import Vue from 'vue'; import closedComponent from '~/vue_merge_request_widget/components/states/mr_widget_closed'; const mr = { targetBranch: 'good-branch', targetBranchPath: '/good-branch', closedEvent: { author: { name: 'Fatih Acet', username: 'fatihacet', }, updatedAt: 'closedEventUpdatedAt', formattedUpdatedAt: '', }, updatedAt: 'mrUpdatedAt', closedAt: '1 day ago', }; const createComponent = () => { const Component = Vue.extend(closedComponent); return new Component({ el: document.createElement('div'), propsData: { mr }, }); }; describe('MRWidgetClosed', () => { describe('props', () => { it('should have props', () => { const mrProp =; expect(mrProp.type instanceof Object).toBeTruthy(); expect(mrProp.required).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('components', () => { it('should have components added', () => { expect(closedComponent.components['mr-widget-author-and-time']).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('template', () => { let vm; let el; beforeEach(() => { vm = createComponent(); el = vm.$el; }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); }); it('should have correct elements', () => { expect(el.querySelector('h4').textContent).toContain('Closed by'); expect(el.querySelector('h4').textContent).toContain(; expect(el.textContent).toContain('The changes were not merged into'); expect(el.querySelector('.label-branch').getAttribute('href')).toEqual(mr.targetBranchPath); expect(el.querySelector('.label-branch').textContent).toContain(mr.targetBranch); }); it('should use closedEvent updatedAt as tooltip title', () => { expect( el.querySelector('time').getAttribute('title'), ).toBe('closedEventUpdatedAt'); }); }); });