# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::LoadBalancer, :request_store do let(:pool) { Gitlab::Database.create_connection_pool(2) } let(:conflict_error) { Class.new(RuntimeError) } let(:lb) { described_class.new(%w(localhost localhost)) } before do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:create_connection_pool) .and_return(pool) stub_const( 'Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::LoadBalancer::PG::TRSerializationFailure', conflict_error ) end def raise_and_wrap(wrapper, original) raise original rescue original.class raise wrapper, 'boop' end def wrapped_exception(wrapper, original) raise_and_wrap(wrapper, original.new) rescue wrapper => error error end def twice_wrapped_exception(top, middle, original) begin raise_and_wrap(middle, original.new) rescue middle => middle_error raise_and_wrap(top, middle_error) end rescue top => top_error top_error end describe '#read' do it 'yields a connection for a read' do connection = double(:connection) host = double(:host) allow(lb).to receive(:host).and_return(host) allow(host).to receive(:query_cache_enabled).and_return(true) expect(host).to receive(:connection).and_return(connection) expect { |b| lb.read(&b) }.to yield_with_args(connection) end it 'ensures that query cache is enabled' do connection = double(:connection) host = double(:host) allow(lb).to receive(:host).and_return(host) allow(host).to receive(:query_cache_enabled).and_return(false) allow(host).to receive(:connection).and_return(connection) expect(host).to receive(:enable_query_cache!).once lb.read { 10 } end it 'marks hosts that are offline' do allow(lb).to receive(:connection_error?).and_return(true) expect(lb.host_list.hosts[0]).to receive(:offline!) expect(lb).to receive(:release_host) raised = false returned = lb.read do unless raised raised = true raise end 10 end expect(returned).to eq(10) end it 'retries a query in the event of a serialization failure' do raised = false expect(lb).to receive(:release_host) returned = lb.read do unless raised raised = true raise conflict_error end 10 end expect(returned).to eq(10) end it 'retries every host at most 3 times when a query conflict is raised' do expect(lb).to receive(:release_host).exactly(6).times expect(lb).to receive(:read_write) lb.read { raise conflict_error } end it 'uses the primary if no secondaries are available' do allow(lb).to receive(:connection_error?).and_return(true) expect(lb.host_list.hosts).to all(receive(:online?).and_return(false)) expect(lb).to receive(:read_write).and_call_original expect { |b| lb.read(&b) } .to yield_with_args(ActiveRecord::Base.retrieve_connection) end end describe '#read_write' do it 'yields a connection for a write' do expect { |b| lb.read_write(&b) } .to yield_with_args(ActiveRecord::Base.retrieve_connection) end it 'uses a retry with exponential backoffs' do expect(lb).to receive(:retry_with_backoff).and_yield lb.read_write { 10 } end end describe '#db_role_for_connection' do context 'when the load balancer creates the connection with #read' do it 'returns :replica' do role = nil lb.read do |connection| role = lb.db_role_for_connection(connection) end expect(role).to be(:replica) end end context 'when the load balancer uses nested #read' do it 'returns :replica' do roles = [] lb.read do |connection_1| lb.read do |connection_2| roles << lb.db_role_for_connection(connection_2) end roles << lb.db_role_for_connection(connection_1) end expect(roles).to eq([:replica, :replica]) end end context 'when the load balancer creates the connection with #read_write' do it 'returns :primary' do role = nil lb.read_write do |connection| role = lb.db_role_for_connection(connection) end expect(role).to be(:primary) end end context 'when the load balancer uses nested #read_write' do it 'returns :primary' do roles = [] lb.read_write do |connection_1| lb.read_write do |connection_2| roles << lb.db_role_for_connection(connection_2) end roles << lb.db_role_for_connection(connection_1) end expect(roles).to eq([:primary, :primary]) end end context 'when the load balancer falls back the connection creation to primary' do it 'returns :primary' do allow(lb).to receive(:serialization_failure?).and_return(true) role = nil raised = 7 # 2 hosts = 6 retries lb.read do |connection| if raised > 0 raised -= 1 raise end role = lb.db_role_for_connection(connection) end expect(role).to be(:primary) end end context 'when the load balancer uses replica after recovery from a failure' do it 'returns :replica' do allow(lb).to receive(:connection_error?).and_return(true) role = nil raised = false lb.read do |connection| unless raised raised = true raise end role = lb.db_role_for_connection(connection) end expect(role).to be(:replica) end end context 'when the connection comes from a pool managed by the host list' do it 'returns :replica' do connection = double(:connection) allow(connection).to receive(:pool).and_return(lb.host_list.hosts.first.pool) expect(lb.db_role_for_connection(connection)).to be(:replica) end end context 'when the connection comes from the primary pool' do it 'returns :primary' do connection = double(:connection) allow(connection).to receive(:pool).and_return(ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool) expect(lb.db_role_for_connection(connection)).to be(:primary) end end context 'when the connection does not come from any known pool' do it 'returns nil' do connection = double(:connection) pool = double(:connection_pool) allow(connection).to receive(:pool).and_return(pool) expect(lb.db_role_for_connection(connection)).to be(nil) end end end describe '#host' do it 'returns the secondary host to use' do expect(lb.host).to be_an_instance_of(Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::Host) end it 'stores the host in a thread-local variable' do RequestStore.delete(described_class::CACHE_KEY) RequestStore.delete(described_class::VALID_HOSTS_CACHE_KEY) expect(lb.host_list).to receive(:next).once.and_call_original lb.host lb.host end end describe '#release_host' do it 'releases the host and its connection' do host = lb.host expect(host).to receive(:disable_query_cache!) lb.release_host expect(RequestStore[described_class::CACHE_KEY]).to be_nil