# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ContainerRepository, :aggregate_failures do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:group) { create(:group, name: 'group') } let(:project) { create(:project, path: 'test', group: group) } let(:repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_image', project: project) end before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true, api_url: 'http://registry.gitlab', host_port: 'registry.gitlab') stub_request(:get, "http://registry.gitlab/v2/group/test/my_image/tags/list?n=#{::ContainerRegistry::Client::DEFAULT_TAGS_PAGE_SIZE}") .with(headers: { 'Accept' => ContainerRegistry::Client::ACCEPTED_TYPES.join(', ') }) .to_return( status: 200, body: Gitlab::Json.dump(tags: ['test_tag']), headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }) end it_behaves_like 'having unique enum values' describe 'associations' do it 'belongs to the project' do expect(repository).to belong_to(:project) end end describe 'validations' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:migration_retries_count) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:migration_retries_count).is_greater_than_or_equal_to(0) } it { is_expected.to validate_inclusion_of(:migration_aborted_in_state).in_array(described_class::ABORTABLE_MIGRATION_STATES) } it { is_expected.to allow_value(nil).for(:migration_aborted_in_state) } context 'migration_state' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:migration_state) } it { is_expected.to validate_inclusion_of(:migration_state).in_array(described_class::MIGRATION_STATES) } describe 'pre_importing' do it 'validates expected attributes' do expect(build(:container_repository, migration_state: 'pre_importing')).to be_invalid expect(build(:container_repository, :pre_importing)).to be_valid end end describe 'pre_import_done' do it 'validates expected attributes' do expect(build(:container_repository, migration_state: 'pre_import_done')).to be_invalid expect(build(:container_repository, :pre_import_done)).to be_valid end end describe 'importing' do it 'validates expected attributes' do expect(build(:container_repository, migration_state: 'importing')).to be_invalid expect(build(:container_repository, :importing)).to be_valid end end describe 'import_skipped' do it 'validates expected attributes' do expect(build(:container_repository, migration_state: 'import_skipped')).to be_invalid expect(build(:container_repository, :import_skipped)).to be_valid end end describe 'import_aborted' do it 'validates expected attributes' do expect(build(:container_repository, migration_state: 'import_aborted')).to be_invalid expect(build(:container_repository, :import_aborted)).to be_valid end end end end context ':migration_state state_machine' do shared_examples 'no action when feature flag is disabled' do context 'feature flag disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(container_registry_migration_phase2_enabled: false) end it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end end shared_examples 'transitioning to pre_importing', skip_pre_import_success: true do before do repository.update_column(:migration_pre_import_done_at, Time.zone.now) end it_behaves_like 'no action when feature flag is disabled' context 'successful pre_import request' do it 'sets migration_pre_import_started_at and resets migration_pre_import_done_at' do expect(repository).to receive(:migration_pre_import).and_return(:ok) expect { subject }.to change { repository.reload.migration_pre_import_started_at } .and change { repository.migration_pre_import_done_at }.to(nil) expect(repository).to be_pre_importing end end context 'failed pre_import request' do it 'sets migration_pre_import_started_at and resets migration_pre_import_done_at' do expect(repository).to receive(:migration_pre_import).and_return(:error) expect { subject }.to change { repository.reload.migration_pre_import_started_at } .and change { repository.migration_aborted_at } .and change { repository.migration_pre_import_done_at }.to(nil) expect(repository.migration_aborted_in_state).to eq('pre_importing') expect(repository).to be_import_aborted end end context 'already imported' do it 'finishes the import' do expect(repository).to receive(:migration_pre_import).and_return(:already_imported) expect { subject } .to change { repository.reload.migration_state }.to('import_done') .and change { repository.reload.migration_skipped_reason }.to('native_import') end end context 'non-existing repository' do it 'finishes the import' do expect(repository).to receive(:migration_pre_import).and_return(:not_found) expect { subject } .to change { repository.reload.migration_state }.to('import_done') .and change { repository.migration_skipped_reason }.to('not_found') .and change { repository.migration_import_done_at }.from(nil) end end end shared_examples 'transitioning to importing', skip_import_success: true do before do repository.update_columns(migration_import_done_at: Time.zone.now) end context 'successful import request' do it 'sets migration_import_started_at and resets migration_import_done_at' do expect(repository).to receive(:migration_import).and_return(:ok) expect { subject }.to change { repository.reload.migration_import_started_at } .and change { repository.migration_import_done_at }.to(nil) expect(repository).to be_importing end end context 'failed import request' do it 'sets migration_import_started_at and resets migration_import_done_at' do expect(repository).to receive(:migration_import).and_return(:error) expect { subject }.to change { repository.reload.migration_import_started_at } .and change { repository.migration_aborted_at } expect(repository.migration_aborted_in_state).to eq('importing') expect(repository).to be_import_aborted end end context 'already imported' do it 'finishes the import' do expect(repository).to receive(:migration_import).and_return(:already_imported) expect { subject } .to change { repository.reload.migration_state }.to('import_done') .and change { repository.reload.migration_skipped_reason }.to('native_import') end end end shared_examples 'transitioning out of import_aborted' do it 'resets migration_aborted_at and migration_aborted_in_state' do expect { subject }.to change { repository.reload.migration_aborted_in_state }.to(nil) .and change { repository.migration_aborted_at }.to(nil) end end shared_examples 'transitioning from allowed states' do |allowed_states| described_class::MIGRATION_STATES.each do |state| result = allowed_states.include?