require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers, lib: true do let(:model) do Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers ) end before { allow(model).to receive(:puts) } describe '#add_concurrent_index' do context 'outside a transaction' do before do allow(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) end context 'using PostgreSQL' do before do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(true) allow(model).to receive(:disable_statement_timeout) end it 'creates the index concurrently' do expect(model).to receive(:add_index). with(:users, :foo, algorithm: :concurrently) model.add_concurrent_index(:users, :foo) end it 'creates unique index concurrently' do expect(model).to receive(:add_index). with(:users, :foo, { algorithm: :concurrently, unique: true }) model.add_concurrent_index(:users, :foo, unique: true) end end context 'using MySQL' do it 'creates a regular index' do expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(false) expect(model).to receive(:add_index). with(:users, :foo, {}) model.add_concurrent_index(:users, :foo) end end end context 'inside a transaction' do it 'raises RuntimeError' do expect(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(true) expect { model.add_concurrent_index(:users, :foo) }. to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end describe '#remove_concurrent_index' do context 'outside a transaction' do before do allow(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) end context 'using PostgreSQL' do before do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(true) allow(model).to receive(:disable_statement_timeout) end it 'removes the index concurrently' do expect(model).to receive(:remove_index). with(:users, { algorithm: :concurrently, column: :foo }) model.remove_concurrent_index(:users, :foo) end end context 'using MySQL' do it 'removes an index' do expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(false) expect(model).to receive(:remove_index). with(:users, { column: :foo }) model.remove_concurrent_index(:users, :foo) end end end context 'inside a transaction' do it 'raises RuntimeError' do expect(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(true) expect { model.remove_concurrent_index(:users, :foo) }. to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end describe '#add_concurrent_foreign_key' do context 'inside a transaction' do it 'raises an error' do expect(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(true) expect do model.add_concurrent_foreign_key(:projects, :users, column: :user_id) raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context 'outside a transaction' do before do allow(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) end context 'using MySQL' do it 'creates a regular foreign key' do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:mysql?).and_return(true) expect(model).to receive(:add_foreign_key). with(:projects, :users, column: :user_id, on_delete: :cascade) model.add_concurrent_foreign_key(:projects, :users, column: :user_id) end end context 'using PostgreSQL' do before do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:mysql?).and_return(false) end it 'creates a concurrent foreign key' do expect(model).to receive(:disable_statement_timeout) expect(model).to receive(:execute).ordered.with(/NOT VALID/) expect(model).to receive(:execute).ordered.with(/VALIDATE CONSTRAINT/) model.add_concurrent_foreign_key(:projects, :users, column: :user_id) end end end end describe '#concurrent_foreign_key_name' do it 'returns the name for a foreign key' do name = model.concurrent_foreign_key_name(:this_is_a_very_long_table_name, :with_a_very_long_column_name) expect(name).to be_an_instance_of(String) expect(name.length).to eq(13) end end describe '#disable_statement_timeout' do context 'using PostgreSQL' do it 'disables statement timeouts' do expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(true) expect(model).to receive(:execute).with('SET statement_timeout TO 0') model.disable_statement_timeout end end context 'using MySQL' do it 'does nothing' do expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(false) expect(model).not_to receive(:execute) model.disable_statement_timeout end end end describe '#true_value' do context 'using PostgreSQL' do before do expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(true) end it 'returns the appropriate value' do expect(model.true_value).to eq("'t'") end end context 'using MySQL' do before do expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(false) end it 'returns the appropriate value' do expect(model.true_value).to eq(1) end end end describe '#false_value' do context 'using PostgreSQL' do before do expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(true) end it 'returns the appropriate value' do expect(model.false_value).to eq("'f'") end end context 'using MySQL' do before do expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(false) end it 'returns the appropriate value' do expect(model.false_value).to eq(0) end end end describe '#update_column_in_batches' do before do create_list(:empty_project, 5) end it 'updates all the rows in a table' do model.update_column_in_batches(:projects, :import_error, 'foo') expect(Project.where(import_error: 'foo').count).to eq(5) end it 'updates boolean values correctly' do model.update_column_in_batches(:projects, :archived, true) expect(Project.where(archived: true).count).to eq(5) end context 'when a block is supplied' do it 'yields an Arel table and query object to the supplied block' do first_id = model.update_column_in_batches(:projects, :archived, true) do |t, query| query.where(t[:id].eq(first_id)) end expect(Project.where(archived: true).count).to eq(1) end end end describe '#add_column_with_default' do context 'outside of a transaction' do context 'when a column limit is not set' do before do expect(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) expect(model).to receive(:transaction).and_yield expect(model).to receive(:add_column). with(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: nil) expect(model).to receive(:change_column_default). with(:projects, :foo, 10) end it 'adds the column while allowing NULL values' do expect(model).to receive(:update_column_in_batches). with(:projects, :foo, 10) expect(model).not_to receive(:change_column_null) model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10, allow_null: true) end it 'adds the column while not allowing NULL values' do expect(model).to receive(:update_column_in_batches). with(:projects, :foo, 10) expect(model).to receive(:change_column_null). with(:projects, :foo, false) model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10) end it 'removes the added column whenever updating the rows fails' do expect(model).to receive(:update_column_in_batches). with(:projects, :foo, 10). and_raise(RuntimeError) expect(model).to receive(:remove_column). with(:projects, :foo) expect do model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10) raise_error(RuntimeError) end it 'removes the added column whenever changing a column NULL constraint fails' do expect(model).to receive(:change_column_null). with(:projects, :foo, false). and_raise(RuntimeError) expect(model).to receive(:remove_column). with(:projects, :foo) expect do model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10) raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context 'when a column limit is set' do it 'adds the column with a limit' do allow(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) allow(model).to receive(:transaction).and_yield allow(model).to receive(:update_column_in_batches).with(:projects, :foo, 10) allow(model).to receive(:change_column_null).with(:projects, :foo, false) allow(model).to receive(:change_column_default).with(:projects, :foo, 10) expect(model).to receive(:add_column). with(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: nil, limit: 8) model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10, limit: 8) end end end context 'inside a transaction' do it 'raises RuntimeError' do expect(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(true) expect do model.add_column_with_default(:projects, :foo, :integer, default: 10) raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end describe '#rename_column_concurrently' do context 'in a transaction' do it 'raises RuntimeError' do allow(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(true) expect { model.rename_column_concurrently(:users, :old, :new) }. to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context 'outside a transaction' do let(:old_column) do double(:column, type: :integer, limit: 8, default: 0, null: false, precision: 5, scale: 1) end let(:trigger_name) { model.rename_trigger_name(:users, :old, :new) } before do allow(model).to receive(:transaction_open?).and_return(false) allow(model).to receive(:column_for).and_return(old_column) # Since MySQL and PostgreSQL use different quoting styles we'll just # stub the methods used for this to make testing easier. allow(model).to receive(:quote_column_name) { |name| name.to_s } allow(model).to receive(:quote_table_name) { |name| name.to_s } end context 'using MySQL' do it 'renames a column concurrently' do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(false) expect(model).to receive(:install_rename_triggers_for_mysql). with(trigger_name, 'users', 'old', 