# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Seed::Stage do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project) } let(:previous_stages) { [] } let(:attributes) do { name: 'test', index: 0, builds: [{ name: 'rspec' }, { name: 'spinach' }, { name: 'deploy', only: { refs: ['feature'] } }] } end subject do described_class.new(pipeline, attributes, previous_stages) end describe '#size' do it 'returns a number of jobs in the stage' do expect(subject.size).to eq 2 end end describe '#attributes' do it 'returns hash attributes of a stage' do expect(subject.attributes).to be_a Hash expect(subject.attributes) .to include(:name, :position, :pipeline, :project) end end describe '#included?' do context 'when it contains builds seeds' do let(:attributes) do { name: 'test', index: 0, builds: [{ name: 'deploy', only: { refs: ['master'] } }] } end it { is_expected.to be_included } end context 'when it does not contain build seeds' do let(:attributes) do { name: 'test', index: 0, builds: [{ name: 'deploy', only: { refs: ['feature'] } }] } end it { is_expected.not_to be_included } end end describe '#seeds' do it 'returns build seeds' do expect(subject.seeds).to all(be_a Gitlab::Ci::Pipeline::Seed::Build) end it 'returns build seeds including valid attributes' do expect(subject.seeds.size).to eq 2 expect(subject.seeds.map(&:attributes)).to all(include(ref: 'master')) expect(subject.seeds.map(&:attributes)).to all(include(tag: false)) expect(subject.seeds.map(&:attributes)).to all(include(project: pipeline.project)) end context 'when a legacy trigger exists' do before do create(:ci_trigger_request, pipeline: pipeline) end it 'returns build seeds including legacy trigger' do expect(pipeline.legacy_trigger).not_to be_nil expect(subject.seeds.map(&:attributes)) .to all(include(trigger_request: pipeline.legacy_trigger)) end end context 'when a ref is protected' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:protected_for?).and_return(true) end it 'returns protected builds' do expect(subject.seeds.map(&:attributes)).to all(include(protected: true)) end end context 'when a ref is not protected' do before do allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:protected_for?).and_return(false) end it 'returns unprotected builds' do expect(subject.seeds.map(&:attributes)).to all(include(protected: false)) end end it 'filters seeds using only/except policies' do expect(subject.seeds.map(&:attributes)).to satisfy do |seeds| seeds.any? { |hash| hash.fetch(:name) == 'rspec' } end expect(subject.seeds.map(&:attributes)).not_to satisfy do |seeds| seeds.any? { |hash| hash.fetch(:name) == 'deploy' } end end end describe '#seeds_names' do it 'returns all job names' do expect(subject.seeds_names).to contain_exactly( 'rspec', 'spinach') end it 'returns a set' do expect(subject.seeds_names).to be_a(Set) end end describe '#seeds_errors' do it 'returns all errors from seeds' do expect(subject.seeds.first) .to receive(:errors) { ["build error"] } expect(subject.errors).to contain_exactly( "build error") end end describe '#to_resource' do it 'builds a valid stage object with all builds' do subject.to_resource.save! expect(pipeline.reload.stages.count).to eq 1 expect(pipeline.reload.builds.count).to eq 2 expect(pipeline.builds).to all(satisfy { |job| job.stage_id.present? }) expect(pipeline.builds).to all(satisfy { |job| job.pipeline.present? }) expect(pipeline.builds).to all(satisfy { |job| job.project.present? }) expect(pipeline.stages) .to all(satisfy { |stage| stage.pipeline.present? }) expect(pipeline.stages) .to all(satisfy { |stage| stage.project.present? }) end it 'can not be persisted without explicit pipeline assignment' do stage = subject.to_resource pipeline.save! expect(stage).not_to be_persisted expect(pipeline.reload.stages.count).to eq 0 expect(pipeline.reload.builds.count).to eq 0 end end end