(state) context "when transitioning from #{state}" do let(:repository) { create(:container_repository, state.to_sym) } it "returns #{result}" do expect(subject).to eq(result) end end end end shared_examples 'queueing the next import' do it 'starts the worker' do expect(::ContainerRegistry::Migration::EnqueuerWorker).to receive(:perform_async) subject end end describe '#start_pre_import' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository) } subject { repository.start_pre_import } before do |example| unless example.metadata[:skip_pre_import_success] allow(repository).to receive(:migration_pre_import).and_return(:ok) end end it_behaves_like 'transitioning from allowed states', %w[default pre_importing importing import_aborted] it_behaves_like 'transitioning to pre_importing' end describe '#retry_pre_import' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :import_aborted) } subject { repository.retry_pre_import } before do |example| unless example.metadata[:skip_pre_import_success] allow(repository).to receive(:migration_pre_import).and_return(:ok) end end it_behaves_like 'transitioning from allowed states', %w[pre_importing importing import_aborted] it_behaves_like 'transitioning to pre_importing' it_behaves_like 'transitioning out of import_aborted' end describe '#finish_pre_import' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :pre_importing) } subject { repository.finish_pre_import } it_behaves_like 'transitioning from allowed states', %w[pre_importing importing import_aborted] it 'sets migration_pre_import_done_at' do expect { subject }.to change { repository.reload.migration_pre_import_done_at } expect(repository).to be_pre_import_done end end describe '#start_import' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :pre_import_done) } subject { repository.start_import } before do |example| unless example.metadata[:skip_import_success] allow(repository).to receive(:migration_import).and_return(:ok) end end it_behaves_like 'transitioning from allowed states', %w[pre_import_done pre_importing importing import_aborted] it_behaves_like 'transitioning to importing' end describe '#retry_import' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :import_aborted) } subject { repository.retry_import } before do |example| unless example.metadata[:skip_import_success] allow(repository).to receive(:migration_import).and_return(:ok) end end it_behaves_like 'transitioning from allowed states', %w[pre_importing importing import_aborted] it_behaves_like 'transitioning to importing' it_behaves_like 'no action when feature flag is disabled' end describe '#finish_import' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :importing) } subject { repository.finish_import } it_behaves_like 'transitioning from allowed states', %w[default pre_importing importing import_aborted] it_behaves_like 'queueing the next import' it 'sets migration_import_done_at and queues the next import' do expect { subject }.to change { repository.reload.migration_import_done_at } expect(repository).to be_import_done end end describe '#already_migrated' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository) } subject { repository.already_migrated } it_behaves_like 'transitioning from allowed states', %w[default] it 'sets migration_import_done_at' do subject expect(repository).to be_import_done end end describe '#abort_import' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :importing) } subject { repository.abort_import } it_behaves_like 'transitioning from allowed states', ContainerRepository::ABORTABLE_MIGRATION_STATES it_behaves_like 'queueing the next import' it 'sets migration_aborted_at and migration_aborted_at, increments the retry count, and queues the next import' do expect { subject }.to change { repository.migration_aborted_at } .and change { repository.reload.migration_retries_count }.by(1) expect(repository.migration_aborted_in_state).to eq('importing') expect(repository).to be_import_aborted end context 'above the max retry limit' do before do stub_application_setting(container_registry_import_max_retries: 1) end it 'skips the migration' do expect { subject }.to change { repository.migration_skipped_at } expect(repository.reload).to be_import_skipped expect(repository.migration_skipped_reason).to eq('too_many_retries') end end end describe '#skip_import' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository) } subject { repository.skip_import(reason: :too_many_retries) } it_behaves_like 'transitioning from allowed states', ContainerRepository::SKIPPABLE_MIGRATION_STATES it_behaves_like 'queueing the next import' it 'sets migration_skipped_at and migration_skipped_reason' do expect { subject }.to change { repository.reload.migration_skipped_at } expect(repository.migration_skipped_reason).to eq('too_many_retries') expect(repository).to be_import_skipped end it 'raises and error if a reason is not given' do expect { repository.skip_import }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe '#finish_pre_import_and_start_import' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :pre_importing) } subject { repository.finish_pre_import_and_start_import } before do |example| unless example.metadata[:skip_import_success] allow(repository).to receive(:migration_import).and_return(:ok) end end it_behaves_like 'transitioning from allowed states', %w[pre_importing importing import_aborted] it_behaves_like 'transitioning to importing' end end context 'when triggering registry API requests' do let(:repository_state) { nil } let(:repository) { create(:container_repository, repository_state) } shared_examples 'a state machine configured with use_transactions: false' do it 'executes the registry API request outside of a transaction', :delete do expect(repository).to receive(:save).and_call_original do expect(ApplicationRecord.connection.transaction_open?).to be true end expect(repository).to receive(:try_import) do expect(ApplicationRecord.connection.transaction_open?).to be false end subject end end