require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::UrlBlocker do describe '#blocked_url?' do it 'allows imports from configured web host and port' do import_url = "http://#{}:#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.port}/t.git" expect(described_class.blocked_url?(import_url)).to be false end it 'allows imports from configured SSH host and port' do import_url = "http://#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_host}:#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_port}/t.git" expect(described_class.blocked_url?(import_url)).to be false end it 'returns true for bad localhost hostname' do expect(described_class.blocked_url?('https://localhost:65535/foo/foo.git')).to be true end it 'returns true for bad port' do expect(described_class.blocked_url?('')).to be true end it 'returns true for a non-alphanumeric hostname' do stub_resolv aggregate_failures do expect(described_class).to be_blocked_url('ssh://-oProxyCommand=whoami/a') # The leading character here is a Unicode "soft hyphen" expect(described_class).to be_blocked_url('ssh://­oProxyCommand=whoami/a') # Unicode alphanumerics are allowed expect(described_class).not_to be_blocked_url('ssh://ğ') end end it 'returns true for a non-alphanumeric username' do stub_resolv aggregate_failures do expect(described_class).to be_blocked_url('ssh://') # The leading character here is a Unicode "soft hyphen" expect(described_class).to be_blocked_url('ssh://­') # Unicode alphanumerics are allowed expect(described_class).not_to be_blocked_url('ssh://ğ') end end it 'returns true for invalid URL' do expect(described_class.blocked_url?('http://:8080')).to be true end it 'returns false for legitimate URL' do expect(described_class.blocked_url?('')).to be false end end # Resolv does not support resolving UTF-8 domain names # See def stub_resolv allow(Resolv).to receive(:getaddresses).and_return([]) end end