# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::GithubImport do before do stub_feature_flags(github_importer_lower_per_page_limit: false) end context 'github.com' do let(:project) { double(:project, import_url: 'http://t0ken@github.com/user/repo.git', id: 1, group: nil) } it 'returns a new Client with a custom token' do expect(described_class::Client) .to receive(:new) .with('123', host: nil, parallel: true, per_page: 100) described_class.new_client_for(project, token: '123') end it 'returns a new Client with a token stored in the import data' do import_data = double(:import_data, credentials: { user: '123' }) expect(project) .to receive(:import_data) .and_return(import_data) expect(described_class::Client) .to receive(:new) .with('123', host: nil, parallel: true, per_page: 100) described_class.new_client_for(project) end it 'returns the ID of the ghost user', :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do expect(described_class.ghost_user_id).to eq(User.ghost.id) end it 'caches the ghost user ID', :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do expect(Gitlab::Cache::Import::Caching) .to receive(:write) .once .and_call_original 2.times do described_class.ghost_user_id end end end context 'GitHub Enterprise' do let(:project) { double(:project, import_url: 'http://t0ken@github.another-domain.com/repo-org/repo.git', group: nil) } it 'returns a new Client with a custom token' do expect(described_class::Client) .to receive(:new) .with('123', host: 'http://github.another-domain.com/api/v3', parallel: true, per_page: 100) described_class.new_client_for(project, token: '123') end it 'returns a new Client with a token stored in the import data' do import_data = double(:import_data, credentials: { user: '123' }) expect(project) .to receive(:import_data) .and_return(import_data) expect(described_class::Client) .to receive(:new) .with('123', host: 'http://github.another-domain.com/api/v3', parallel: true, per_page: 100) described_class.new_client_for(project) end it 'returns the ID of the ghost user', :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do expect(described_class.ghost_user_id).to eq(User.ghost.id) end it 'caches the ghost user ID', :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do expect(Gitlab::Cache::Import::Caching) .to receive(:write) .once .and_call_original 2.times do described_class.ghost_user_id end end it 'formats the import url' do expect(described_class.formatted_import_url(project)).to eq('http://github.another-domain.com/api/v3') end end describe '.per_page' do context 'when project group is present' do context 'when github_importer_lower_per_page_limit is enabled' do it 'returns lower per page value' do project = create(:project, import_url: 'http://t0ken@github.com/user/repo.git') group = create(:group, projects: [project]) stub_feature_flags(github_importer_lower_per_page_limit: group) expect(described_class.per_page(project)).to eq(Gitlab::GithubImport::Client::LOWER_PER_PAGE) end end context 'when github_importer_lower_per_page_limit is disabled' do it 'returns default per page value' do project = double(:project, import_url: 'http://t0ken@github.com/user/repo.git', id: 1, group: create(:group)) stub_feature_flags(github_importer_lower_per_page_limit: false) expect(described_class.per_page(project)).to eq(Gitlab::GithubImport::Client::DEFAULT_PER_PAGE) end end end context 'when project group is missing' do it 'returns default per page value' do project = double(:project, import_url: 'http://t0ken@github.com/user/repo.git', id: 1, group: nil) expect(described_class.per_page(project)).to eq(Gitlab::GithubImport::Client::DEFAULT_PER_PAGE) end end end end