import Vue from 'vue'; import SuggestionDiffComponent from '~/vue_shared/components/markdown/suggestion_diff.vue'; import { selectDiffLines } from '~/vue_shared/components/lib/utils/diff_utils'; const MOCK_DATA = { canApply: true, suggestion: { id: 1, diff_lines: [ { can_receive_suggestion: false, line_code: null, meta_data: null, new_line: null, old_line: 5, rich_text: '-test', text: '-test', type: 'old', }, { can_receive_suggestion: true, line_code: null, meta_data: null, new_line: 5, old_line: null, rich_text: '+new test', text: '+new test', type: 'new', }, { can_receive_suggestion: true, line_code: null, meta_data: null, new_line: 5, old_line: null, rich_text: '+new test2', text: '+new test2', type: 'new', }, ], }, helpPagePath: 'path_to_docs', }; const lines = selectDiffLines(MOCK_DATA.suggestion.diff_lines); const newLines = lines.filter(line => line.type === 'new'); describe('Suggestion Diff component', () => { let vm; beforeEach(done => { const Component = Vue.extend(SuggestionDiffComponent); vm = new Component({ propsData: MOCK_DATA, }).$mount(); Vue.nextTick(done); }); describe('init', () => { it('renders a suggestion header', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-suggestion-diff-header')).not.toBeNull(); }); it('renders a diff table with syntax highlighting', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.md-suggestion-diff.js-syntax-highlight.code')).not.toBeNull(); }); it('renders the oldLineNumber', () => { const fromLine = vm.$el.querySelector('.old_line').innerHTML; expect(parseInt(fromLine, 10)).toBe(lines[0].old_line); }); it('renders the oldLineContent', () => { const fromContent = vm.$el.querySelector('.line_content.old').innerHTML; expect(fromContent.includes(lines[0].text)).toBe(true); }); it('renders new lines', () => { const newLinesElements = vm.$el.querySelectorAll(''); newLinesElements.forEach((line, i) => { expect(newLinesElements[i].innerHTML.includes(newLines[i].new_line)).toBe(true); expect(newLinesElements[i].innerHTML.includes(newLines[i].text)).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('applySuggestion', () => { it('emits apply event when applySuggestion is called', () => { const callback = () => {}; spyOn(vm, '$emit'); vm.applySuggestion(callback); expect(vm.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('apply', { suggestionId:, callback }); }); }); });