require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers, lib: true do let(:model) do Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers ) end before { allow(model).to receive(:puts) } describe '#add_concurrent_index' do context 'outside a transaction' do before do expect(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) unless Gitlab::Database.postgresql? allow_any_instance_of(Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers).to receive(:disable_statement_timeout) end end context 'using PostgreSQL' do before { expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(true) } it 'creates the index concurrently' do expect(model).to receive(:add_index). with(:users, :foo, algorithm: :concurrently) model.add_concurrent_index(:users, :foo) end it 'creates unique index concurrently' do expect(model).to receive(:add_index). with(:users, :foo, { algorithm: :concurrently, unique: true }) model.add_concurrent_index(:users, :foo, unique: true) end end context 'using MySQL' do it 'creates a regular index' do expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(false) expect(model).to receive(:add_index). with(:users, :foo, {}) model.add_concurrent_index(:users, :foo) end end end context 'inside a transaction' do it 'raises RuntimeError' do expect(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(true) expect { model.add_concurrent_index(:users, :foo) }. to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end describe '#update_column_in_batches' do before do create_list(:empty_project, 5) end it 'updates all the rows in a table' do model.update_column_in_batches(:projects, :import_error, 'foo') expect(Project.where(import_error: 'foo').count).to eq(5) end it 'updates boolean values correctly' do model.update_column_in_batches(:projects, :archived, true) expect(Project.where(archived: true).count).to eq(5) end context 'when a block is supplied' do it 'yields an Arel table and query object to the supplied block' do first_id = model.update_column_in_batches(:projects, :archived, true) do |t, query| query.where(t[:id].eq(first_id)) end expect(Project.where(archived: true).count).to eq(1) end end end describe '#add_column_with_default' do context 'outside of a transaction' do context 'when a column limit is not set' do before do expect(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) expect(model).to receive(:transaction).and_yield expect(model).to receive(:add_column). with(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: nil) expect(model).to receive(:change_column_default). with(:projects, :foo, 10) end it 'adds the column while allowing NULL values' do expect(model).to receive(:update_column_in_batches). with(:projects, :foo, 10) expect(model).not_to receive(:change_column_null) model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10, allow_null: true) end it 'adds the column while not allowing NULL values' do expect(model).to receive(:update_column_in_batches). with(:projects, :foo, 10) expect(model).to receive(:change_column_null). with(:projects, :foo, false) model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10) end it 'removes the added column whenever updating the rows fails' do expect(model).to receive(:update_column_in_batches). with(:projects, :foo, 10). and_raise(RuntimeError) expect(model).to receive(:remove_column). with(:projects, :foo) expect do model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10) raise_error(RuntimeError) end it 'removes the added column whenever changing a column NULL constraint fails' do expect(model).to receive(:change_column_null). with(:projects, :foo, false). and_raise(RuntimeError) expect(model).to receive(:remove_column). with(:projects, :foo) expect do model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10) raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context 'when a column limit is set' do it 'adds the column with a limit' do allow(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) allow(model).to receive(:transaction).and_yield allow(model).to receive(:update_column_in_batches).with(:projects, :foo, 10) allow(model).to receive(:change_column_null).with(:projects, :foo, false) allow(model).to receive(:change_column_default).with(:projects, :foo, 10) expect(model).to receive(:add_column). with(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: nil, limit: 8) model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10, limit: 8) end end end context 'inside a transaction' do it 'raises RuntimeError' do expect(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(true) expect do model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10) raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end end