# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Gitlab::UpdatedNotesPaginator do let(:issue) { create(:issue) } let(:project) { issue.project } let(:finder) { NotesFinder.new(user, target: issue, last_fetched_at: last_fetched_at) } let(:user) { issue.author } let!(:page_1) { create_list(:note, 2, noteable: issue, project: project, updated_at: 2.days.ago) } let!(:page_2) { [create(:note, noteable: issue, project: project, updated_at: 1.day.ago)] } let(:page_1_boundary) { page_1.last.updated_at + NotesFinder::FETCH_OVERLAP } around do |example| Timecop.freeze do example.run end end before do stub_const("Gitlab::UpdatedNotesPaginator::LIMIT", 2) end subject(:paginator) { described_class.new(finder.execute, last_fetched_at: last_fetched_at) } describe 'last_fetched_at: start of time' do let(:last_fetched_at) { Time.at(0) } it 'calculates the first page of notes', :aggregate_failures do expect(paginator.notes).to match_array(page_1) expect(paginator.metadata).to match( more: true, last_fetched_at: microseconds(page_1_boundary) ) end end describe 'last_fetched_at: start of final page' do let(:last_fetched_at) { page_1_boundary } it 'calculates a final page', :aggregate_failures do expect(paginator.notes).to match_array(page_2) expect(paginator.metadata).to match( more: false, last_fetched_at: microseconds(Time.zone.now) ) end end # Convert a time to an integer number of microseconds def microseconds(time) (time.to_i * 1_000_000) + time.usec end end