require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Expression::Lexeme::String do describe '.build' do it 'creates a new instance of the token' do expect('"my string"')) .to be_a(described_class) end end describe '.type' do it 'is a value lexeme' do expect(described_class.type).to eq :value end end describe '.scan' do context 'when using double quotes' do it 'correctly identifies string token' do scanner ='"some string"') token = described_class.scan(scanner) expect(token).not_to be_nil expect( eq 'some string' end end context 'when using single quotes' do it 'correctly identifies string token' do scanner ="'some string 2'") token = described_class.scan(scanner) expect(token).not_to be_nil expect( eq 'some string 2' end end context 'when there are mixed quotes in the string' do it 'is a greedy scanner for double quotes' do scanner ='"some string" "and another one"') token = described_class.scan(scanner) expect(token).not_to be_nil expect( eq 'some string' end it 'is a greedy scanner for single quotes' do scanner ="'some string' 'and another one'") token = described_class.scan(scanner) expect(token).not_to be_nil expect( eq 'some string' end it 'allows to use single quotes inside double quotes' do scanner ="some ' string")) token = described_class.scan(scanner) expect(token).not_to be_nil expect( eq "some ' string" end it 'allow to use double quotes inside single quotes' do scanner ='some " string')) token = described_class.scan(scanner) expect(token).not_to be_nil expect( eq 'some " string' end it 'allows to use an empty string inside single quotes' do scanner ='')) token = described_class.scan(scanner) expect( eq '' end it 'allow to use an empty string inside double quotes' do scanner ="")) token = described_class.scan(scanner) expect( eq '' end end end describe '#evaluate' do it 'returns string value if it is present' do string ='my string') expect(string.evaluate).to eq 'my string' end it 'returns an empty string if it is empty' do string ='') expect(string.evaluate).to eq '' end end end