# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Cleanup::OrphanJobArtifactFiles do let(:null_logger) { Logger.new('/dev/null') } subject(:cleanup) { described_class.new(logger: null_logger) } before do allow(null_logger).to receive(:info) end it 'passes on dry_run' do expect(Gitlab::Cleanup::OrphanJobArtifactFilesBatch) .to receive(:new) .with(dry_run: false, batch_size: anything, logger: anything) .at_least(:once) .and_call_original described_class.new(dry_run: false).run! end it 'errors when invalid niceness is given' do allow(Gitlab::Utils).to receive(:which).with('ionice').and_return('/fake/ionice') cleanup = described_class.new(logger: null_logger, niceness: 'FooBar') expect { cleanup.run! }.to raise_error('Invalid niceness') end it 'passes correct arguments to ionice' do allow(Gitlab::Utils).to receive(:which).with('ionice').and_return('/fake/ionice') expect(Open3).to receive(:popen3).with('/fake/ionice', '-c', any_args) cleanup.run! end it 'finds job artifacts on disk' do artifact = create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive) artifact_directory = artifact.file.relative_path.to_s.split('/')[0...6].join('/') cleaned = [] expect(cleanup).to receive(:find_artifacts).and_wrap_original do |original_method, *args, &block| original_method.call(*args) { |dir| cleaned << dir } end cleanup.run! expect(cleaned).to include(/#{artifact_directory}/) end it 'does not find pipeline artifacts on disk' do artifact = create(:ci_pipeline_artifact, :with_coverage_report) # using 0...6 to match the -min/maxdepth 6 strictly, since this is one directory # deeper than job artifacts, and .dirname would not match artifact_directory = artifact.file.relative_path.to_s.split('/')[0...6].join('/') expect(cleanup).to receive(:find_artifacts).and_wrap_original do |original_method, *args, &block| # this can either _not_ yield at all, or yield with any other file # except the one that we're explicitly excluding original_method.call(*args) { |path| expect(path).not_to match(artifact_directory) } end cleanup.run! end it 'stops when limit is reached' do stub_env('LIMIT', 1) cleanup = described_class.new mock_artifacts_found(cleanup, 'tmp/foo/bar/1', 'tmp/foo/bar/2') cleanup.run! expect(cleanup.total_found).to eq(1) end it 'cleans even if batch is not full' do mock_artifacts_found(cleanup, 'tmp/foo/bar/1') expect(cleanup).to receive(:clean_batch!).and_call_original cleanup.run! end it 'cleans in batches' do stub_const("#{described_class.name}::BATCH_SIZE", 2) mock_artifacts_found(cleanup, 'tmp/foo/bar/1', 'tmp/foo/bar/2', 'tmp/foo/bar/3') expect(cleanup).to receive(:clean_batch!).twice.and_call_original cleanup.run! end def mock_artifacts_found(cleanup, *files) mock = allow(cleanup).to receive(:find_artifacts) # Because we shell out to run `find -L ...`, each file actually # contains a trailing newline files.each { |file| mock.and_yield("#{file}\n") } end end