# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer::NoteImporter do let(:client) { double(:client) } let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:created_at) { Time.new(2017, 1, 1, 12, 00) } let(:updated_at) { Time.new(2017, 1, 1, 12, 15) } let(:note_body) { 'This is my note' } let(:github_note) do Gitlab::GithubImport::Representation::Note.new( noteable_id: 1, noteable_type: 'Issue', author: Gitlab::GithubImport::Representation::User.new(id: 4, login: 'alice'), note: note_body, created_at: created_at, updated_at: updated_at, github_id: 1 ) end let(:importer) { described_class.new(github_note, project, client) } describe '#execute' do context 'when the noteable exists' do let!(:issue_row) { create(:issue, project: project, iid: 1) } before do allow(importer) .to receive(:find_noteable_id) .and_return(issue_row.id) end context 'when the author could be found' do it 'imports the note with the found author as the note author' do expect(importer.user_finder) .to receive(:author_id_for) .with(github_note) .and_return([user.id, true]) expect(ApplicationRecord) .to receive(:legacy_bulk_insert) .with( Note.table_name, [ { noteable_type: 'Issue', noteable_id: issue_row.id, project_id: project.id, author_id: user.id, note: 'This is my note', discussion_id: match(/\A[0-9a-f]{40}\z/), system: false, created_at: created_at, updated_at: updated_at } ] ) .and_call_original importer.execute end end context 'when the note author could not be found' do it 'imports the note with the project creator as the note author' do expect(importer.user_finder) .to receive(:author_id_for) .with(github_note) .and_return([project.creator_id, false]) expect(ApplicationRecord) .to receive(:legacy_bulk_insert) .with( Note.table_name, [ { noteable_type: 'Issue', noteable_id: issue_row.id, project_id: project.id, author_id: project.creator_id, note: "*Created by: alice*\n\nThis is my note", discussion_id: match(/\A[0-9a-f]{40}\z/), system: false, created_at: created_at, updated_at: updated_at } ] ) .and_call_original importer.execute end end context 'when the note have invalid chars' do let(:note_body) { %{There were an invalid char "\u0000" <= right here} } it 'removes invalid chars' do expect(importer.user_finder) .to receive(:author_id_for) .with(github_note) .and_return([user.id, true]) expect { importer.execute } .to change(project.notes, :count) .by(1) expect(project.notes.last.note) .to eq('There were an invalid char "" <= right here') end end end context 'when the noteable does not exist' do it 'does not import the note' do expect(ApplicationRecord).not_to receive(:legacy_bulk_insert) importer.execute end end context 'when the import fails due to a foreign key error' do it 'does not raise any errors' do issue_row = create(:issue, project: project, iid: 1) allow(importer) .to receive(:find_noteable_id) .and_return(issue_row.id) allow(importer.user_finder) .to receive(:author_id_for) .with(github_note) .and_return([user.id, true]) expect(ApplicationRecord) .to receive(:legacy_bulk_insert) .and_raise(ActiveRecord::InvalidForeignKey, 'invalid foreign key') expect { importer.execute }.not_to raise_error end end it 'produces a valid Note' do issue_row = create(:issue, project: project, iid: 1) allow(importer) .to receive(:find_noteable_id) .and_return(issue_row.id) allow(importer.user_finder) .to receive(:author_id_for) .with(github_note) .and_return([user.id, true]) importer.execute expect(project.notes.take).to be_valid end # rubocop:disable RSpec/AnyInstanceOf it 'skips markdown field cache callback' do expect_any_instance_of(Note).not_to receive(:refresh_markdown_cache) importer.execute end # rubocop:enable RSpec/AnyInstanceOf end describe '#find_noteable_id' do it 'returns the ID of the noteable' do expect_next_instance_of(Gitlab::GithubImport::IssuableFinder) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:database_id).and_return(10) end expect(importer.find_noteable_id).to eq(10) end end end