require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::PrepareUntrackedUploads, :sidekiq do include TrackUntrackedUploadsHelpers let!(:untracked_files_for_uploads) { described_class::UntrackedFile } matcher :be_scheduled_migration do |*expected| match do |migration| do |job| job['args'] == [migration, expected] end end failure_message do |migration| "Migration `#{migration}` with args `#{expected.inspect}` not scheduled!" end end before do drop_temp_table_if_exists end after do drop_temp_table_if_exists end around do |example| # Especially important so the follow-up migration does not get run Sidekiq::Testing.fake! do end end it 'ensures the untracked_files_for_uploads table exists' do expect do change { ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:untracked_files_for_uploads) }.from(false).to(true) end it 'has a path field long enough for really long paths' do component = 'a' * 255 long_path = [ 'uploads', component, # project.full_path component # filename ].flatten.join('/') record = untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: long_path) expect(record.reload.path.size).to eq(519) end context "test bulk insert with ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING or IGNORE" do around do |example| # If this is CI, we use Postgres 9.2 so this whole context should be # skipped since we're unable to use ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING or IGNORE. if end end context 'when files were uploaded before and after hashed storage was enabled' do let!(:appearance) { create_or_update_appearance(logo: uploaded_file, header_logo: uploaded_file) } let!(:user) { create(:user, :with_avatar) } let!(:project1) { create(:project, :with_avatar) } let(:project2) { create(:project) } # instantiate after enabling hashed_storage before do # Markdown upload before enabling hashed_storage, uploaded_file, FileUploader).execute stub_application_setting(hashed_storage_enabled: true) # Markdown upload after enabling hashed_storage, uploaded_file, FileUploader).execute end it 'adds unhashed files to the untracked_files_for_uploads table' do expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.count).to eq(5) end it 'adds files with paths relative to CarrierWave.root' do untracked_files_for_uploads.all.each do |file| expect(file.path.start_with?('uploads/')).to be_truthy end end it 'does not add hashed files to the untracked_files_for_uploads table' do hashed_file_path = project2.uploads.where(uploader: 'FileUploader').first.path expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.where("path like '%#{hashed_file_path}%'").exists?).to be_falsey end it 'correctly schedules the follow-up background migration jobs' do expect(described_class::FOLLOW_UP_MIGRATION).to be_scheduled_migration(1, 5) expect( eq(1) end # E.g. from a previous failed run of this background migration context 'when there is existing data in untracked_files_for_uploads' do before do end it 'does not error or produce duplicates of existing data' do expect do end.not_to change { untracked_files_for_uploads.count }.from(5) end end # E.g. The installation is in use at the time of migration, and someone has # just uploaded a file context 'when there are files in /uploads/tmp' do let(:tmp_file) { Rails.root.join(described_class::ABSOLUTE_UPLOAD_DIR, 'tmp', 'some_file.jpg') } before do FileUtils.touch(tmp_file) end after do FileUtils.rm(tmp_file) end it 'does not add files from /uploads/tmp' do expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.count).to eq(5) end end end end context 'test bulk insert without ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING or IGNORE' do before do # If this is CI, we use Postgres 9.2 so this stub has no effect. # # If this is being run on Postgres 9.5+ or MySQL, then this stub allows us # to test the bulk insert functionality without ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING or # IGNORE. allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:postgresql_pre_9_5?).and_return(true) end context 'when files were uploaded before and after hashed storage was enabled' do let!(:appearance) { create_or_update_appearance(logo: uploaded_file, header_logo: uploaded_file) } let!(:user) { create(:user, :with_avatar) } let!(:project1) { create(:project, :with_avatar) } let(:project2) { create(:project) } # instantiate after enabling hashed_storage before do # Markdown upload before enabling hashed_storage, uploaded_file, FileUploader).execute stub_application_setting(hashed_storage_enabled: true) # Markdown upload after enabling hashed_storage, uploaded_file, FileUploader).execute end it 'adds unhashed files to the untracked_files_for_uploads table' do expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.count).to eq(5) end it 'adds files with paths relative to CarrierWave.root' do untracked_files_for_uploads.all.each do |file| expect(file.path.start_with?('uploads/')).to be_truthy end end it 'does not add hashed files to the untracked_files_for_uploads table' do hashed_file_path = project2.uploads.where(uploader: 'FileUploader').first.path expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.where("path like '%#{hashed_file_path}%'").exists?).to be_falsey end it 'correctly schedules the follow-up background migration jobs' do expect(described_class::FOLLOW_UP_MIGRATION).to be_scheduled_migration(1, 5) expect( eq(1) end # E.g. from a previous failed run of this background migration context 'when there is existing data in untracked_files_for_uploads' do before do end it 'does not error or produce duplicates of existing data' do expect do end.not_to change { untracked_files_for_uploads.count }.from(5) end end # E.g. The installation is in use at the time of migration, and someone has # just uploaded a file context 'when there are files in /uploads/tmp' do let(:tmp_file) { Rails.root.join(described_class::ABSOLUTE_UPLOAD_DIR, 'tmp', 'some_file.jpg') } before do FileUtils.touch(tmp_file) end after do FileUtils.rm(tmp_file) end it 'does not add files from /uploads/tmp' do expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.count).to eq(5) end end end end # Very new or lightly-used installations that are running this migration # may not have an upload directory because they have no uploads. context 'when no files were ever uploaded' do it 'does not add to the untracked_files_for_uploads table (and does not raise error)' do expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.count).to eq(0) end end end