# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Diff::Line do shared_examples 'line object initialized by hash' do it 'round-trips correctly with to_hash' do expect(described_class.safe_init_from_hash(line.to_hash).to_hash) .to eq(line.to_hash) end end let(:line) do described_class.new('', 'match', 0, 0, 1, parent_file: double(:file), line_code: double(:line_code), rich_text: rich_text) end let(:rich_text) { nil } describe '.init_from_hash' do let(:rich_text) { '<input>' } it_behaves_like 'line object initialized by hash' end describe '.safe_init_from_hash' do let(:rich_text) { '' } it_behaves_like 'line object initialized by hash' it 'ensures rich_text is HTML-safe' do expect(line.rich_text).not_to be_html_safe new_line = described_class.safe_init_from_hash(line.to_hash) expect(new_line.rich_text).to be_html_safe end context 'when given hash has no rich_text' do it_behaves_like 'line object initialized by hash' do let(:rich_text) { nil } end end end describe '#text' do let(:line) { described_class.new(raw_diff, 'new', 0, 0, 0) } let(:raw_diff) { '+Hello' } it 'returns raw diff text' do expect(line.text).to eq('+Hello') end context 'when prefix is disabled' do it 'returns raw diff text without prefix' do expect(line.text(prefix: false)).to eq('Hello') end context 'when diff is empty' do let(:raw_diff) { '' } it 'returns an empty raw diff' do expect(line.text(prefix: false)).to eq('') end end end end context "when setting rich text" do it 'escapes any HTML special characters in the diff chunk header' do subject = described_class.new("", "", 0, 0, 0) line = subject.as_json expect(line[:rich_text]).to eq("<input>") end end describe '#set_marker_ranges' do let(:marker_ranges) { [Gitlab::MarkerRange.new(1, 10, mode: :deletion)] } it 'stores MarkerRanges in Diff::Line object' do line.set_marker_ranges(marker_ranges) expect(line.marker_ranges).to eq(marker_ranges) end end end