require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::ImportExport::FastHashSerializer do # FastHashSerializer#execute generates the hash which is not easily accessible # and includes `JSONBatchRelation` items which are serialized at this point. # Wrapping the result into JSON generating/parsing is for making # the testing more convenient. Doing this, we can check that # all items are properly serialized while traversing the simple hash. subject { JSON.parse(JSON.generate(, tree).execute)) } let!(:project) { setup_project } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:shared) { project.import_export_shared } let(:reader) { shared) } let(:tree) { reader.project_tree } before do project.add_maintainer(user) allow_any_instance_of(MergeRequest).to receive(:source_branch_sha).and_return('ABCD') allow_any_instance_of(MergeRequest).to receive(:target_branch_sha).and_return('DCBA') end it 'saves the correct hash' do include({ 'description' => 'description', 'visibility_level' => 20 }) end it 'has approvals_before_merge set' do expect(subject['approvals_before_merge']).to eq(1) end it 'has milestones' do expect(subject['milestones']).not_to be_empty end it 'has merge requests' do expect(subject['merge_requests']).not_to be_empty end it 'has merge request\'s milestones' do expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['milestone']).not_to be_empty end it 'has merge request\'s source branch SHA' do expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['source_branch_sha']).to eq('ABCD') end it 'has merge request\'s target branch SHA' do expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['target_branch_sha']).to eq('DCBA') end it 'has events' do expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['milestone']['events']).not_to be_empty end it 'has snippets' do expect(subject['snippets']).not_to be_empty end it 'has snippet notes' do expect(subject['snippets'].first['notes']).not_to be_empty end it 'has releases' do expect(subject['releases']).not_to be_empty end it 'has no author on releases' do expect(subject['releases'].first['author']).to be_nil end it 'has the author ID on releases' do expect(subject['releases'].first['author_id']).not_to be_nil end it 'has issues' do expect(subject['issues']).not_to be_empty end it 'has issue comments' do notes = subject['issues'].first['notes'] expect(notes).not_to be_empty expect(notes.first['type']).to eq('DiscussionNote') end it 'has issue assignees' do expect(subject['issues'].first['issue_assignees']).not_to be_empty end it 'has author on issue comments' do expect(subject['issues'].first['notes'].first['author']).not_to be_empty end it 'has project members' do expect(subject['project_members']).not_to be_empty end it 'has merge requests diffs' do expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['merge_request_diff']).not_to be_empty end it 'has merge request diff files' do expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['merge_request_diff']['merge_request_diff_files']).not_to be_empty end it 'has merge request diff commits' do expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['merge_request_diff']['merge_request_diff_commits']).not_to be_empty end it 'has merge requests comments' do expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['notes']).not_to be_empty end it 'has author on merge requests comments' do expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['notes'].first['author']).not_to be_empty end it 'has pipeline stages' do expect(subject.dig('ci_pipelines', 0, 'stages')).not_to be_empty end it 'has pipeline statuses' do expect(subject.dig('ci_pipelines', 0, 'stages', 0, 'statuses')).not_to be_empty end it 'has pipeline builds' do builds_count = subject .dig('ci_pipelines', 0, 'stages', 0, 'statuses') .count { |hash| hash['type'] == 'Ci::Build' } expect(builds_count).to eq(1) end it 'has no when YML attributes but only the DB column' do expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor).not_to receive(:build_attributes) subject end it 'has pipeline commits' do expect(subject['ci_pipelines']).not_to be_empty end it 'has ci pipeline notes' do expect(subject['ci_pipelines'].first['notes']).not_to be_empty end it 'has labels with no associations' do expect(subject['labels']).not_to be_empty end it 'has labels associated to records' do expect(subject['issues'].first['label_links'].first['label']).not_to be_empty end it 'has project and group labels' do label_types = subject['issues'].first['label_links'].map { |link| link['label']['type'] } expect(label_types).to match_array(%w(ProjectLabel GroupLabel)) end it 'has priorities associated to labels' do priorities = subject['issues'].first['label_links'].flat_map { |link| link['label']['priorities'] } expect(priorities).not_to be_empty end it 'has issue resource label events' do expect(subject['issues'].first['resource_label_events']).not_to be_empty end it 'has merge request resource label events' do expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['resource_label_events']).not_to be_empty end it 'saves the correct service type' do expect(subject['services'].first['type']).to eq('CustomIssueTrackerService') end it 'saves the properties for a service' do expect(subject['services'].first['properties']).to eq('one' => 'value') end it 'has project feature' do project_feature = subject['project_feature'] expect(project_feature).not_to be_empty expect(project_feature["issues_access_level"]).to eq(ProjectFeature::DISABLED) expect(project_feature["wiki_access_level"]).to eq(ProjectFeature::ENABLED) expect(project_feature["builds_access_level"]).to eq(ProjectFeature::PRIVATE) end it 'has custom attributes' do expect(subject['custom_attributes'].count).to eq(2) end it 'has badges' do expect(subject['project_badges'].count).to eq(2) end it 'does not complain about non UTF-8 characters in MR diff files' do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("UPDATE merge_request_diff_files SET diff = '---\n- :diff: !binary |-\n LS0tIC9kZXYvbnVsbAorKysgYi9pbWFnZXMvbnVjb3IucGRmCkBAIC0wLDAg\n KzEsMTY3OSBAQAorJVBERi0xLjUNJeLjz9MNCisxIDAgb2JqDTw8L01ldGFk\n YXR'") expect(subject['merge_requests'].first['merge_request_diff']).not_to be_empty end context 'project attributes' do it 'does not contain the runners token' do expect(subject).not_to include("runners_token" => 'token') end end it 'has a board and a list' do expect(subject['boards'].first['lists']).not_to be_empty end def setup_project issue = create(:issue, assignees: [user]) snippet = create(:project_snippet) release = create(:release) group = create(:group) project = create(:project, :public, :repository, :issues_disabled, :wiki_enabled, :builds_private, description: 'description', issues: [issue], snippets: [snippet], releases: [release], group: group, approvals_before_merge: 1 ) project_label = create(:label, project: project) group_label = create(:group_label, group: group) create(:label_link, label: project_label, target: issue) create(:label_link, label: group_label, target: issue) create(:label_priority, label: group_label, priority: 1) milestone = create(:milestone, project: project) merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_project: project, milestone: milestone) ci_build = create(:ci_build, project: project, when: nil) ci_build.pipeline.update(project: project) create(:commit_status, project: project, pipeline: ci_build.pipeline) create(:milestone, project: project) create(:discussion_note, noteable: issue, project: project) create(:note, noteable: merge_request, project: project) create(:note, noteable: snippet, project: project) create(:note_on_commit, author: user, project: project, commit_id: ci_build.pipeline.sha) create(:resource_label_event, label: project_label, issue: issue) create(:resource_label_event, label: group_label, merge_request: merge_request) create(:event, :created, target: milestone, project: project, author: user) create(:service, project: project, type: 'CustomIssueTrackerService', category: 'issue_tracker', properties: { one: 'value' }) create(:project_custom_attribute, project: project) create(:project_custom_attribute, project: project) create(:project_badge, project: project) create(:project_badge, project: project) board = create(:board, project: project, name: 'TestBoard') create(:list, board: board, position: 0, label: project_label) project end end