expect(RequestStore[described_class::VALID_HOSTS_CACHE_KEY]).to be_nil end end describe '#release_primary_connection' do it 'releases the connection to the primary' do expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool).to receive(:release_connection) lb.release_primary_connection end end describe '#primary_write_location' do it 'returns a String in the right format' do expect(lb.primary_write_location).to match(%r{[A-F0-9]{1,8}/[A-F0-9]{1,8}}) end it 'raises an error if the write location could not be retrieved' do connection = double(:connection) allow(lb).to receive(:read_write).and_yield(connection) allow(connection).to receive(:select_all).and_return([]) expect { lb.primary_write_location }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe '#retry_with_backoff' do it 'returns the value returned by the block' do value = lb.retry_with_backoff { 10 } expect(value).to eq(10) end it 're-raises errors not related to database connections' do expect(lb).not_to receive(:sleep) # to make sure we're not retrying expect { lb.retry_with_backoff { raise 'boop' } } .to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it 'retries the block when a connection error is raised' do allow(lb).to receive(:connection_error?).and_return(true) expect(lb).to receive(:sleep).with(2) expect(lb).to receive(:release_primary_connection) raised = false returned = lb.retry_with_backoff do unless raised raised = true raise end 10 end expect(returned).to eq(10) end it 're-raises the connection error if the retries did not succeed' do allow(lb).to receive(:connection_error?).and_return(true) expect(lb).to receive(:sleep).with(2).ordered expect(lb).to receive(:sleep).with(4).ordered expect(lb).to receive(:sleep).with(16).ordered expect(lb).to receive(:release_primary_connection).exactly(3).times expect { lb.retry_with_backoff { raise } }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe '#connection_error?' do before do stub_const('Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::LoadBalancer::CONNECTION_ERRORS', [NotImplementedError]) end it 'returns true for a connection error' do error = NotImplementedError.new expect(lb.connection_error?(error)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for a wrapped connection error' do wrapped = wrapped_exception(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid, NotImplementedError) expect(lb.connection_error?(wrapped)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for a wrapped connection error from a view' do wrapped = wrapped_exception(ActionView::Template::Error, NotImplementedError) expect(lb.connection_error?(wrapped)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for deeply wrapped/nested errors' do top = twice_wrapped_exception(ActionView::Template::Error, ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid, NotImplementedError) expect(lb.connection_error?(top)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for an invalid encoding error' do error = RuntimeError.new('invalid encoding name: unicode') expect(lb.connection_error?(error)).to eq(true) end it 'returns false for errors not related to database connections' do error = RuntimeError.new expect(lb.connection_error?(error)).to eq(false) end end describe '#serialization_failure?' do let(:conflict_error) { Class.new(RuntimeError) } before do stub_const( 'Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::LoadBalancer::PG::TRSerializationFailure', conflict_error ) end it 'returns for a serialization error' do expect(lb.serialization_failure?(conflict_error.new)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for a wrapped error' do wrapped = wrapped_exception(ActionView::Template::Error, conflict_error) expect(lb.serialization_failure?(wrapped)).to eq(true) end end describe '#select_caught_up_hosts' do let(:location) { 'AB/12345'} let(:hosts) { lb.host_list.hosts } let(:valid_host_list) { RequestStore[described_class::VALID_HOSTS_CACHE_KEY] } let(:valid_hosts) { valid_host_list.hosts } subject { lb.select_caught_up_hosts(location) } context 'when all replicas are caught up' do before do expect(hosts).to all(receive(:caught_up?).with(location).and_return(true)) end it 'returns true and sets all hosts to valid' do expect(subject).to be true expect(valid_host_list).to be_a(Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::HostList) expect(valid_hosts).to contain_exactly(*hosts) end end context 'when none of the replicas are caught up' do before do expect(hosts).to all(receive(:caught_up?).with(location).and_return(false)) end it 'returns false and does not set the valid hosts' do expect(subject).to be false expect(valid_host_list).to be_nil end end context 'when one of the replicas is caught up' do before do expect(hosts[0]).to receive(:caught_up?).with(location).and_return(false) expect(hosts[1]).to receive(:caught_up?).with(location).and_return(true) end it 'returns true and sets one host to valid' do expect(subject).to be true expect(valid_host_list).to be_a(Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::HostList) expect(valid_hosts).to contain_exactly(hosts[1]) end it 'host always returns the caught-up replica' do subject 3.times do expect(lb.host).to eq(hosts[1]) RequestStore.delete(described_class::CACHE_KEY) end end end end describe '#select_up_to_date_host' do let(:location) { 'AB/12345'} let(:hosts) { lb.host_list.hosts } let(:set_host) { RequestStore[described_class::CACHE_KEY] } subject { lb.select_up_to_date_host(location) } context 'when none of the replicas are caught up' do before do expect(hosts).to all(receive(:caught_up?).with(location).and_return(false)) end it 'returns false and does not update the host thread-local variable' do expect(subject).to be false expect(set_host).to be_nil end end context 'when any of the replicas is caught up' do before do # `allow` for non-caught up host, because we may not even check it, if will find the caught up one earlier allow(hosts[0]).to receive(:caught_up?).with(location).and_return(false) expect(hosts[1]).to receive(:caught_up?).with(location).and_return(true) end it 'returns true and sets host thread-local variable' do expect(subject).to be true expect(set_host).to eq(hosts[1]) end end end end