context 'when responding to a start_pre_import event' do subject { repository.start_pre_import } it_behaves_like 'a state machine configured with use_transactions: false' end context 'when responding to a retry_pre_import event' do let(:repository_state) { :import_aborted } subject { repository.retry_pre_import } it_behaves_like 'a state machine configured with use_transactions: false' end context 'when responding to a start_import event' do let(:repository_state) { :pre_import_done } subject { repository.start_import } it_behaves_like 'a state machine configured with use_transactions: false' end context 'when responding to a retry_import event' do let(:repository_state) { :import_aborted } subject { repository.retry_import } it_behaves_like 'a state machine configured with use_transactions: false' end end describe '#retry_aborted_migration' do subject { repository.retry_aborted_migration } context 'when migration_state is not aborted' do it 'does nothing' do expect { subject }.not_to change { repository.reload.migration_state } expect(subject).to eq(nil) end end context 'when migration_state is aborted' do before do repository.abort_import allow(repository.gitlab_api_client) .to receive(:import_status).with(repository.path).and_return(status) end it_behaves_like 'reconciling migration_state' do context 'error response' do let(:status) { 'error' } context 'migration_pre_import_done_at is NULL' do it_behaves_like 'retrying the pre_import' end context 'migration_pre_import_done_at is not NULL' do before do repository.update_columns( migration_pre_import_started_at: 5.minutes.ago, migration_pre_import_done_at: Time.zone.now ) end it_behaves_like 'retrying the import' end end end end end describe '#reconcile_import_status' do subject { repository.reconcile_import_status(status) } before do repository.abort_import end it_behaves_like 'reconciling migration_state' end describe '#tag' do it 'has a test tag' do expect(repository.tag('test')).not_to be_nil end end describe '#path' do context 'when project path does not contain uppercase letters' do it 'returns a full path to the repository' do expect(repository.path).to eq('group/test/my_image') end end context 'when path contains uppercase letters' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, path: 'MY_PROJECT', group: group) } it 'returns a full path without capital letters' do expect(repository.path).to eq('group/my_project/my_image') end end end describe '#manifest' do it 'returns non-empty manifest' do expect(repository.manifest).not_to be_nil end end describe '#valid?' do it 'is a valid repository' do expect(repository).to be_valid end end describe '#tags' do it 'returns non-empty tags list' do expect(repository.tags).not_to be_empty end end describe '#each_tags_page' do let(:page_size) { 100 } shared_examples 'iterating through a page' do |expected_tags: true| it 'iterates through one page' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:tags) .with(repository.path, page_size: page_size, last: nil) .and_return(client_response) expect { |b| repository.each_tags_page(page_size: page_size, &b) } .to yield_with_args(expected_tags ? expected_tags_from(client_response_tags) : []) end end context 'with an empty page' do let(:client_response) { { pagination: {}, response_body: [] } } it_behaves_like 'iterating through a page', expected_tags: false end context 'with one page' do let(:client_response) { { pagination: {}, response_body: client_response_tags } } let(:client_response_tags) do [ { 'name' => '0.1.0', 'created_at' => '2022-06-07T12:10:12.412+00:00' }, { 'name' => 'latest', 'created_at' => '2022-06-07T12:11:13.633+00:00' } ] end context 'with a nil created_at' do let(:client_response_tags) { ['name' => '0.1.0', 'created_at' => nil] } it_behaves_like 'iterating through a page' end context 'with an invalid created_at' do let(:client_response_tags) { ['name' => '0.1.0', 'created_at' => 'not_a_timestamp'] } it_behaves_like 'iterating through a page' end end context 'with two pages' do let(:client_response1) { { pagination: { next: { uri: URI('http://localhost/next?last=latest') } }, response_body: client_response_tags1 } } let(:client_response_tags1) do [ { 'name' => '0.1.0', 'created_at' => '2022-06-07T12:10:12.412+00:00' }, { 'name' => 'latest', 'created_at' => '2022-06-07T12:11:13.633+00:00' } ] end let(:client_response2) { { pagination: {}, response_body: client_response_tags2 } } let(:client_response_tags2) do [ { 'name' => '1.2.3', 'created_at' => '2022-06-10T12:10:15.412+00:00' }, { 'name' => '2.3.4', 'created_at' => '2022-06-11T12:11:17.633+00:00' } ] end it 'iterates through two pages' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:tags) .with(repository.path, page_size: page_size, last: nil) .and_return(client_response1) expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:tags) .with(repository.path, page_size: page_size, last: 'latest') .and_return(client_response2) expect { |b| repository.each_tags_page(page_size: page_size, &b) } .to yield_successive_args(expected_tags_from(client_response_tags1), expected_tags_from(client_response_tags2)) end end context 'when max pages is reached' do before do stub_const('ContainerRepository::MAX_TAGS_PAGES', 0) end it 'raises an error' do expect { repository.each_tags_page(page_size: page_size) {} } .to raise_error(StandardError, 'too many pages requested') end end context 'without a block set' do it 'raises an Argument error' do expect { repository.each_tags_page(page_size: page_size) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'block not given') end end context 'without a page size set' do let(:client_response) { { pagination: {}, response_body: [] } } it 'uses a default size' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:tags) .with(repository.path, page_size: 100, last: nil) .and_return(client_response) expect { |b| repository.each_tags_page(&b) }.to yield_with_args([]) end end context 'with an empty client response' do let(:client_response) { {} } it 'breaks the loop' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:tags) .with(repository.path, page_size: page_size, last: nil) .and_return(client_response) expect { |b| repository.each_tags_page(page_size: page_size, &b) }.not_to yield_control end end context 'with a nil page' do let(:client_response) { { pagination: {}, response_body: nil } } it_behaves_like 'iterating through a page', expected_tags: false end context 'calling on a non migrated repository' do before do repository.update!