# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::Metrics::Exporter::BaseExporter do let(:settings) { double('settings') } let(:log_enabled) { false } let(:exporter) { described_class.new(settings, log_enabled: log_enabled, log_file: 'test_exporter.log') } describe 'when exporter is enabled' do before do allow(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).to receive(:new).with( Port: anything, BindAddress: anything, Logger: anything, AccessLog: anything ).and_call_original allow(settings).to receive(:enabled).and_return(true) allow(settings).to receive(:port).and_return(0) allow(settings).to receive(:address).and_return('') end after do exporter.stop end describe 'when exporter is stopped' do describe '#start' do it 'starts the exporter' do expect_any_instance_of(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).to receive(:start) expect { exporter.start.join }.to change { exporter.thread? }.from(false).to(true) end describe 'with custom settings' do let(:port) { 99999 } let(:address) { 'sidekiq_exporter_address' } before do allow(settings).to receive(:port).and_return(port) allow(settings).to receive(:address).and_return(address) end it 'starts server with port and address from settings' do expect(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).to receive(:new).with( Port: port, BindAddress: address, Logger: anything, AccessLog: anything ).and_wrap_original do |m, *args| m.call(DoNotListen: true, Logger: args.first[:Logger]) end allow_any_instance_of(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).to receive(:start) exporter.start.join end context 'logging enabled' do let(:log_enabled) { true } let(:logger) { instance_double(WEBrick::Log) } before do allow(logger).to receive(:time_format=) allow(logger).to receive(:info) end it 'configures a WEBrick logger with the given file' do expect(WEBrick::Log).to receive(:new).with(end_with('test_exporter.log')).and_return(logger) exporter end it 'logs any errors during startup' do expect(::WEBrick::Log).to receive(:new).and_return(logger) expect(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).to receive(:new).and_raise 'fail' expect(logger).to receive(:error) exporter.start end end context 'logging disabled' do it 'configures a WEBrick logger with the null device' do expect(WEBrick::Log).to receive(:new).with(File::NULL).and_call_original exporter end end end describe 'when thread is not alive' do it 'does close listeners' do expect_any_instance_of(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).to receive(:start) expect_any_instance_of(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).to receive(:listeners) .and_call_original expect { exporter.start.join }.to change { exporter.thread? }.from(false).to(true) exporter.stop end end end describe '#stop' do it "doesn't shutdown stopped server" do expect_any_instance_of(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).not_to receive(:shutdown) expect { exporter.stop }.not_to change { exporter.thread? } end end end describe 'when exporter is running' do before do exporter.start end describe '#start' do it "doesn't start running server" do expect_any_instance_of(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).not_to receive(:start) expect { exporter.start }.not_to change { exporter.thread? } end end describe '#stop' do it 'shutdowns server' do expect_any_instance_of(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).to receive(:shutdown) expect { exporter.stop }.to change { exporter.thread? }.from(true).to(false) end end end end describe 'request handling' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:fake_collector) do Class.new do def initialize(app, ...) @app = app end def call(env) @app.call(env) end end end where(:method_class, :path, :http_status) do Net::HTTP::Get | '/metrics' | 200 Net::HTTP::Get | '/' | 404 end before do allow(settings).to receive(:enabled).and_return(true) allow(settings).to receive(:port).and_return(0) allow(settings).to receive(:address).and_return('') stub_const('Gitlab::Metrics::Exporter::MetricsMiddleware', fake_collector) # We want to wrap original method # and run handling of requests # in separate thread allow_any_instance_of(::WEBrick::HTTPServer) .to receive(:start).and_wrap_original do |m, *args| Thread.new do m.call(*args) rescue IOError # is raised as we close listeners end end end after do exporter.stop end with_them do let(:config) { exporter.server.config } let(:request) { method_class.new(path) } subject(:response) do http = Net::HTTP.new(config[:BindAddress], config[:Port]) http.request(request) end it 'responds with proper http_status' do exporter.start.join expect(response.code).to eq(http_status.to_s) end it 'collects request metrics' do expect_next_instance_of(fake_collector) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:call).and_call_original end exporter.start.join response end end end describe 'when exporter is disabled' do before do allow(settings).to receive(:enabled).and_return(false) end describe '#start' do it "doesn't start" do expect_any_instance_of(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).not_to receive(:start) expect(exporter.start).to be_nil expect { exporter.start }.not_to change { exporter.thread? } end end describe '#stop' do it "doesn't shutdown" do expect_any_instance_of(::WEBrick::HTTPServer).not_to receive(:shutdown) expect { exporter.stop }.not_to change { exporter.thread? } end end end end