require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Git::RevList do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:rev_list) { 'newrev', path_to_repo: project.repository.path_to_repo) } let(:env_hash) do { 'GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY' => 'foo', 'GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES' => 'bar' } end before do allow(Gitlab::Git::Env).to receive(:all).and_return(env_hash.symbolize_keys) end def args_for_popen(args_list) [ Gitlab.config.git.bin_path, "--git-dir=#{project.repository.path_to_repo}", 'rev-list', *args_list ] end def stub_popen_rev_list(*additional_args, output:) args = args_for_popen(additional_args) expect(rev_list).to receive(:popen).with(args, nil, env_hash) .and_return([output, 0]) end def stub_lazy_popen_rev_list(*additional_args, output:) params = [ args_for_popen(additional_args), nil, env_hash, hash_including(lazy_block: anything) ] expect(rev_list).to receive(:popen).with(*params) do |*_, lazy_block:| end end context "#new_refs" do it 'calls out to `popen`' do stub_popen_rev_list('newrev', '--not', '--all', output: "sha1\nsha2") expect(rev_list.new_refs).to eq(%w[sha1 sha2]) end end context '#new_objects' do it 'fetches list of newly pushed objects using rev-list' do stub_popen_rev_list('newrev', '--not', '--all', '--objects', output: "sha1\nsha2") expect(rev_list.new_objects).to eq(%w[sha1 sha2]) end it 'can skip pathless objects' do stub_popen_rev_list('newrev', '--not', '--all', '--objects', output: "sha1\nsha2 path/to/file") expect(rev_list.new_objects(require_path: true)).to eq(%w[sha2]) end it 'can handle non utf-8 paths' do non_utf_char = [0x89].pack("c*").force_encoding("UTF-8") stub_lazy_popen_rev_list('newrev', '--not', '--all', '--objects', output: "sha2 πå†h/†ø/ƒîlé#{non_utf_char}\nsha1") rev_list.new_objects(require_path: true) do |object_ids| expect(object_ids.force).to eq(%w[sha2]) end end it 'can yield a lazy enumerator' do stub_lazy_popen_rev_list('newrev', '--not', '--all', '--objects', output: "sha1\nsha2") rev_list.new_objects do |object_ids| expect(object_ids).to be_a Enumerator::Lazy end end it 'returns the result of the block when given' do stub_lazy_popen_rev_list('newrev', '--not', '--all', '--objects', output: "sha1\nsha2") objects = rev_list.new_objects do |object_ids| object_ids.first end expect(objects).to eq 'sha1' end it 'can accept list of references to exclude' do stub_popen_rev_list('newrev', '--not', 'master', '--objects', output: "sha1\nsha2") expect(rev_list.new_objects(not_in: ['master'])).to eq(%w[sha1 sha2]) end it 'handles empty list of references to exclude as listing all known objects' do stub_popen_rev_list('newrev', '--objects', output: "sha1\nsha2") expect(rev_list.new_objects(not_in: [])).to eq(%w[sha1 sha2]) end end context '#all_objects' do it 'fetches list of all pushed objects using rev-list' do stub_popen_rev_list('--all', '--objects', output: "sha1\nsha2") expect(rev_list.all_objects).to eq(%w[sha1 sha2]) end end context "#missed_ref" do let(:rev_list) { 'oldrev', newrev: 'newrev', path_to_repo: project.repository.path_to_repo) } it 'calls out to `popen`' do stub_popen_rev_list('--max-count=1', 'oldrev', '^newrev', output: "sha1\nsha2") expect(rev_list.missed_ref).to eq(%w[sha1 sha2]) end end end