(created_at: described_class::MIGRATION_PHASE_1_ENDED_AT - 3.days) end it 'raises an Argument error' do expect { repository.each_tags_page }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'not a migrated repository') end end def expected_tags_from(client_tags) client_tags.map do |tag| created_at = begin DateTime.iso8601(tag['created_at']) rescue ArgumentError nil end an_object_having_attributes(name: tag['name'], created_at: created_at) end end end describe '#tags_count' do it 'returns the count of tags' do expect(repository.tags_count).to eq(1) end end describe '#has_tags?' do it 'has tags' do expect(repository).to have_tags end end describe '#delete_tags!' do let(:repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_image', tags: { latest: '123', rc1: '234' }, project: project) end context 'when action succeeds' do it 'returns status that indicates success' do expect(repository.client) .to receive(:delete_repository_tag_by_digest) .twice .and_return(true) expect(repository.delete_tags!).to be_truthy end end context 'when action fails' do it 'returns status that indicates failure' do expect(repository.client) .to receive(:delete_repository_tag_by_digest) .twice .and_return(false) expect(repository.delete_tags!).to be_falsey end end end describe '#delete_tag_by_name' do let(:repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_image', tags: { latest: '123', rc1: '234' }, project: project) end context 'when action succeeds' do it 'returns status that indicates success' do expect(repository.client) .to receive(:delete_repository_tag_by_name) .with(repository.path, "latest") .and_return(true) expect(repository.delete_tag_by_name('latest')).to be_truthy end end context 'when action fails' do it 'returns status that indicates failure' do expect(repository.client) .to receive(:delete_repository_tag_by_name) .with(repository.path, "latest") .and_return(false) expect(repository.delete_tag_by_name('latest')).to be_falsey end end end describe '#location' do context 'when registry is running on a custom port' do before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true, api_url: 'http://registry.gitlab:5000', host_port: 'registry.gitlab:5000') end it 'returns a full location of the repository' do expect(repository.location) .to eq 'registry.gitlab:5000/group/test/my_image' end end end describe '#root_repository?' do context 'when repository is a root repository' do let(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :root) } it 'returns true' do expect(repository).to be_root_repository end end context 'when repository is not a root repository' do it 'returns false' do expect(repository).not_to be_root_repository end end end describe '#start_expiration_policy!' do subject { repository.start_expiration_policy! } before do repository.update_column(:last_cleanup_deleted_tags_count, 10) end it 'sets the expiration policy started at to now' do freeze_time do expect { subject } .to change { repository.expiration_policy_started_at }.from(nil).to(Time.zone.now) .and change { repository.last_cleanup_deleted_tags_count }.from(10).to(nil) end end end describe '#size' do let(:on_com) { true } let(:created_at) { described_class::MIGRATION_PHASE_1_STARTED_AT + 3.months } subject { repository.size } before do allow(::Gitlab).to receive(:com?).and_return(on_com) allow(repository).to receive(:created_at).and_return(created_at) end context 'supports gitlab api on .com with a recent repository' do before do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:supports_gitlab_api?).and_return(true) expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:repository_details).with(repository.path, sizing: :self).and_return(response) end context 'with a size_bytes field' do let(:response) { { 'size_bytes' => 12345 } } it { is_expected.to eq(12345) } end context 'without a size_bytes field' do let(:response) { { 'foo' => 'bar' } } it { is_expected.to eq(nil) } end end context 'does not support gitlab api' do before do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:supports_gitlab_api?).and_return(false) expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).not_to receive(:repository_details) end it { is_expected.to eq(nil) } end context 'not on .com' do let(:on_com) { false } it { is_expected.to eq(nil) } end context 'supports gitlab api on .com with an old repository' do let(:on_com) { true } let(:created_at) { described_class::MIGRATION_PHASE_1_STARTED_AT - 3.months } before do allow(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:supports_gitlab_api?).and_return(true) allow(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:repository_details).with(repository.path, sizing: :self).and_return(response) expect(repository).to receive(:migration_state).and_return(migration_state) end context 'with migration_state import_done' do let(:response) { { 'size_bytes' => 12345 } } let(:migration_state) { 'import_done' } it { is_expected.to eq(12345) } end context 'with migration_state not import_done' do let(:response) { { 'size_bytes' => 12345 } } let(:migration_state) { 'default' } it { is_expected.to eq(nil) } end end end describe '#set_delete_ongoing_status', :freeze_time do let_it_be(:repository) { create(:container_repository) } subject { repository.set_delete_ongoing_status } it 'updates deletion status attributes' do expect { subject }.to change(repository, :status).from(nil).to('delete_ongoing') .and change(repository, :delete_started_at).from(nil).to(Time.zone.now) .and change(repository, :status_updated_at).from(nil).to(Time.zone.now) end end describe '#set_delete_scheduled_status', :freeze_time do let_it_be(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :status_delete_ongoing, delete_started_at: 3.minutes.ago) } subject { repository.set_delete_scheduled_status } it 'updates delete attributes' do expect { subject }.to change(repository, :status).from('delete_ongoing').to('delete_scheduled') .and change(repository, :delete_started_at).to(nil) .and change(repository, :status_updated_at).to(Time.zone.now) end end describe '#status_updated_at', :freeze_time do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository) } %i[delete_scheduled delete_ongoing delete_failed].each do |status| context "when status is updated to #{status}" do it 'updates status_changed_at' do expect { repository.update!