# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe AbuseReportsController, feature_category: :insider_threat do let(:reporter) { create(:user) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:abuse_category) { 'spam' } let(:attrs) do attributes_for(:abuse_report) do |hash| hash[:user_id] = user.id hash[:category] = abuse_category end end before do sign_in(reporter) end describe 'GET new' do let(:ref_url) { 'http://example.com' } it 'sets the instance variables' do get new_abuse_report_path(user_id: user.id, ref_url: ref_url) expect(assigns(:abuse_report)).to be_kind_of(AbuseReport) expect(assigns(:abuse_report)).to have_attributes( user_id: user.id, reported_from_url: ref_url ) end context 'when the user has already been deleted' do it 'redirects the reporter to root_path' do user_id = user.id user.destroy! get new_abuse_report_path(user_id: user_id) expect(response).to redirect_to root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to eq(_('Cannot create the abuse report. The user has been deleted.')) end end context 'when the user has already been blocked' do it 'redirects the reporter to the user\'s profile' do user.block get new_abuse_report_path(user_id: user.id) expect(response).to redirect_to user expect(flash[:alert]).to eq(_('Cannot create the abuse report. This user has been blocked.')) end end end describe 'POST add_category', :aggregate_failures do subject(:request) { post add_category_abuse_reports_path, params: request_params } context 'when user is reported for abuse' do let(:ref_url) { 'http://example.com' } let(:request_params) do { user_id: user.id, abuse_report: { category: abuse_category, reported_from_url: ref_url } } end it 'renders new template' do subject expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to render_template(:new) end it 'sets the instance variables' do subject expect(assigns(:abuse_report)).to be_kind_of(AbuseReport) expect(assigns(:abuse_report)).to have_attributes( user_id: user.id, category: abuse_category, reported_from_url: ref_url ) end it 'tracks the snowplow event' do subject expect_snowplow_event( category: 'ReportAbuse', action: 'select_abuse_category', property: abuse_category, user: user ) end end context 'when abuse_report is missing in params' do let(:request_params) { { user_id: user.id } } it 'raises an error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end end context 'when user_id is missing in params' do let(:request_params) { { abuse_report: { category: abuse_category } } } it 'redirects the reporter to root_path' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to eq(_('Cannot create the abuse report. The user has been deleted.')) end end context 'when the user has already been deleted' do let(:request_params) { { user_id: user.id, abuse_report: { category: abuse_category } } } it 'redirects the reporter to root_path' do user.destroy! subject expect(response).to redirect_to root_path expect(flash[:alert]).to eq(_('Cannot create the abuse report. The user has been deleted.')) end end context 'when the user has already been blocked' do let(:request_params) { { user_id: user.id, abuse_report: { category: abuse_category } } } it 'redirects the reporter to the user\'s profile' do user.block subject expect(response).to redirect_to user expect(flash[:alert]).to eq(_('Cannot create the abuse report. This user has been blocked.')) end end end describe 'POST create' do context 'with valid attributes' do it 'saves the abuse report' do expect do post abuse_reports_path(abuse_report: attrs) end.to change { AbuseReport.count }.by(1) end it 'calls notify' do expect_next_instance_of(AbuseReport) do |instance| expect(instance).to receive(:notify) end post abuse_reports_path(abuse_report: attrs) end it 'redirects back to root' do post abuse_reports_path(abuse_report: attrs) expect(response).to redirect_to root_path end it 'tracks the snowplow event' do post abuse_reports_path(abuse_report: attrs) expect_snowplow_event( category: 'ReportAbuse', action: 'submit_form', property: abuse_category, user: user ) end end context 'with invalid attributes' do before do attrs.delete(:user_id) end it 'redirects back to root' do post abuse_reports_path(abuse_report: attrs) expect(response).to redirect_to root_path end it 'does not track the snowplow event' do post abuse_reports_path(abuse_report: attrs) expect_no_snowplow_event end end end end