# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe GrafanaIntegration do describe 'associations' do it { is_expected.to belong_to(:project) } end describe 'validations' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:project) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:encrypted_token) } it 'disallows invalid urls for grafana_url' do unsafe_url = %{https://replaceme.com/'>} non_ascii_url = 'http://gitlab.com/api/0/projects/project1/something€' blank_url = '' excessively_long_url = 'https://grafan' + 'a' * 1024 + '.com' is_expected.not_to allow_values( unsafe_url, non_ascii_url, blank_url, excessively_long_url ).for(:grafana_url) end it 'allows valid urls for grafana_url' do external_url = 'http://grafana.com/' internal_url = '' is_expected.to allow_value( external_url, internal_url ).for(:grafana_url) end it 'disallows non-booleans in enabled column' do is_expected.not_to allow_value( nil ).for(:enabled) end it 'allows booleans in enabled column' do is_expected.to allow_value( true, false ).for(:enabled) end end describe '.client' do subject(:grafana_integration) { create(:grafana_integration) } context 'with grafana integration disabled' do it 'returns a grafana client' do expect(grafana_integration.client).to be_an_instance_of(::Grafana::Client) end end context 'with grafana integration enabled' do it 'returns nil' do grafana_integration.update!(enabled: false) expect(grafana_integration.client).to be(nil) end end end describe 'attribute encryption' do subject(:grafana_integration) { create(:grafana_integration, token: 'super-secret') } context 'token' do it 'encrypts original value into encrypted_token attribute' do expect(grafana_integration.encrypted_token).not_to be_nil end it 'locks access to raw value in private method', :aggregate_failures do expect { grafana_integration.token }.to raise_error(NoMethodError, /private method .token. called/) expect(grafana_integration.send(:token)).to eql('super-secret') end it 'prevents overriding token value with its encrypted or masked version', :aggregate_failures do expect { grafana_integration.update!(token: grafana_integration.encrypted_token) }.not_to change { grafana_integration.reload.send(:token) } expect { grafana_integration.update!(token: grafana_integration.masked_token) }.not_to change { grafana_integration.reload.send(:token) } end end end describe 'Callbacks' do describe 'before_validation :reset_token' do context 'when a token was previously set' do subject(:grafana_integration) { create(:grafana_integration) } it 'resets token if url changed' do grafana_integration.grafana_url = 'http://gitlab1.com' expect(grafana_integration).not_to be_valid expect(grafana_integration.send(:token)).to be_nil end it "does not reset token if new url is set together with the same token" do grafana_integration.grafana_url = 'http://gitlab_edited.com' current_token = grafana_integration.send(:token) grafana_integration.token = current_token expect(grafana_integration).to be_valid expect(grafana_integration.send(:token)).to eq(current_token) expect(grafana_integration.grafana_url).to eq('http://gitlab_edited.com') end it 'does not reset token if new url is set together with a new token' do grafana_integration.grafana_url = 'http://gitlab_edited.com' grafana_integration.token = 'token' expect(grafana_integration).to be_valid expect(grafana_integration.send(:token)).to eq('token') expect(grafana_integration.grafana_url).to eq('http://gitlab_edited.com') end end end end end