(status: status) }.to change(repository, :status_updated_at).from(nil).to(Time.zone.now) end end end context 'when status is not changed' do it 'does not update status_changed_at' do repository.name = 'different-image' expect { repository.save! }.not_to change(repository, :status_updated_at) end end end context 'registry migration' do before do allow(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:supports_gitlab_api?).and_return(true) end shared_examples 'gitlab migration client request' do |step| let(:client_response) { :foobar } it 'returns the same response as the client' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client) .to receive(step).with(repository.path).and_return(client_response) expect(subject).to eq(client_response) end context 'when the gitlab_api feature is not supported' do before do allow(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:supports_gitlab_api?).and_return(false) end it 'returns :error' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).not_to receive(step) expect(subject).to eq(:error) end end end shared_examples 'handling the migration step' do |step| it_behaves_like 'gitlab migration client request', step context 'too many imports' do it 'raises an error when it receives too_many_imports as a response' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client) .to receive(step).with(repository.path).and_return(:too_many_imports) expect { subject }.to raise_error(described_class::TooManyImportsError) end end end describe '#migration_pre_import' do subject { repository.migration_pre_import } it_behaves_like 'handling the migration step', :pre_import_repository end describe '#migration_import' do subject { repository.migration_import } it_behaves_like 'handling the migration step', :import_repository end describe '#migration_cancel' do subject { repository.migration_cancel } it_behaves_like 'gitlab migration client request', :cancel_repository_import end describe '#force_migration_cancel' do subject { repository.force_migration_cancel } shared_examples 'returning the same response as the client' do it 'returns the same response' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client) .to receive(:cancel_repository_import).with(repository.path, force: true).and_return(client_response) expect(subject).to eq(client_response) end end context 'successful cancellation' do let(:client_response) { { status: :ok } } it_behaves_like 'returning the same response as the client' it 'skips the migration' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client) .to receive(:cancel_repository_import).with(repository.path, force: true).and_return(client_response) expect { subject }.to change { repository.reload.migration_state }.to('import_skipped') .and change { repository.migration_skipped_reason }.to('migration_forced_canceled') .and change { repository.migration_skipped_at } end end context 'failed cancellation' do let(:client_response) { { status: :error } } it_behaves_like 'returning the same response as the client' it 'does not skip the migration' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client) .to receive(:cancel_repository_import).with(repository.path, force: true).and_return(client_response) expect { subject }.to not_change { repository.reload.migration_state } .and not_change { repository.migration_skipped_reason } .and not_change { repository.migration_skipped_at } end end context 'when the gitlab_api feature is not supported' do before do allow(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:supports_gitlab_api?).and_return(false) end it 'returns :error' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).not_to receive(:cancel_repository_import) expect(subject).to eq(:error) end end end end describe '.build_from_path' do let(:registry_path) do ContainerRegistry::Path.new(project.full_path + '/some/image') end let(:repository) do described_class.build_from_path(registry_path) end it 'fabricates repository assigned to a correct project' do expect(repository.project).to eq project end it 'fabricates repository with a correct name' do expect(repository.name).to eq 'some/image' end it 'is not persisted' do expect(repository).not_to be_persisted end end describe '.find_or_create_from_path' do let(:repository) do described_class.find_or_create_from_path(ContainerRegistry::Path.new(path)) end let(:repository_path) { ContainerRegistry::Path.new(path) } context 'when received multi-level repository path' do let(:path) { project.full_path + '/some/image' } it 'fabricates repository assigned to a correct project' do expect(repository.project).to eq project end it 'fabricates repository with a correct name' do expect(repository.name).to eq 'some/image' end end context 'when path is too long' do let(:path) do project.full_path + '/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/n/o/p/s/t/u/x/y/z' end it 'does not create repository and raises error' do expect { repository }.to raise_error( ContainerRegistry::Path::InvalidRegistryPathError) end end context 'when received multi-level repository with nested groups' do let(:group) { create(:group, :nested, name: 'nested') } let(:path) { project.full_path + '/some/image' } it 'fabricates repository assigned to a correct project' do expect(repository.project).to eq project end it 'fabricates repository with a correct name' do expect(repository.name).to eq 'some/image' end it 'has path including a nested group' do expect(repository.path).to include 'nested/test/some/image' end end context 'when received root repository path' do let(:path) { project.full_path } it 'fabricates repository assigned to a correct project' do expect(repository.project).to eq project end it 'fabricates repository with an empty name' do expect(repository.name).to be_empty end end context 'when repository already exists' do let(:path) { project.full_path + '/some/image' } it 'returns the existing repository' do container_repository = create(:container_repository, project: