# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Banzai::Filter::ServiceDeskUploadLinkFilter, feature_category: :service_desk do def filter(doc, contexts = {}) described_class.call(doc, contexts) end def link(path, text) %(#{text}) end let(:file_name) { 'test.jpg' } let(:secret) { 'e90decf88d8f96fe9e1389afc2e4a91f' } let(:upload_path) { "/uploads/#{secret}/#{file_name}" } let(:html_link) { link(upload_path, file_name) } context 'when replace_upload_links enabled' do context 'when it has only one attachment to replace' do let(:contexts) { { uploads_as_attachments: ["#{secret}/#{file_name}"] } } context 'when filename in text is same as in link' do it 'replaces the link with original filename in strong' do doc = filter(html_link, contexts) expect(doc.at_css('a')).to be_nil expect(doc.at_css('strong').text).to eq(file_name) end end context 'when filename in text is not same as in link' do let(:filename_in_text) { 'Custom name' } let(:html_link) { link(upload_path, filename_in_text) } it 'replaces the link with filename in text & original filename, in strong' do doc = filter(html_link, contexts) expect(doc.at_css('a')).to be_nil expect(doc.at_css('strong').text).to eq("#{filename_in_text} (#{file_name})") end end end context 'when it has more than one attachment to replace' do let(:file_name_1) { 'test1.jpg' } let(:secret_1) { '17817c73e368777e6f743392e334fb8a' } let(:upload_path_1) { "/uploads/#{secret_1}/#{file_name_1}" } let(:html_link_1) { link(upload_path_1, file_name_1) } context 'when all of uploads can be replaced' do let(:contexts) { { uploads_as_attachments: ["#{secret}/#{file_name}", "#{secret_1}/#{file_name_1}"] } } it 'replaces all links with original filename in strong' do doc = filter("#{html_link} #{html_link_1}", contexts) expect(doc.at_css('a')).to be_nil expect(doc.at_css("strong:contains('#{file_name}')")).not_to be_nil expect(doc.at_css("strong:contains('#{file_name_1}')")).not_to be_nil end end context 'when not all of uploads can be replaced' do let(:contexts) { { uploads_as_attachments: ["#{secret}/#{file_name}"] } } it 'replaces only specific links with original filename in strong' do doc = filter("#{html_link} #{html_link_1}", contexts) expect(doc.at_css("strong:contains('#{file_name}')")).not_to be_nil expect(doc.at_css("a:contains('#{file_name_1}')")).not_to be_nil end end end end context 'when uploads_as_attachments is empty' do let(:contexts) { { uploads_as_attachments: [] } } it 'does not replaces the link' do doc = filter(html_link, contexts) expect(doc.at_css('a')).not_to be_nil expect(doc.at_css('a')['href']).to eq upload_path end end end