import Vue from 'vue'; import mountComponent from 'spec/helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; import { trimText } from 'spec/helpers/text_helper'; import pipelineComponent from '~/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_pipeline.vue'; import mockData from '../mock_data'; describe('MRWidgetPipeline', () => { let vm; let Component; beforeEach(() => { Component = Vue.extend(pipelineComponent); }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); }); describe('computed', () => { describe('hasPipeline', () => { it('should return true when there is a pipeline', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockData.pipeline, ciStatus: 'success', hasCi: true, troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.hasPipeline).toEqual(true); }); it('should return false when there is no pipeline', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: {}, troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.hasPipeline).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('hasCIError', () => { it('should return false when there is no CI error', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockData.pipeline, hasCi: true, ciStatus: 'success', troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.hasCIError).toEqual(false); }); it('should return true when there is a CI error', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockData.pipeline, hasCi: true, ciStatus: null, troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.hasCIError).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('coverageDeltaClass', () => { it('should return no class if there is no coverage change', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockData.pipeline, pipelineCoverageDelta: '0', troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.coverageDeltaClass).toEqual(''); }); it('should return text-success if the coverage increased', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockData.pipeline, pipelineCoverageDelta: '10', troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.coverageDeltaClass).toEqual('text-success'); }); it('should return text-danger if the coverage decreased', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockData.pipeline, pipelineCoverageDelta: '-12', troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.coverageDeltaClass).toEqual('text-danger'); }); }); }); describe('rendered output', () => { it('should render CI error', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockData.pipeline, hasCi: true, troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.media-body').textContent.trim()).toContain( 'Could not retrieve the pipeline status. For troubleshooting steps, read the documentation.', ); }); it('should render CI error when no pipeline is provided', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: {}, hasCi: true, ciStatus: 'success', troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.media-body').textContent.trim()).toContain( 'Could not retrieve the pipeline status. For troubleshooting steps, read the documentation.', ); }); it('should render CI error when no CI is provided and pipeline must succeed is turned on', () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: {}, hasCi: false, pipelineMustSucceed: true, troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.media-body').textContent.trim()).toContain( 'No pipeline has been run for this commit.', ); }); describe('with a pipeline', () => { beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockData.pipeline, hasCi: true, ciStatus: 'success', pipelineCoverageDelta: mockData.pipelineCoverageDelta, troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); }); it('should render pipeline ID', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.pipeline-id').textContent.trim()).toEqual( `#${}`, ); }); it('should render pipeline status and commit id', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.media-body').textContent.trim()).toContain( mockData.pipeline.details.status.label, ); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-commit-link').textContent.trim()).toEqual( mockData.pipeline.commit.short_id, ); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-commit-link').getAttribute('href')).toEqual( mockData.pipeline.commit.commit_path, ); }); it('should render pipeline graph', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.mr-widget-pipeline-graph')).toBeDefined(); expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.stage-container').length).toEqual( mockData.pipeline.details.stages.length, ); }); it('should render coverage information', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.media-body').textContent).toContain( `Coverage ${mockData.pipeline.coverage}`, ); }); it('should render pipeline coverage delta information', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-pipeline-coverage-delta.text-danger')).toBeDefined(); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-pipeline-coverage-delta').textContent).toContain( `(${mockData.pipelineCoverageDelta}%)`, ); }); }); describe('without commit path', () => { beforeEach(() => { const mockCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mockData)); delete mockCopy.pipeline.commit; vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockCopy.pipeline, hasCi: true, ciStatus: 'success', troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); }); it('should render pipeline ID', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.pipeline-id').textContent.trim()).toEqual( `#${}`, ); }); it('should render pipeline status', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.media-body').textContent.trim()).toContain( mockData.pipeline.details.status.label, ); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-commit-link')).toBeNull(); }); it('should render pipeline graph', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.mr-widget-pipeline-graph')).toBeDefined(); expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.stage-container').length).toEqual( mockData.pipeline.details.stages.length, ); }); it('should render coverage information', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.media-body').textContent).toContain( `Coverage ${mockData.pipeline.coverage}`, ); }); }); describe('without coverage', () => { it('should not render a coverage', () => { const mockCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mockData)); delete mockCopy.pipeline.coverage; vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockCopy.pipeline, hasCi: true, ciStatus: 'success', troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.media-body').textContent).not.toContain('Coverage'); }); }); describe('without a pipeline graph', () => { it('should not render a pipeline graph', () => { const mockCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mockData)); delete mockCopy.pipeline.details.stages; vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline: mockCopy.pipeline, hasCi: true, ciStatus: 'success', troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', }); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-mini-pipeline-graph')).toEqual(null); }); }); describe('for each type of pipeline', () => { let pipeline; beforeEach(() => { ({ pipeline } = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mockData))); = 'Pipeline'; pipeline.merge_request_event_type = undefined; pipeline.ref.tag = false; pipeline.ref.branch = false; }); const factory = () => { vm = mountComponent(Component, { pipeline, hasCi: true, ciStatus: 'success', troubleshootingDocsPath: 'help', sourceBranchLink: mockData.source_branch_link, }); }; describe('for a branch pipeline', () => { it('renders a pipeline widget that reads "Pipeline for on "', () => { pipeline.ref.branch = true; factory(); const expected = `Pipeline #${} ${pipeline.details.status.label} for ${pipeline.commit.short_id} on ${mockData.source_branch_link}`; const actual = trimText(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-pipeline-info-container').innerText); expect(actual).toBe(expected); }); }); describe('for a tag pipeline', () => { it('renders a pipeline widget that reads "Pipeline for on "', () => { pipeline.ref.tag = true; factory(); const expected = `Pipeline #${} ${pipeline.details.status.label} for ${pipeline.commit.short_id}`; const actual = trimText(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-pipeline-info-container').innerText); expect(actual).toBe(expected); }); }); describe('for a detached merge request pipeline', () => { it('renders a pipeline widget that reads "Detached merge request pipeline for "', () => { = 'Detached merge request pipeline'; pipeline.merge_request_event_type = 'detached'; factory(); const expected = `Detached merge request pipeline #${} ${pipeline.details.status.label} for ${pipeline.commit.short_id}`; const actual = trimText(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-pipeline-info-container').innerText); expect(actual).toBe(expected); }); }); }); }); });