require('~/sidebar'); (() => { describe('Project dashboard page', () => { let $pageWithSidebar = null; let $sidebarToggle = null; let sidebar = null; const fixtureTemplate = 'projects/dashboard.html.raw'; const assertSidebarStateExpanded = (shouldBeExpanded) => { expect(sidebar.isExpanded).toBe(shouldBeExpanded); expect($pageWithSidebar.hasClass('page-sidebar-expanded')).toBe(shouldBeExpanded); }; preloadFixtures(fixtureTemplate); beforeEach(() => { loadFixtures(fixtureTemplate); $pageWithSidebar = $('.page-with-sidebar'); $sidebarToggle = $('.toggle-nav-collapse'); // otherwise instantiating the Sidebar for the second time // won't do anything, as the Sidebar is a singleton class gl.Sidebar.singleton = null; sidebar = new gl.Sidebar(); }); it('can show the sidebar when the toggler is clicked', () => { assertSidebarStateExpanded(false); $; assertSidebarStateExpanded(true); }); it('should dismiss the sidebar when clone button clicked', () => { $; assertSidebarStateExpanded(true); const cloneButton = $('.project-clone-holder a.clone-dropdown-btn');; assertSidebarStateExpanded(false); }); it('should dismiss the sidebar when download button clicked', () => { $; assertSidebarStateExpanded(true); const downloadButton = $('.project-action-button .btn:has(i.fa-download)');; assertSidebarStateExpanded(false); }); it('should dismiss the sidebar when add button clicked', () => { $; assertSidebarStateExpanded(true); const addButton = $('.project-action-button .btn:has(i.fa-plus)');; assertSidebarStateExpanded(false); }); it('should dismiss the sidebar when notification button clicked', () => { $; assertSidebarStateExpanded(true); const notifButton = $('.js-notification-toggle-btns .notifications-btn');; assertSidebarStateExpanded(false); }); it('should dismiss the sidebar when clicking on the body', () => { $; assertSidebarStateExpanded(true); $('body').click(); assertSidebarStateExpanded(false); }); it('should dismiss the sidebar when clicking on the project description header', () => { $; assertSidebarStateExpanded(true); $('.project-home-panel').click(); assertSidebarStateExpanded(false); }); }); })();