# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ReleaseHighlight do let(:fixture_dir_glob) { Dir.glob(File.join('spec', 'fixtures', 'whats_new', '*.yml')) } before do allow(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(Rails.root.join('data', 'whats_new', '*.yml')).and_return(fixture_dir_glob) end after do ReleaseHighlight.instance_variable_set(:@file_paths, nil) end describe '.for_version' do subject { ReleaseHighlight.for_version(version: version) } let(:version) { '1.1' } context 'with version param that exists' do it 'returns items from that version' do expect(subject.items.first['title']).to eq("It's gonna be a bright") end end context 'with version param that does NOT exist' do let(:version) { '84.0' } it 'returns nil' do expect(subject).to be_nil end end end describe '.paginated' do let(:dot_com) { false } before do allow(Gitlab).to receive(:com?).and_return(dot_com) end context 'with page param' do subject { ReleaseHighlight.paginated(page: page) } context 'when there is another page of results' do let(:page) { 2 } it 'responds with paginated results' do expect(subject[:items].first['title']).to eq('bright') expect(subject[:next_page]).to eq(3) end end context 'when there is NOT another page of results' do let(:page) { 3 } it 'responds with paginated results and no next_page' do expect(subject[:items].first['title']).to eq("It's gonna be a bright") expect(subject[:next_page]).to eq(nil) end end context 'when that specific page does not exist' do let(:page) { 84 } it 'returns nil' do expect(subject).to be_nil end end end context 'with no page param' do subject { ReleaseHighlight.paginated } it 'uses multiple levels of cache' do expect(Rails.cache).to receive(:fetch).with("release_highlight:items:page-1:#{Gitlab.revision}", { expires_in: described_class::CACHE_DURATION }).and_call_original expect(Rails.cache).to receive(:fetch).with("release_highlight:file_paths:#{Gitlab.revision}", { expires_in: described_class::CACHE_DURATION }).and_call_original subject end it 'returns platform specific items' do expect(subject[:items].count).to eq(1) expect(subject[:items].first['title']).to eq("bright and sunshinin' day") expect(subject[:next_page]).to eq(2) end context 'when Gitlab.com' do let(:dot_com) { true } it 'responds with a different set of data' do expect(subject[:items].count).to eq(1) expect(subject[:items].first['title']).to eq("I think I can make it now the pain is gone") end end context 'when recent release items do NOT exist' do before do allow(YAML).to receive(:safe_load).and_raise(Psych::Exception) expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_exception) end it 'fails gracefully and logs an error' do expect(subject).to be_nil end end end end describe '.most_recent_item_count' do subject { ReleaseHighlight.most_recent_item_count } it 'uses process memory cache' do expect(Gitlab::ProcessMemoryCache.cache_backend).to receive(:fetch).with("release_highlight:recent_item_count:#{Gitlab.revision}", expires_in: described_class::CACHE_DURATION) subject end context 'when recent release items exist' do it 'returns the count from the most recent file' do allow(ReleaseHighlight).to receive(:paginated).and_return(double(:paginated, items: [double(:item)])) expect(subject).to eq(1) end end context 'when recent release items do NOT exist' do it 'returns nil' do allow(ReleaseHighlight).to receive(:paginated).and_return(nil) expect(subject).to be_nil end end end describe '.versions' do subject { described_class.versions } it 'uses process memory cache' do expect(Gitlab::ProcessMemoryCache.cache_backend).to receive(:fetch).with("release_highlight:versions:#{Gitlab.revision}", { expires_in: described_class::CACHE_DURATION }) subject end it 'returns versions from the file paths' do expect(subject).to eq(['1.5', '1.2', '1.1']) end context 'when there are more than 12 versions' do let(:file_paths) do i = 0 Array.new(20) { "20201225_01_#{i += 1}.yml" } end it 'limits to 12 versions' do allow(ReleaseHighlight).to receive(:file_paths).and_return(file_paths) expect(subject.count).to eq(12) end end end describe 'QueryResult' do subject { ReleaseHighlight::QueryResult.new(items: items, next_page: 2) } let(:items) { [:item] } it 'responds to map' do expect(subject.map(&:to_s)).to eq(items.map(&:to_s)) end end end