# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::ImportExport::RelationRenameService do let(:renames) do { 'example_relation1' => 'new_example_relation1', 'example_relation2' => 'new_example_relation2' } end let(:user) { create(:admin) } let(:group) { create(:group, :nested) } let!(:project) { create(:project, :builds_disabled, :issues_disabled, name: 'project', path: 'project') } let(:shared) { project.import_export_shared } before do stub_const("#{described_class}::RENAMES", renames) end context 'when importing' do let(:project_tree_restorer) { Gitlab::ImportExport::ProjectTreeRestorer.new(user: user, shared: shared, project: project) } let(:import_path) { 'spec/lib/gitlab/import_export' } let(:file_content) { IO.read("#{import_path}/project.json") } let!(:json_file) { ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(file_content) } let(:tree_hash) { project_tree_restorer.instance_variable_get(:@tree_hash) } before do allow(shared).to receive(:export_path).and_return(import_path) allow(ActiveSupport::JSON).to receive(:decode).and_call_original allow(ActiveSupport::JSON).to receive(:decode).with(file_content).and_return(json_file) end context 'when the file has only old relationship names' do # Configuring the json as an old version exported file, with only # the previous association with the old name before do renames.each do |old_name, _| json_file[old_name.to_s] = [] end end it 'renames old relationships to the new name' do expect(json_file.keys).to include(*renames.keys) project_tree_restorer.restore expect(json_file.keys).to include(*renames.values) expect(json_file.keys).not_to include(*renames.keys) end end context 'when the file has both the old and new relationships' do # Configuring the json as the new version exported file, with both # the old association name and the new one before do renames.each do |old_name, new_name| json_file[old_name.to_s] = [1] json_file[new_name.to_s] = [2] end end it 'uses the new relationships and removes the old ones from the hash' do expect(json_file.keys).to include(*renames.keys) project_tree_restorer.restore expect(json_file.keys).to include(*renames.values) expect(json_file.values_at(*renames.values).flatten.uniq.first).to eq 2 expect(json_file.keys).not_to include(*renames.keys) end end context 'when the file has only new relationship names' do # Configuring the json as the future version exported file, with only # the new association name before do renames.each do |_, new_name| json_file[new_name.to_s] = [] end end it 'uses the new relationships' do expect(json_file.keys).not_to include(*renames.keys) project_tree_restorer.restore expect(json_file.keys).to include(*renames.values) end end end context 'when exporting' do let(:project_tree_saver) { Gitlab::ImportExport::ProjectTreeSaver.new(project: project, current_user: user, shared: shared) } let(:project_tree) { project_tree_saver.send(:project_json) } it 'adds old relationships to the exported file' do project_tree.merge!(renames.values.map { |new_name| [new_name, []] }.to_h) allow(project_tree_saver).to receive(:save) do |arg| project_tree_saver.send(:project_json_tree) end result = project_tree_saver.save saved_data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(result) expect(saved_data.keys).to include(*(renames.keys + renames.values)) end end end