project, name: 'some/image') expect(repository.id).to eq(container_repository.id) end end context 'when many of the same repository are created at the same time' do let(:path) { ContainerRegistry::Path.new(project.full_path + '/some/image') } it 'does not throw validation errors and only creates one repository' do expect { repository_creation_race(path) }.to change { described_class.count }.by(1) end it 'retrieves a persisted repository for all concurrent calls' do repositories = repository_creation_race(path).map(&:value) expect(repositories).to all(be_persisted) end end def repository_creation_race(path) # create a race condition - structure from https://blog.arkency.com/2015/09/testing-race-conditions/ wait_for_it = true threads = Array.new(10) do |i| Thread.new do true while wait_for_it described_class.find_or_create_from_path(path) end end wait_for_it = false threads.each(&:join) end end describe '.find_by_path' do let_it_be(:container_repository) { create(:container_repository) } let_it_be(:repository_path) { container_repository.project.full_path } let(:path) { ContainerRegistry::Path.new(repository_path + '/' + container_repository.name) } subject { described_class.find_by_path(path) } context 'when repository exists' do it 'finds the repository' do expect(subject).to eq(container_repository) end end context 'when repository does not exist' do let(:path) { ContainerRegistry::Path.new(repository_path + '/some/image') } it 'returns nil' do expect(subject).to be_nil end end end describe '.find_by_path!' do let_it_be(:container_repository) { create(:container_repository) } let_it_be(:repository_path) { container_repository.project.full_path } let(:path) { ContainerRegistry::Path.new(repository_path + '/' + container_repository.name) } subject { described_class.find_by_path!(path) } context 'when repository exists' do it 'finds the repository' do expect(subject).to eq(container_repository) end end context 'when repository does not exist' do let(:path) { ContainerRegistry::Path.new(repository_path + '/some/image') } it 'raises an exception' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end describe '.build_root_repository' do let(:repository) do described_class.build_root_repository(project) end it 'fabricates a root repository object' do expect(repository).to be_root_repository end it 'assignes it to the correct project' do expect(repository.project).to eq project end it 'does not persist it' do expect(repository).not_to be_persisted end end describe '.for_group_and_its_subgroups' do subject { described_class.for_group_and_its_subgroups(test_group) } context 'in a group' do let(:test_group) { group } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository) } end context 'with a subgroup' do let_it_be(:test_group) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:another_project) { create(:project, path: 'test', group: test_group) } let_it_be(:project3) { create(:project, :container_registry_disabled, path: 'test3', group: test_group) } let_it_be(:another_repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_image', project: another_project) end let_it_be(:repository3) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_image3', project: project3) end before do group.parent = test_group group.save! end it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository, another_repository) } end context 'group without container_repositories' do let(:test_group) { create(:group) } it { is_expected.to eq([]) } end end describe '.search_by_name' do let!(:another_repository) do create(:container_repository, name: 'my_foo_bar', project: project) end subject { described_class.search_by_name('my_image') } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository) } end describe '.for_project_id' do subject { described_class.for_project_id(project.id) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository) } end describe '.expiration_policy_started_at_nil_or_before' do let_it_be(:repository1) { create(:container_repository, expiration_policy_started_at: nil) } let_it_be(:repository2) { create(:container_repository, expiration_policy_started_at: 1.day.ago) } let_it_be(:repository3) { create(:container_repository, expiration_policy_started_at: 2.hours.ago) } let_it_be(:repository4) { create(:container_repository, expiration_policy_started_at: 1.week.ago) } subject { described_class.expiration_policy_started_at_nil_or_before(3.hours.ago) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository1, repository2, repository4) } end describe '.with_migration_import_started_at_nil_or_before' do let_it_be(:repository1) { create(:container_repository, migration_import_started_at: 5.minutes.ago) } let_it_be(:repository2) { create(:container_repository, migration_import_started_at: nil) } let_it_be(:repository3) { create(:container_repository, migration_import_started_at: 10.minutes.ago) } subject { described_class.with_migration_import_started_at_nil_or_before(7.minutes.ago) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository2, repository3) } end describe '.with_migration_pre_import_started_at_nil_or_before' do let_it_be(:repository1) { create(:container_repository, migration_pre_import_started_at: 5.minutes.ago) } let_it_be(:repository2) { create(:container_repository, migration_pre_import_started_at: nil) } let_it_be(:repository3) { create(:container_repository, migration_pre_import_started_at: 10.minutes.ago) } subject { described_class.with_migration_pre_import_started_at_nil_or_before(7.minutes.ago) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository2, repository3) } end describe '.with_migration_pre_import_done_at_nil_or_before' do let_it_be(:repository1) { create(:container_repository, migration_pre_import_done_at: 5.minutes.ago) } let_it_be(:repository2) { create(:container_repository, migration_pre_import_done_at: nil) } let_it_be(:repository3) { create(:container_repository, migration_pre_import_done_at: 10.minutes.ago) } subject { described_class.with_migration_pre_import_done_at_nil_or_before(7.minutes.ago) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository2, repository3) } end describe '.with_stale_ongoing_cleanup' do let_it_be(:repository1) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_ongoing, expiration_policy_started_at: 