import mutations from '~/ide/stores/mutations/file'; import state from '~/ide/stores/state'; import { file } from '../../helpers'; describe('Multi-file store file mutations', () => { let localState; let localFile; beforeEach(() => { localState = state(); localFile = file(); localState.entries[localFile.path] = localFile; }); describe('SET_FILE_ACTIVE', () => { it('sets the file active', () => { mutations.SET_FILE_ACTIVE(localState, { path: localFile.path, active: true, }); expect(; }); }); describe('TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN', () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations.TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN(localState, localFile.path); }); it('adds into opened files', () => { expect(localFile.opened).toBeTruthy(); expect(localState.openFiles.length).toBe(1); }); it('removes from opened files', () => { mutations.TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN(localState, localFile.path); expect(localFile.opened).toBeFalsy(); expect(localState.openFiles.length).toBe(0); }); }); describe('SET_FILE_DATA', () => { it('sets extra file data', () => { mutations.SET_FILE_DATA(localState, { data: { blame_path: 'blame', commits_path: 'commits', permalink: 'permalink', raw_path: 'raw', binary: true, render_error: 'render_error', }, file: localFile, }); expect(localFile.blamePath).toBe('blame'); expect(localFile.commitsPath).toBe('commits'); expect(localFile.permalink).toBe('permalink'); expect(localFile.rawPath).toBe('raw'); expect(localFile.binary).toBeTruthy(); expect(localFile.renderError).toBe('render_error'); }); }); describe('SET_FILE_RAW_DATA', () => { it('sets raw data', () => { mutations.SET_FILE_RAW_DATA(localState, { file: localFile, raw: 'testing', }); expect(localFile.raw).toBe('testing'); }); }); describe('UPDATE_FILE_CONTENT', () => { beforeEach(() => { localFile.raw = 'test'; }); it('sets content', () => { mutations.UPDATE_FILE_CONTENT(localState, { path: localFile.path, content: 'test', }); expect(localFile.content).toBe('test'); }); it('sets changed if content does not match raw', () => { mutations.UPDATE_FILE_CONTENT(localState, { path: localFile.path, content: 'testing', }); expect(localFile.content).toBe('testing'); expect(localFile.changed).toBeTruthy(); }); it('sets changed if file is a temp file', () => { localFile.tempFile = true; mutations.UPDATE_FILE_CONTENT(localState, { path: localFile.path, content: '', }); expect(localFile.changed).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('DISCARD_FILE_CHANGES', () => { beforeEach(() => { localFile.content = 'test'; localFile.changed = true; }); it('resets content and changed', () => { mutations.DISCARD_FILE_CHANGES(localState, localFile.path); expect(localFile.content).toBe(''); expect(localFile.changed).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('ADD_FILE_TO_CHANGED', () => { it('adds file into changed files array', () => { mutations.ADD_FILE_TO_CHANGED(localState, localFile.path); expect(localState.changedFiles.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe('REMOVE_FILE_FROM_CHANGED', () => { it('removes files from changed files array', () => { localState.changedFiles.push(localFile); mutations.REMOVE_FILE_FROM_CHANGED(localState, localFile.path); expect(localState.changedFiles.length).toBe(0); }); }); describe('TOGGLE_FILE_CHANGED', () => { it('updates file changed status', () => { mutations.TOGGLE_FILE_CHANGED(localState, { file: localFile, changed: true, }); expect(localFile.changed).toBeTruthy(); }); }); });