# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::ImportExport::CommandLineUtil do include ExportFileHelper let(:path) { "#{Dir.tmpdir}/symlink_test" } let(:archive) { 'spec/fixtures/symlink_export.tar.gz' } let(:shared) { Gitlab::ImportExport::Shared.new(nil) } let(:tmpdir) { Dir.mktmpdir } subject do Class.new do include Gitlab::ImportExport::CommandLineUtil def initialize @shared = Gitlab::ImportExport::Shared.new(nil) end # Make the included methods public for testing public :download_or_copy_upload, :download end.new end before do FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) subject.untar_zxf(archive: archive, dir: path) end after do FileUtils.rm_rf(path) FileUtils.remove_entry(tmpdir) end it 'has the right mask for project.json' do expect(file_permissions("#{path}/project.json")).to eq(0755) # originally 777 end it 'has the right mask for uploads' do expect(file_permissions("#{path}/uploads")).to eq(0755) # originally 555 end describe '#download_or_copy_upload' do let(:upload) { instance_double(Upload, local?: local) } let(:uploader) { instance_double(ImportExportUploader, path: :path, url: :url, upload: upload) } let(:upload_path) { '/some/path' } context 'when the upload is local' do let(:local) { true } it 'copies the file' do expect(subject).to receive(:copy_files).with(:path, upload_path) subject.download_or_copy_upload(uploader, upload_path) end end context 'when the upload is remote' do let(:local) { false } it 'downloads the file' do expect(subject).to receive(:download).with(:url, upload_path, size_limit: nil) subject.download_or_copy_upload(uploader, upload_path) end end end describe '#download' do let(:content) { File.open('spec/fixtures/rails_sample.tif') } context 'a non-localhost uri' do before do stub_request(:get, url) .to_return( status: status, body: content ) end let(:url) { 'https://gitlab.com/file' } context 'with ok status code' do let(:status) { HTTP::Status::OK } it 'gets the contents' do Tempfile.create('test') do |file| subject.download(url, file.path) expect(file.read).to eq(File.open('spec/fixtures/rails_sample.tif').read) end end it 'streams the contents via Gitlab::HTTP' do expect(Gitlab::HTTP).to receive(:get).with(url, hash_including(stream_body: true)) Tempfile.create('test') do |file| subject.download(url, file.path) end end it 'does not get the content over the size_limit' do Tempfile.create('test') do |file| subject.download(url, file.path, size_limit: 300.kilobytes) expect(file.read).to eq('') end end it 'gets the content within the size_limit' do Tempfile.create('test') do |file| subject.download(url, file.path, size_limit: 400.kilobytes) expect(file.read).to eq(File.open('spec/fixtures/rails_sample.tif').read) end end end %w[MOVED_PERMANENTLY FOUND SEE_OTHER TEMPORARY_REDIRECT].each do |code| context "with a redirect status code #{code}" do let(:status) { HTTP::Status.const_get(code, false) } it 'logs the redirect' do expect(Gitlab::Import::Logger).to receive(:warn) Tempfile.create('test') do |file| subject.download(url, file.path) end end end end %w[ACCEPTED UNAUTHORIZED BAD_REQUEST].each do |code| context "with an invalid status code #{code}" do let(:status) { HTTP::Status.const_get(code, false) } it 'throws an error' do Tempfile.create('test') do |file| expect { subject.download(url, file.path) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::ImportExport::Error) end end end end end context 'a localhost uri' do include StubRequests let(:status) { HTTP::Status::OK } let(:url) { "#{host}/foo/bar" } let(:host) { 'http://localhost:8081' } before do # Note: the hostname gets changed to an ip address due to dns_rebind_protection stub_dns(url, ip_address: '') stub_request(:get, '') .to_return( status: status, body: content ) end it 'throws a blocked url error' do Tempfile.create('test') do |file| expect { subject.download(url, file.path) }.to raise_error((Gitlab::HTTP::BlockedUrlError)) end end context 'for object_storage uri' do let(:enabled_object_storage_setting) do { 'enabled' => true, 'object_store' => { 'enabled' => true, 'connection' => { 'endpoint' => host } } } end before do allow(Settings).to receive(:external_diffs).and_return(enabled_object_storage_setting) end it 'gets the content' do Tempfile.create('test') do |file| subject.download(url, file.path) expect(file.read).to eq(File.open('spec/fixtures/rails_sample.tif').read) end end end end end describe '#gzip' do it 'compresses specified file' do tempfile = Tempfile.new('test', path) filename = File.basename(tempfile.path) subject.gzip(dir: path, filename: filename) expect(File.exist?("#{tempfile.path}.gz")).to eq(true) end context 'when exception occurs' do it 'raises an exception' do expect { subject.gzip(dir: path, filename: 'test') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::ImportExport::Error) end end end describe '#gunzip' do it 'decompresses specified file' do filename = 'labels.ndjson.gz' gz_filepath = "spec/fixtures/bulk_imports/gz/#{filename}" FileUtils.copy_file(gz_filepath, File.join(tmpdir, filename)) subject.gunzip(dir: tmpdir, filename: filename) expect(File.exist?(File.join(tmpdir, 'labels.ndjson'))).to eq(true) end context 'when exception occurs' do it 'raises an exception' do expect { subject.gunzip(dir: path, filename: 'test') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::ImportExport::Error) end end end describe '#tar_cf' do let(:archive_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir } after do FileUtils.remove_entry(archive_dir) end it 'archives a folder without compression' do archive_file = File.join(archive_dir, 'archive.tar') result = subject.tar_cf(archive: archive_file, dir: tmpdir) expect(result).to eq(true) expect(File.exist?(archive_file)).to eq(true) end context 'when something goes wrong' do it 'raises an error' do expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen).and_return(['Error', 1]) klass = Class.new do include Gitlab::ImportExport::CommandLineUtil end.new expect { klass.tar_cf(archive: 'test', dir: 'test') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::ImportExport::Error, 'command exited with error code 1: Error') end end end describe '#untar_xf' do let(:archive_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir } after do FileUtils.remove_entry(archive_dir) end it 'extracts archive without decompression' do filename = 'archive.tar.gz' archive_file = File.join(archive_dir, 'archive.tar') FileUtils.copy_file(archive, File.join(archive_dir, filename)) subject.gunzip(dir: archive_dir, filename: filename) result = subject.untar_xf(archive: archive_file, dir: archive_dir) expect(result).to eq(true) expect(File.exist?(archive_file)).to eq(true) expect(File.exist?(File.join(archive_dir, 'project.json'))).to eq(true) expect(Dir.exist?(File.join(archive_dir, 'uploads'))).to eq(true) end context 'when something goes wrong' do before do expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen).and_return(['Error', 1]) end it 'raises an error' do klass = Class.new do include Gitlab::ImportExport::CommandLineUtil end.new expect { klass.untar_xf(archive: 'test', dir: 'test') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::ImportExport::Error, 'command exited with error code 1: Error') end it 'returns false and includes error status' do klass = Class.new do include Gitlab::ImportExport::CommandLineUtil attr_accessor :shared def initialize @shared = Gitlab::ImportExport::Shared.new(nil) end end.new expect(klass.tar_czf(archive: 'test', dir: 'test')).to eq(false) expect(klass.shared.errors).to eq(['command exited with error code 1: Error']) end end end end