# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe NamespaceStatistics do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:namespace) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:namespace) } describe '#refresh!' do let(:namespace) { group } let(:statistics) { create(:namespace_statistics, namespace: namespace) } let(:columns) { [] } subject(:refresh!) { statistics.refresh!(only: columns) } context 'when database is read_only' do it 'does not save the object' do allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:read_only?).and_return(true) expect(statistics).not_to receive(:save!) refresh! end end context 'when namespace belong to a user' do let(:namespace) { user.namespace } it 'does not save the object' do expect(statistics).not_to receive(:save!) refresh! end end shared_examples 'creates the namespace statistics' do specify do expect(statistics).to receive(:save!) refresh! end end context 'when invalid option is passed' do let(:columns) { [:foo] } it 'does not update any column' do create(:dependency_proxy_manifest, group: namespace, size: 50) expect(statistics).not_to receive(:update_dependency_proxy_size) expect { refresh! }.not_to change { statistics.reload.storage_size } end it_behaves_like 'creates the namespace statistics' end context 'when no option is passed' do it 'updates the dependency proxy size' do expect(statistics).to receive(:update_dependency_proxy_size) refresh! end it_behaves_like 'creates the namespace statistics' end context 'when dependency_proxy_size option is passed' do let(:columns) { [:dependency_proxy_size] } it 'updates the dependency proxy size' do expect(statistics).to receive(:update_dependency_proxy_size) refresh! end it_behaves_like 'creates the namespace statistics' end end describe '#update_storage_size' do let_it_be(:statistics, reload: true) { create(:namespace_statistics, namespace: group) } it 'sets storage_size to the dependency_proxy_size' do statistics.dependency_proxy_size = 3 statistics.update_storage_size expect(statistics.storage_size).to eq 3 end end describe '#update_dependency_proxy_size' do let_it_be(:statistics, reload: true) { create(:namespace_statistics, namespace: group) } let_it_be(:dependency_proxy_manifest) { create(:dependency_proxy_manifest, group: group, size: 50) } let_it_be(:dependency_proxy_blob) { create(:dependency_proxy_blob, group: group, size: 50) } subject(:update_dependency_proxy_size) { statistics.update_dependency_proxy_size } it 'updates the dependency proxy size' do update_dependency_proxy_size expect(statistics.dependency_proxy_size).to eq 100 end context 'when namespace does not belong to a group' do let(:statistics) { create(:namespace_statistics, namespace: user.namespace) } it 'does not update the dependency proxy size' do update_dependency_proxy_size expect(statistics.dependency_proxy_size).to be_zero end end end context 'before saving statistics' do let(:statistics) { create(:namespace_statistics, namespace: group, dependency_proxy_size: 10) } it 'updates storage size' do expect(statistics).to receive(:update_storage_size).and_call_original statistics.save! expect(statistics.storage_size).to eq 10 end end context 'after saving statistics', :aggregate_failures do let(:statistics) { create(:namespace_statistics, namespace: namespace) } let(:namespace) { group } context 'when storage_size is not updated' do it 'does not enqueue the job to update root storage statistics' do expect(statistics).not_to receive(:update_root_storage_statistics) expect(Namespaces::ScheduleAggregationWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) statistics.save! end end context 'when storage_size is updated' do before do # we have to update this value instead of `storage_size` because the before_save # hook we have. If we don't do it, storage_size will be set to the dependency_proxy_size value # which is 0. statistics.dependency_proxy_size = 10 end it 'enqueues the job to update root storage statistics' do expect(statistics).to receive(:update_root_storage_statistics).and_call_original expect(Namespaces::ScheduleAggregationWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(group.id) statistics.save! end context 'when namespace does not belong to a group' do let(:namespace) { user.namespace } it 'does not enqueue the job to update root storage statistics' do expect(statistics).to receive(:update_root_storage_statistics).and_call_original expect(Namespaces::ScheduleAggregationWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) statistics.save! end end end context 'when other columns are updated' do it 'does not enqueue the job to update root storage statistics' do columns_to_update = NamespaceStatistics.columns_hash.reject { |k, _| %w(id namespace_id).include?(k) || k.include?('_size') }.keys columns_to_update.each { |c| statistics[c] = 10 } expect(statistics).not_to receive(:update_root_storage_statistics) expect(Namespaces::ScheduleAggregationWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) statistics.save! end end end context 'after destroy statistics', :aggregate_failures do let(:statistics) { create(:namespace_statistics, namespace: namespace) } let(:namespace) { group } it 'enqueues the job to update root storage statistics' do expect(statistics).to receive(:update_root_storage_statistics).and_call_original expect(Namespaces::ScheduleAggregationWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(group.id) statistics.destroy! end context 'when namespace belongs to a group' do let(:namespace) { user.namespace } it 'does not enqueue the job to update root storage statistics' do expect(statistics).to receive(:update_root_storage_statistics).and_call_original expect(Namespaces::ScheduleAggregationWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async) statistics.destroy! end end end end