# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Checks::ContainerMoved, :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :wiki_repo, namespace: user.namespace) } let(:repository) { project.repository } let(:protocol) { 'http' } let(:git_user) { user } let(:redirect_path) { 'foo/bar' } subject { described_class.new(repository, git_user, protocol, redirect_path) } describe '.fetch_message' do let(:key) { "redirect_namespace:#{user.id}:#{project.repository.gl_repository}" } let(:legacy_key) { "redirect_namespace:#{user.id}:#{project.id}" } context 'with a redirect message queue' do before do subject.add_message end it 'returns the redirect message' do expect(described_class.fetch_message(user, project.repository)).to eq(subject.message) end it 'deletes the redirect message from redis' do expect(Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with { |redis| redis.get(key) }).not_to be_nil described_class.fetch_message(user, project.repository) expect(Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with { |redis| redis.get(key) }).to be_nil end context 'with a message in the legacy key' do before do Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| redis.set(legacy_key, 'legacy message') end end it 'returns and deletes the legacy message' do expect(Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with { |redis| redis.get(key) }).not_to be_nil expect(Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with { |redis| redis.get(legacy_key) }).not_to be_nil expect(described_class.fetch_message(user, project.repository)).to eq('legacy message') expect(Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with { |redis| redis.get(key) }).to be_nil expect(Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with { |redis| redis.get(legacy_key) }).to be_nil end end end context 'with no redirect message queue' do it 'returns nil' do expect(described_class.fetch_message(user, project.repository)).to be_nil end end end describe '#add_message' do it 'queues a redirect message' do expect(subject.add_message).to eq("OK") end context 'when user is nil' do let(:git_user) { nil } it 'handles anonymous clones' do expect(subject.add_message).to be_nil end end end describe '#message' do shared_examples 'errors per protocol' do shared_examples 'returns redirect message' do it do message = <<~MSG #{container_label} '#{redirect_path}' was moved to '#{repository.container.full_path}'. Please update your Git remote: git remote set-url origin #{url_to_repo} MSG expect(subject.message).to eq(message) end end context 'when protocol is http' do it_behaves_like 'returns redirect message' do let(:url_to_repo) { http_url_to_repo } end end context 'when protocol is ssh' do let(:protocol) { 'ssh' } it_behaves_like 'returns redirect message' do let(:url_to_repo) { ssh_url_to_repo } end end end context 'with project' do it_behaves_like 'errors per protocol' do let(:container_label) { 'Project' } let(:http_url_to_repo) { project.http_url_to_repo } let(:ssh_url_to_repo) { project.ssh_url_to_repo } end end context 'with wiki' do let(:repository) { project.wiki.repository } it_behaves_like 'errors per protocol' do let(:container_label) { 'Project wiki' } let(:http_url_to_repo) { project.wiki.http_url_to_repo } let(:ssh_url_to_repo) { project.wiki.ssh_url_to_repo } end end context 'with project snippet' do let_it_be(:snippet) { create(:project_snippet, :repository, project: project, author: user) } let(:repository) { snippet.repository } it_behaves_like 'errors per protocol' do let(:container_label) { 'Project snippet' } let(:http_url_to_repo) { snippet.http_url_to_repo } let(:ssh_url_to_repo) { snippet.ssh_url_to_repo } end end context 'with personal snippet' do let_it_be(:snippet) { create(:personal_snippet, :repository, author: user) } let(:repository) { snippet.repository } it_behaves_like 'errors per protocol' do let(:container_label) { 'Personal snippet' } let(:http_url_to_repo) { snippet.http_url_to_repo } let(:ssh_url_to_repo) { snippet.ssh_url_to_repo } end end end end