# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::StringPlaceholderReplacer do describe '.render_url' do it 'returns the nil if the string is blank' do expect(described_class.replace_string_placeholders(nil, /whatever/)).to be_blank end it 'returns the string if the placeholder regex' do expect(described_class.replace_string_placeholders('whatever')).to eq 'whatever' end it 'returns the string if no block given' do expect(described_class.replace_string_placeholders('whatever', /whatever/)).to eq 'whatever' end context 'when all params are valid' do let(:string) { '%{path}/%{id}/%{branch}' } let(:regex) { /(path|id)/ } it 'replaces each placeholders with the block result' do result = described_class.replace_string_placeholders(string, regex) do |arg| 'WHATEVER' end expect(result).to eq 'WHATEVER/WHATEVER/%{branch}' end it 'does not replace the placeholder if the block result is nil' do result = described_class.replace_string_placeholders(string, regex) do |arg| arg == 'path' ? nil : 'WHATEVER' end expect(result).to eq '%{path}/WHATEVER/%{branch}' end end end end