1.day.ago) } let_it_be(:repository2) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_ongoing, expiration_policy_started_at: 25.minutes.ago) } let_it_be(:repository3) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_ongoing, expiration_policy_started_at: 1.week.ago) } let_it_be(:repository4) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_unscheduled, expiration_policy_started_at: 25.minutes.ago) } subject { described_class.with_stale_ongoing_cleanup(27.minutes.ago) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository1, repository3) } end describe '.with_stale_delete_at' do let_it_be(:repository1) { create(:container_repository, delete_started_at: 1.day.ago) } let_it_be(:repository2) { create(:container_repository, delete_started_at: 25.minutes.ago) } let_it_be(:repository3) { create(:container_repository, delete_started_at: 1.week.ago) } subject { described_class.with_stale_delete_at(27.minutes.ago) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository1, repository3) } end describe '.waiting_for_cleanup' do let_it_be(:repository_cleanup_scheduled) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_scheduled) } let_it_be(:repository_cleanup_unfinished) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_unfinished) } let_it_be(:repository_cleanup_ongoing) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_ongoing) } subject { described_class.waiting_for_cleanup } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(repository_cleanup_scheduled, repository_cleanup_unfinished) } end describe '.exists_by_path?' do it 'returns true for known container repository paths' do path = ContainerRegistry::Path.new("#{project.full_path}/#{repository.name}") expect(described_class.exists_by_path?(path)).to be_truthy end it 'returns false for unknown container repository paths' do path = ContainerRegistry::Path.new('you/dont/know/me') expect(described_class.exists_by_path?(path)).to be_falsey end end describe '.all_migrated?' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } subject { project.container_repositories.all_migrated? } context 'with no repositories' do it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'with only recent repositories' do let_it_be(:container_repository1) { create(:container_repository, project: project) } let_it_be_with_reload(:container_repository2) { create(:container_repository, project: project) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } context 'with one old non migrated repository' do before do container_repository2.update!(created_at: described_class::MIGRATION_PHASE_1_ENDED_AT - 3.months) end it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'with one old migrated repository' do before do container_repository2.update!( created_at: described_class::MIGRATION_PHASE_1_ENDED_AT - 3.months, migration_state: 'import_done', migration_import_done_at: Time.zone.now ) end it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end end end describe '.with_enabled_policy' do let_it_be(:repository) { create(:container_repository) } let_it_be(:repository2) { create(:container_repository) } subject { described_class.with_enabled_policy } before do repository.project.container_expiration_policy.update!(enabled: true) end it { is_expected.to eq([repository]) } end describe '#migration_in_active_state?' do subject { container_repository.migration_in_active_state? } described_class::MIGRATION_STATES.each do |state| context "when in #{state} migration_state" do let(:container_repository) { create(:container_repository, state.to_sym) } it { is_expected.to eq(state == 'importing' || state == 'pre_importing') } end end end describe '#migration_importing?' do subject { container_repository.migration_importing? } described_class::MIGRATION_STATES.each do |state| context "when in #{state} migration_state" do let(:container_repository) { create(:container_repository, state.to_sym) } it { is_expected.to eq(state == 'importing') } end end end describe '#migration_pre_importing?' do subject { container_repository.migration_pre_importing? } described_class::MIGRATION_STATES.each do |state| context "when in #{state} migration_state" do let(:container_repository) { create(:container_repository, state.to_sym) } it { is_expected.to eq(state == 'pre_importing') } end end end describe '#try_import' do let_it_be_with_reload(:container_repository) { create(:container_repository) } let(:response) { nil } subject do container_repository.try_import do container_repository.foo end end before do allow(container_repository).to receive(:foo).and_return(response) end context 'successful request' do let(:response) { :ok } it { is_expected.to eq(true) } end context 'TooManyImportsError' do before do stub_application_setting(container_registry_import_start_max_retries: 3) allow(container_repository).to receive(:foo).and_raise(described_class::TooManyImportsError) end it 'tries again exponentially and aborts the migration' do expect(container_repository).to receive(:sleep).with(a_value_within(0.01).of(0.1)) expect(container_repository).to receive(:sleep).with(a_value_within(0.01).of(0.2)) expect(container_repository).to receive(:sleep).with(a_value_within(0.01).of(0.3)) expect(subject).to eq(false) expect(container_repository).to be_import_aborted end end context 'not found response' do let(:response) { :not_found } it 'completes the migration' do expect(subject).to eq(false) expect(container_repository).to be_import_done expect(container_repository.reload.migration_skipped_reason).to eq('not_found') end end context 'other response' do let(:response) { :error } it 'aborts the migration' do expect(subject).to eq(false) expect(container_repository).to be_import_aborted end end context 'with no block given' do it 'raises an error' do expect { container_repository.try_import }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe '#retried_too_many_times?' do subject { repository.retried_too_many_times? } before do stub_application_setting(container_registry_import_max_retries: 3) end context 'migration_retries_count is equal or greater than max_retries' do before do repository.update_column(:migration_retries_count, 3) end it { is_expected.to eq(true) } end context 'migration_retries_count is lower than