'new') expect(model).to receive(:add_column). with(:users, :new, :integer, limit: old_column.limit, default: old_column.default, null: old_column.null, precision: old_column.precision, scale: old_column.scale) expect(model).to receive(:update_column_in_batches) expect(model).to receive(:copy_indexes).with(:users, :old, :new) expect(model).to receive(:copy_foreign_keys).with(:users, :old, :new) model.rename_column_concurrently(:users, :old, :new) end end context 'using PostgreSQL' do it 'renames a column concurrently' do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(true) expect(model).to receive(:install_rename_triggers_for_postgresql). with(trigger_name, 'users', 'old', 'new') expect(model).to receive(:add_column). with(:users, :new, :integer, limit: old_column.limit, default: old_column.default, null: old_column.null, precision: old_column.precision, scale: old_column.scale) expect(model).to receive(:update_column_in_batches) expect(model).to receive(:copy_indexes).with(:users, :old, :new) expect(model).to receive(:copy_foreign_keys).with(:users, :old, :new) model.rename_column_concurrently(:users, :old, :new) end end end end describe '#cleanup_concurrent_column_rename' do it 'cleans up the renaming procedure for PostgreSQL' do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(true) expect(model).to receive(:remove_rename_triggers_for_postgresql). with(:users, /trigger_.{12}/) expect(model).to receive(:remove_column).with(:users, :old) model.cleanup_concurrent_column_rename(:users, :old, :new) end it 'cleans up the renaming procedure for MySQL' do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:postgresql?).and_return(false) expect(model).to receive(:remove_rename_triggers_for_mysql). with(/trigger_.{12}/) expect(model).to receive(:remove_column).with(:users, :old) model.cleanup_concurrent_column_rename(:users, :old, :new) end end describe '#change_column_type_concurrently' do it 'changes the column type' do expect(model).to receive(:rename_column_concurrently). with('users', 'username', 'username_for_type_change', type: :text) model.change_column_type_concurrently('users', 'username', :text) end end describe '#cleanup_concurrent_column_type_change' do it 'cleans up the type changing procedure' do expect(model).to receive(:cleanup_concurrent_column_rename). with('users', 'username', 'username_for_type_change') expect(model).to receive(:rename_column). with('users', 'username_for_type_change', 'username') model.cleanup_concurrent_column_type_change('users', 'username') end end describe '#install_rename_triggers_for_postgresql' do it 'installs the triggers for PostgreSQL' do expect(model).to receive(:execute). with(/CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo()/m) expect(model).to receive(:execute). with(/CREATE TRIGGER foo/m) model.install_rename_triggers_for_postgresql('foo', :users, :old, :new) end end describe '#install_rename_triggers_for_mysql' do it 'installs the triggers for MySQL' do expect(model).to receive(:execute). with(/CREATE TRIGGER foo_insert.+ON users/m) expect(model).to receive(:execute). with(/CREATE TRIGGER foo_update.+ON users/m) model.install_rename_triggers_for_mysql('foo', :users, :old, :new) end end describe '#remove_rename_triggers_for_postgresql' do it 'removes the function and trigger' do expect(model).to receive(:execute).with('DROP TRIGGER foo ON bar') expect(model).to receive(:execute).with('DROP FUNCTION foo()') model.remove_rename_triggers_for_postgresql('bar', 'foo') end end describe '#remove_rename_triggers_for_mysql' do it 'removes the triggers' do expect(model).to receive(:execute).with('DROP TRIGGER foo_insert') expect(model).to receive(:execute).with('DROP TRIGGER foo_update') model.remove_rename_triggers_for_mysql('foo') end end describe '#rename_trigger_name' do it 'returns a String' do expect(model.rename_trigger_name(:users, :foo, :bar)). to match(/trigger_.{12}/) end end describe '#indexes_for' do it 'returns the indexes for a column' do idx1 = double(:idx, columns: %w(project_id)) idx2 = double(:idx, columns: %w(user_id)) allow(model).to receive(:indexes).with('table').and_return([idx1, idx2]) expect(model.indexes_for('table', :user_id)).to eq([idx2]) end end describe '#foreign_keys_for' do it 'returns the foreign keys for a column' do fk1 = double(:fk, column: 'project_id') fk2 = double(:fk, column: 'user_id') allow(model).to receive(:foreign_keys).with('table').and_return([fk1, fk2]) expect(model.foreign_keys_for('table', :user_id)).to eq([fk2]) end end describe '#copy_indexes' do context 'using a regular index using a single column' do it 'copies the index' do index = double(:index, columns: %w(project_id), name: 'index_on_issues_project_id', using: nil, where: nil, opclasses: {}, unique: false, lengths: [], orders: []) allow(model).to receive(:indexes_for).with(:issues, 'project_id'). and_return([index]) expect(model).to receive(:add_concurrent_index). with(:issues, %w(gl_project_id), unique: false, name: 'index_on_issues_gl_project_id', length: [], order: []) model.copy_indexes(:issues, :project_id, :gl_project_id) end end context 'using a regular index with multiple columns' do it 'copies the index' do index = double(:index, columns: %w(project_id foobar), name: 'index_on_issues_project_id_foobar', using: nil, where: nil, opclasses: {}, unique: false, lengths: [], orders: []) allow(model).to receive(:indexes_for).with(:issues, 'project_id'). and_return([index]) expect(model).to receive(:add_concurrent_index). with(:issues, %w(gl_project_id foobar), unique: false, name: 'index_on_issues_gl_project_id_foobar', length: [], order: []) model.copy_indexes(:issues, :project_id, :gl_project_id) end end context 'using an index with a WHERE clause' do it 'copies the index' do index = double(:index, columns: %w(project_id), name: 'index_on_issues_project_id', using: nil, where: 'foo', opclasses: {}, unique: false, lengths: [], orders: []) allow(model).to receive(:indexes_for).with(:issues, 'project_id'). and_return([index]) expect(model).to receive(:add_concurrent_index). with(:issues, %w(gl_project_id), unique: false, name: 'index_on_issues_gl_project_id', length: [], order: [], where: 'foo') model.copy_indexes(:issues, :project_id, :gl_project_id) end end context 'using an index with a USING clause' do it 'copies the index' do index = double(:index, columns: %w(project_id), name: 'index_on_issues_project_id', where: nil, using: 'foo', opclasses: {}, unique: false, lengths: [], orders: []) allow(model).to receive(:indexes_for).with(:issues, 'project_id'). and_return([index]) expect(model).to receive(:add_concurrent_index). with(:issues, %w(gl_project_id), unique: false, name: 'index_on_issues_gl_project_id', length: [], order: [], using: 'foo') model.copy_indexes(:issues, :project_id, :gl_project_id) end end context 'using an index with custom operator classes' do it 'copies the index' do index = double(:index, columns: %w(project_id), name: 'index_on_issues_project_id', using: nil, where: nil, opclasses: { 'project_id' => 'bar' }, unique: false, lengths: [], orders: []) allow(model).to receive(:indexes_for).with(:issues, 'project_id'). and_return([index]) expect(model).to receive(:add_concurrent_index). with(:issues, %w(gl_project_id), unique: false, name: 'index_on_issues_gl_project_id', length: [], order: [], opclasses: { 'gl_project_id' => 'bar' }) model.copy_indexes(:issues, :project_id, :gl_project_id) end end describe 'using an index of which the name does not contain the source column' do it 'raises RuntimeError' do index = double(:index, columns: %w(project_id), name: 'index_foobar_index', using: nil, where: nil, opclasses: {}, unique: false, lengths: [], orders: []) allow(model).to receive(:indexes_for).with(:issues, 'project_id'). and_return([index]) expect { model.copy_indexes(:issues, :project_id, :gl_project_id) }. to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end describe '#copy_foreign_keys' do it 'copies foreign keys from one column to another' do fk = double(:fk, from_table: 'issues', to_table: 'projects', on_delete: :cascade) allow(model).to receive(:foreign_keys_for).with(:issues, :project_id). and_return([fk]) expect(model).to receive(:add_concurrent_foreign_key). with('issues', 'projects', column: :gl_project_id, on_delete: :cascade) model.copy_foreign_keys(:issues, :project_id, :gl_project_id) end end describe '#column_for' do it 'returns a column object for an existing column' do column = model.column_for(:users, :id) expect( eq('id') end it 'returns nil when a column does not exist' do expect(model.column_for(:users, :kittens)).to be_nil end end describe '#replace_sql' do context 'using postgres' do before do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:mysql?).and_return(false) end it 'builds the sql with correct functions' do expect(model.replace_sql([:first_name], "Alice", "Eve").to_s). to include('regexp_replace') end end context 'using mysql' do before do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:mysql?).and_return(true) end it 'builds the sql with the correct functions' do expect(model.replace_sql([:first_name], "Alice", "Eve").to_s). to include('locate', 'insert') end end describe 'results' do let!(:user) { create(:user, name: 'Kathy Alice Aliceson') } it 'replaces the correct part of the string' do model.update_column_in_batches(:users, :name, model.replace_sql([:name], 'Alice', 'Eve')) expect( eq('Kathy Eve Aliceson') end end end end