# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::SidekiqDeathHandler, :clean_gitlab_redis_queues do describe '.handler' do context 'when the job class has worker attributes' do let(:test_worker) do Class.new do include WorkerAttributes urgency :low worker_has_external_dependencies! worker_resource_boundary :cpu feature_category :users end end before do stub_const('TestWorker', test_worker) end it 'uses the attributes from the worker' do expect(described_class.counter) .to receive(:increment) .with(queue: 'test_queue', worker: 'TestWorker', urgency: 'low', external_dependencies: 'yes', feature_category: 'users', boundary: 'cpu') described_class.handler({ 'class' => 'TestWorker', 'queue' => 'test_queue' }, nil) end end context 'when the job class does not have worker attributes' do before do stub_const('TestWorker', Class.new) end it 'uses blank attributes' do expect(described_class.counter) .to receive(:increment) .with(queue: 'test_queue', worker: 'TestWorker', urgency: '', external_dependencies: 'no', feature_category: '', boundary: '') described_class.handler({ 'class' => 'TestWorker', 'queue' => 'test_queue' }, nil) end end end end