# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require_migration!('remove_duplicate_labels_from_group') RSpec.describe RemoveDuplicateLabelsFromGroup do let(:labels_table) { table(:labels) } let(:labels) { labels_table.all } let(:projects_table) { table(:projects) } let(:projects) { projects_table.all } let(:namespaces_table) { table(:namespaces) } let(:namespaces) { namespaces_table.all } let(:backup_labels_table) { table(:backup_labels) } let(:backup_labels) { backup_labels_table.all } # for those cases where we can't use the activerecord class because the `type` column # makes it think it has polymorphism and should be/have a Label subclass let(:sql_backup_labels) { ApplicationRecord.connection.execute('SELECT * from backup_labels') } # all the possible tables with records that may have a relationship with a label let(:analytics_cycle_analytics_group_stages_table) { table(:analytics_cycle_analytics_group_stages) } let(:analytics_cycle_analytics_project_stages_table) { table(:analytics_cycle_analytics_project_stages) } let(:board_labels_table) { table(:board_labels) } let(:label_links_table) { table(:label_links) } let(:label_priorities_table) { table(:label_priorities) } let(:lists_table) { table(:lists) } let(:resource_label_events_table) { table(:resource_label_events) } let!(:group_one) { namespaces_table.create!(id: 1, type: 'Group', name: 'group', path: 'group') } let!(:project_one) do projects_table.create!(id: 1, name: 'project', path: 'project', visibility_level: 0, namespace_id: group_one.id) end let(:label_title) { 'bug' } let(:label_color) { 'red' } let(:label_description) { 'nice label' } let(:project_id) { project_one.id } let(:group_id) { group_one.id } let(:other_title) { 'feature' } let(:group_label_attributes) do { title: label_title, color: label_color, group_id: group_id, type: 'GroupLabel', template: false, description: label_description } end let(:migration) { described_class.new } describe 'removing full duplicates' do context 'when there are no duplicate labels' do let!(:first_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 1, title: "a different label")) } let!(:second_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 2, title: "a totally different label")) } it 'does not remove anything' do expect { migration.up }.not_to change { backup_labels_table.count } end it 'restores removed records when rolling back - no change' do migration.up expect { migration.down }.not_to change { labels_table.count } end end context 'with duplicates with no relationships' do let!(:first_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 1)) } let!(:second_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 2)) } let!(:third_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 3, title: other_title)) } let!(:fourth_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 4, title: other_title)) } it 'creates a backup record for each removed record' do expect { migration.up }.to change { backup_labels_table.count }.from(0).to(2) end it 'creates the correct backup records with `create` restore_action' do migration.up expect(sql_backup_labels.find { |bl| bl["id"] == 2 }).to include(second_label.attributes.merge("restore_action" => described_class::CREATE, "new_title" => nil, "created_at" => anything, "updated_at" => anything)) expect(sql_backup_labels.find { |bl| bl["id"] == 4 }).to include(fourth_label.attributes.merge("restore_action" => described_class::CREATE, "new_title" => nil, "created_at" => anything, "updated_at" => anything)) end it 'deletes all but one' do migration.up expect { second_label.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) expect { fourth_label.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it 'restores removed records on rollback' do second_label_attributes = modified_attributes(second_label) fourth_label_attributes = modified_attributes(fourth_label) migration.up migration.down expect(second_label.attributes).to include(second_label_attributes) expect(fourth_label.attributes).to include(fourth_label_attributes) end end context 'two duplicate records, one of which has a relationship' do let!(:first_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 1)) } let!(:second_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 2)) } let!(:label_priority) { label_priorities_table.create!(label_id: second_label.id, project_id: project_id, priority: 1) } it 'does not remove anything' do expect { migration.up }.not_to change { labels_table.count } end it 'does not create a backup record with `create` restore_action' do expect { migration.up }.not_to change { backup_labels_table.where(restore_action: described_class::CREATE).count } end it 'restores removed records when rolling back - no change' do migration.up expect { migration.down }.not_to change { labels_table.count } end end context 'multiple duplicates, a subset of which have relationships' do let!(:first_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 1)) } let!(:second_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 2)) } let!(:label_priority_for_second_label) { label_priorities_table.create!(label_id: second_label.id, project_id: project_id, priority: 1) } let!(:third_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 3)) } let!(:fourth_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 4)) } let!(:label_priority_for_fourth_label) { label_priorities_table.create!(label_id: fourth_label.id, project_id: project_id, priority: 2) } it 'creates a backup record with `create` restore_action for each removed record' do expect { migration.up }.to change { backup_labels_table.where(restore_action: described_class::CREATE).count }.from(0).to(1) end it 'creates the correct backup records' do migration.up expect(sql_backup_labels.find { |bl| bl["id"] == 3 }).to include(third_label.attributes.merge("restore_action" => described_class::CREATE, "new_title" => nil, "created_at" => anything, "updated_at" => anything)) end it 'deletes the duplicate record' do migration.up expect { first_label.reload }.not_to raise_error expect { second_label.reload }.not_to raise_error expect { third_label.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it 'restores removed records on rollback' do third_label_attributes = modified_attributes(third_label) migration.up migration.down expect(third_label.attributes).to include(third_label_attributes) end end end describe 'renaming partial duplicates' do # partial duplicates - only group_id and title match. Distinct colour prevents deletion. context 'when there are no duplicate labels' do let!(:first_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 1, title: "a unique label", color: 'green')) } let!(:second_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 2, title: "a totally different, unique, label", color: 'blue')) } it 'does not rename anything' do expect { migration.up }.not_to change { backup_labels_table.count } end end context 'with duplicates with no relationships' do let!(:first_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 1, color: 'green')) } let!(:second_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 2, color: 'blue')) } let!(:third_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 3, title: other_title, color: 'purple')) } let!(:fourth_label) { labels_table.create!(group_label_attributes.merge(id: 4, title: other_title, color: 'yellow')) } it 'creates a backup record for each renamed record' do expect { migration.up }.to change { backup_labels_table.count }.from(0).to(2) end it 'creates the correct backup records with `rename` restore_action' do migration.up expect(sql_backup_labels.find { |bl| bl["id"] == 2 }).to include(second_label.attributes.merge("restore_action" => described_class::RENAME, "created_at" => anything, "updated_at" => anything)) expect(sql_backup_labels.find { |bl| bl["id"] == 4 }).to include(fourth_label.attributes.merge("restore_action" => described_class::RENAME, "created_at" => anything, "updated_at" => anything)) end it 'modifies the titles of the partial duplicates' do migration.up expect(second_label.reload.title).to match(/#{label_title}_duplicate#{second_label.id}$/) expect(fourth_label.reload.title).to match(/#{other_title}_duplicate#{fourth_label.id}$/) end it 'restores renamed records on rollback' do second_label_attributes = modified_attributes(second_label) fourth_label_attributes = modified_attributes(fourth_label) migration.up migration.down expect(second_label.reload.attributes).to include(second_label_attributes) expect(fourth_label.reload.attributes).to include(fourth_label_attributes) end context 'when the labels have a long title that might overflow' do let(:long_title) { "a" * 255 } before do first_label.update_attribute(:title, long_title) second_label.update_attribute(:title, long_title) end it 'keeps the length within the limit' do migration.up expect(second_label.reload.title).to eq("#{"a" * 244}_duplicate#{second_label.id}") expect(second_label.title.length).to eq(255) end end end end def modified_attributes(label) label.attributes.except('created_at', 'updated_at') end end