# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fast_spec_helper' require 'webmock/rspec' require 'gitlab/danger/roulette' describe Gitlab::Danger::Roulette do let(:backend_maintainer) do { username: 'backend-maintainer', name: 'Backend maintainer', role: 'Backend engineer', projects: { 'gitlab' => 'maintainer backend' } } end let(:frontend_reviewer) do { username: 'frontend-reviewer', name: 'Frontend reviewer', role: 'Frontend engineer', projects: { 'gitlab' => 'reviewer frontend' } } end let(:frontend_maintainer) do { username: 'frontend-maintainer', name: 'Frontend maintainer', role: 'Frontend engineer', projects: { 'gitlab' => "maintainer frontend" } } end let(:software_engineer_in_test) do { username: 'software-engineer-in-test', name: 'Software Engineer in Test', role: 'Software Engineer in Test, Create:Source Code', projects: { 'gitlab' => 'reviewer qa', 'gitlab-qa' => 'maintainer' } } end let(:engineering_productivity_reviewer) do { username: 'eng-prod-reviewer', name: 'EP engineer', role: 'Engineering Productivity', projects: { 'gitlab' => 'reviewer backend' } } end let(:teammate_json) do [ backend_maintainer, frontend_maintainer, frontend_reviewer, software_engineer_in_test, engineering_productivity_reviewer ].to_json end subject(:roulette) { Object.new.extend(described_class) } def matching_teammate(person) satisfy do |teammate| teammate.username == person[:username] && teammate.name == person[:name] && teammate.role == person[:role] && teammate.projects == person[:projects] end end def matching_spin(category, reviewer: { username: nil }, maintainer: { username: nil }, optional: nil) satisfy do |spin| spin.category == category && spin.reviewer&.username == reviewer[:username] && spin.maintainer&.username == maintainer[:username] && spin.optional_role == optional end end describe '#spin' do let!(:project) { 'gitlab' } let!(:branch_name) { 'a-branch' } let!(:mr_labels) { ['backend', 'devops::create'] } let!(:author) { Gitlab::Danger::Teammate.new('username' => 'filipa') } before do [ backend_maintainer, frontend_reviewer, frontend_maintainer, software_engineer_in_test, engineering_productivity_reviewer ].each do |person| stub_person_status(instance_double(Gitlab::Danger::Teammate, username: person[:username]), message: 'making GitLab magic') end WebMock .stub_request(:get, described_class::ROULETTE_DATA_URL) .to_return(body: teammate_json) allow(subject).to receive_message_chain(:gitlab, :mr_author).and_return(author.username) allow(subject).to receive_message_chain(:gitlab, :mr_labels).and_return(mr_labels) end context 'when change contains backend category' do it 'assigns backend reviewer and maintainer' do categories = [:backend] spins = subject.spin(project, categories, branch_name) expect(spins).to contain_exactly(matching_spin(:backend, reviewer: engineering_productivity_reviewer, maintainer: backend_maintainer)) end end context 'when change contains frontend category' do it 'assigns frontend reviewer and maintainer' do categories = [:frontend] spins = subject.spin(project, categories, branch_name) expect(spins).to contain_exactly(matching_spin(:frontend, reviewer: frontend_reviewer, maintainer: frontend_maintainer)) end end context 'when change contains QA category' do it 'assigns QA reviewer and sets optional QA maintainer' do categories = [:qa] spins = subject.spin(project, categories, branch_name) expect(spins).to contain_exactly(matching_spin(:qa, reviewer: software_engineer_in_test, optional: :maintainer)) end end context 'when change contains Engineering Productivity category' do it 'assigns Engineering Productivity reviewer and fallback to backend maintainer' do categories = [:engineering_productivity] spins = subject.spin(project, categories, branch_name) expect(spins).to contain_exactly(matching_spin(:engineering_productivity, reviewer: engineering_productivity_reviewer, maintainer: backend_maintainer)) end end context 'when change contains test category' do it 'assigns corresponding SET and sets optional test maintainer' do categories = [:test] spins = subject.spin(project, categories, branch_name) expect(spins).to contain_exactly(matching_spin(:test, reviewer: software_engineer_in_test, optional: :maintainer)) end end end describe '#team' do subject(:team) { roulette.team } context 'HTTP failure' do before do WebMock .stub_request(:get, described_class::ROULETTE_DATA_URL) .to_return(status: 404) end it 'raises a pretty error' do expect { team }.to raise_error(/Failed to read/) end end context 'JSON failure' do before do WebMock .stub_request(:get, described_class::ROULETTE_DATA_URL) .to_return(body: 'INVALID JSON') end it 'raises a pretty error' do expect { team }.to raise_error(/Failed to parse/) end end context 'success' do before do WebMock .stub_request(:get, described_class::ROULETTE_DATA_URL) .to_return(body: teammate_json) end it 'returns an array of teammates' do expected_teammates = [ matching_teammate(backend_maintainer), matching_teammate(frontend_reviewer), matching_teammate(frontend_maintainer), matching_teammate(software_engineer_in_test), matching_teammate(engineering_productivity_reviewer) ] is_expected.to contain_exactly(*expected_teammates) end it 'memoizes the result' do expect(team.object_id).to eq(roulette.team.object_id) end end end describe '#project_team' do subject { roulette.project_team('gitlab-qa') } before do WebMock .stub_request(:get, described_class::ROULETTE_DATA_URL) .to_return(body: teammate_json) end it 'filters team by project_name' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(matching_teammate(software_engineer_in_test)) end end describe '#spin_for_person' do let(:person1) { Gitlab::Danger::Teammate.new('username' => 'rymai') } let(:person2) { Gitlab::Danger::Teammate.new('username' => 'godfat') } let(:author) { Gitlab::Danger::Teammate.new('username' => 'filipa') } let(:ooo) { Gitlab::Danger::Teammate.new('username' => 'jacopo-beschi') } let(:no_capacity) { Gitlab::Danger::Teammate.new('username' => 'uncharged') } before do stub_person_status(person1, message: 'making GitLab magic') stub_person_status(person2, message: 'making GitLab magic') stub_person_status(ooo, message: 'OOO till 15th') stub_person_status(no_capacity, message: 'At capacity for the next few days', emoji: 'red_circle') # we don't stub Filipa, as she is the author and # we should not fire request checking for her allow(subject).to receive_message_chain(:gitlab, :mr_author).and_return(author.username) end it 'returns a random person' do persons = [person1, person2] selected = subject.spin_for_person(persons, random: Random.new) expect(selected.username).to be_in(persons.map(&:username)) end it 'excludes OOO persons' do expect(subject.spin_for_person([ooo], random: Random.new)).to be_nil end it 'excludes mr.author' do expect(subject.spin_for_person([author], random: Random.new)).to be_nil end it 'excludes person with no capacity' do expect(subject.spin_for_person([no_capacity], random: Random.new)).to be_nil end end private def stub_person_status(person, message: 'dummy message', emoji: 'unicorn') body = { message: message, emoji: emoji }.to_json WebMock .stub_request(:get, "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/users/#{person.username}/status") .to_return(body: body) end end