# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require Rails.root.join('db', 'post_migrate', '20200714075739_schedule_populate_personal_snippet_statistics.rb') RSpec.describe SchedulePopulatePersonalSnippetStatistics do let(:users) { table(:users) } let(:snippets) { table(:snippets) } let(:projects) { table(:projects) } let(:user1) { users.create!(id: 1, email: 'user1@example.com', projects_limit: 10, username: 'test1', name: 'Test1', state: 'active') } let(:user2) { users.create!(id: 2, email: 'user2@example.com', projects_limit: 10, username: 'test2', name: 'Test2', state: 'active') } let(:user3) { users.create!(id: 3, email: 'user3@example.com', projects_limit: 10, username: 'test3', name: 'Test3', state: 'active') } def create_snippet(id, user_id, type = 'PersonalSnippet') params = { id: id, type: type, author_id: user_id, file_name: 'foo', content: 'bar' } snippets.create!(params) end it 'correctly schedules background migrations' do # Creating the snippets in different order create_snippet(1, user1.id) create_snippet(2, user2.id) create_snippet(3, user1.id) create_snippet(4, user3.id) create_snippet(5, user3.id) create_snippet(6, user1.id) # Creating a project snippet to ensure we don't pick it create_snippet(7, user1.id, 'ProjectSnippet') stub_const("#{described_class}::BATCH_SIZE", 4) Sidekiq::Testing.fake! do freeze_time do migrate! aggregate_failures do expect(described_class::MIGRATION) .to be_scheduled_migration([1, 3, 6, 2]) expect(described_class::MIGRATION) .to be_scheduled_delayed_migration(2.minutes, [4, 5]) expect(BackgroundMigrationWorker.jobs.size).to eq(2) end end end end end