = { getAttribute: () => 'value', }; gl.DropdownUtils.setDataValueIfSelected(null, selected); expect(gl.FilteredSearchDropdownManager.addWordToInput.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it('returns true when dataValue exists', () => { const selected = { getAttribute: () => 'value', }; const result = gl.DropdownUtils.setDataValueIfSelected(null, selected); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it('returns false when dataValue does not exist', () => { const selected = { getAttribute: () => null, }; const result = gl.DropdownUtils.setDataValueIfSelected(null, selected); expect(result).toBe(false); }); }); describe('getInputSelectionPosition', () => { describe('word with trailing spaces', () => { const value = 'label:none '; it('should return selectionStart when cursor is at the trailing space', () => { const { left, right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition({ selectionStart: 11, value, }); expect(left).toBe(11); expect(right).toBe(11); }); it('should return input when cursor is at the start of input', () => { const { left, right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition({ selectionStart: 0, value, }); expect(left).toBe(0); expect(right).toBe(10); }); it('should return input when cursor is at the middle of input', () => { const { left, right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition({ selectionStart: 7, value, }); expect(left).toBe(0); expect(right).toBe(10); }); it('should return input when cursor is at the end of input', () => { const { left, right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition({ selectionStart: 10, value, }); expect(left).toBe(0); expect(right).toBe(10); }); }); describe('multiple words', () => { const value = 'label:~"Community Contribution"'; it('should return input when cursor is after the first word', () => { const { left, right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition({ selectionStart: 17, value, }); expect(left).toBe(0); expect(right).toBe(31); }); it('should return input when cursor is before the second word', () => { const { left, right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition({ selectionStart: 18, value, }); expect(left).toBe(0); expect(right).toBe(31); }); }); describe('incomplete multiple words', () => { const value = 'label:~"Community Contribution'; it('should return entire input when cursor is at the start of input', () => { const { left, right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition({ selectionStart: 0, value, }); expect(left).toBe(0); expect(right).toBe(30); }); it('should return entire input when cursor is at the end of input', () => { const { left, right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition({ selectionStart: 30, value, }); expect(left).toBe(0); expect(right).toBe(30); }); }); }); }); })();