max_retries' do before do repository.update_column(:migration_retries_count, 2) end it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end end describe '#nearing_or_exceeded_retry_limit?' do subject { repository.nearing_or_exceeded_retry_limit? } before do stub_application_setting(container_registry_import_max_retries: 3) end context 'migration_retries_count is 1 less than max_retries' do before do repository.update_column(:migration_retries_count, 2) end it { is_expected.to eq(true) } end context 'migration_retries_count is lower than max_retries' do before do repository.update_column(:migration_retries_count, 1) end it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end context 'migration_retries_count equal to or higher than max_retries' do before do repository.update_column(:migration_retries_count, 3) end it { is_expected.to eq(true) } end end describe '#migrated?' do subject { repository.migrated? } it { is_expected.to eq(true) } context 'with a created_at older than phase 1 ends' do before do repository.update!(created_at: described_class::MIGRATION_PHASE_1_ENDED_AT - 3.days) end it { is_expected.to eq(false) } context 'with migration state set to import_done' do before do repository.update!(migration_state: 'import_done') end it { is_expected.to eq(true) } end end end context 'with repositories' do let_it_be_with_reload(:repository) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_unscheduled) } let_it_be(:other_repository) { create(:container_repository, :cleanup_unscheduled) } let(:policy) { repository.project.container_expiration_policy } before do ContainerExpirationPolicy.update_all(enabled: true) end describe '.requiring_cleanup' do subject { described_class.requiring_cleanup } context 'with next_run_at in the future' do before do policy.update_column(:next_run_at, 10.minutes.from_now) end it { is_expected.to eq([]) } end context 'with next_run_at in the past' do before do policy.update_column(:next_run_at, 10.minutes.ago) end it { is_expected.to eq([repository]) } end context 'with repository cleanup started at after policy next run at' do before do repository.update!(expiration_policy_started_at: policy.next_run_at + 5.minutes) end it { is_expected.to eq([]) } end end describe '.with_unfinished_cleanup' do subject { described_class.with_unfinished_cleanup } it { is_expected.to eq([]) } context 'with an unfinished repository' do before do repository.cleanup_unfinished! end it { is_expected.to eq([repository]) } end end describe '.recently_done_migration_step' do let_it_be(:import_done_repository) { create(:container_repository, :import_done, migration_pre_import_done_at: 3.days.ago, migration_import_done_at: 2.days.ago) } let_it_be(:import_aborted_repository) { create(:container_repository, :import_aborted, migration_pre_import_done_at: 5.days.ago, migration_aborted_at: 1.day.ago) } let_it_be(:pre_import_done_repository) { create(:container_repository, :pre_import_done, migration_pre_import_done_at: 1.hour.ago) } let_it_be(:import_skipped_repository) { create(:container_repository, :import_skipped, migration_skipped_at: 90.minutes.ago) } subject { described_class.recently_done_migration_step } it 'returns completed imports by done_at date' do expect(subject.to_a).to eq([pre_import_done_repository, import_skipped_repository, import_aborted_repository, import_done_repository]) end end describe '.ready_for_import' do include_context 'importable repositories' subject { described_class.ready_for_import } before do stub_application_setting(container_registry_import_target_plan: valid_container_repository.migration_plan) end it 'returns valid container repositories' do expect(subject).to contain_exactly(valid_container_repository, valid_container_repository2) end end describe '#last_import_step_done_at' do let_it_be(:aborted_at) { Time.zone.now - 1.hour } let_it_be(:pre_import_done_at) { Time.zone.now - 2.hours } let_it_be(:skipped_at) { Time.zone.now - 3.hours } subject { repository.last_import_step_done_at } before do repository.update_columns( migration_pre_import_done_at: pre_import_done_at, migration_aborted_at: aborted_at, migration_skipped_at: skipped_at ) end it { is_expected.to eq(aborted_at) } end end describe '#external_import_status' do subject { repository.external_import_status } it 'returns the response from the client' do expect(repository.gitlab_api_client).to receive(:import_status).with(repository.path).and_return('test') expect(subject).to eq('test') end end describe '.with_stale_migration' do let_it_be(:repository) { create(:container_repository) } let_it_be(:stale_pre_importing_old_timestamp) { create(:container_repository, :pre_importing, migration_pre_import_started_at: 10.minutes.ago) } let_it_be(:stale_pre_importing_nil_timestamp) { create(:container_repository, :pre_importing).tap { |r| r.update_column(:migration_pre_import_started_at, nil) } } let_it_be(:stale_pre_importing_recent_timestamp) { create(:container_repository, :pre_importing, migration_pre_import_started_at: 2.minutes.ago) } let_it_be(:stale_pre_import_done_old_timestamp) { create(:container_repository, :pre_import_done, migration_pre_import_done_at: 10.minutes.ago) } let_it_be(:stale_pre_import_done_nil_timestamp) { create(:container_repository, :pre_import_done).tap { |r| r.update_column(:migration_pre_import_done_at, nil) } } let_it_be(:stale_pre_import_done_recent_timestamp) { create(:container_repository, :pre_import_done, migration_pre_import_done_at: 2.minutes.ago) } let_it_be(:stale_importing_old_timestamp) { create(:container_repository, :importing, migration_import_started_at: 10.minutes.ago) } let_it_be(:stale_importing_nil_timestamp) { create(:container_repository, :importing).tap { |r| r.update_column(:migration_import_started_at, nil) } } let_it_be(:stale_importing_recent_timestamp) { create(:container_repository, :importing, migration_import_started_at: 2.minutes.ago) } let(:stale_migrations) do [ stale_pre_importing_old_timestamp, stale_pre_importing_nil_timestamp, stale_pre_import_done_old_timestamp, stale_pre_import_done_nil_timestamp, stale_importing_old_timestamp, stale_importing_nil_timestamp ] end subject { described_class.with_stale_migration(5.minutes.ago) } it { is_expected.to contain_exactly(*stale_migrations) } end end