require 'spec_helper' describe API::CommitStatuses, api: true do include ApiHelpers let!(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:commit) { project.repository.commit } let(:guest) { create_user(:guest) } let(:reporter) { create_user(:reporter) } let(:developer) { create_user(:developer) } let(:sha) { } let(:commit_status) do create(:commit_status, status: :pending, pipeline: pipeline) end describe "GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/statuses" do let(:get_url) { "/projects/#{}/repository/commits/#{sha}/statuses" } context 'ci commit exists' do let!(:master) { project.pipelines.create(sha:, ref: 'master') } let!(:develop) { project.pipelines.create(sha:, ref: 'develop') } context "reporter user" do let(:statuses_id) { { |status| status['id'] } } def create_status(commit, opts = {}) create(:commit_status, { pipeline: commit, ref: commit.ref }.merge(opts)) end let!(:status1) { create_status(master, status: 'running') } let!(:status2) { create_status(master, name: 'coverage', status: 'pending') } let!(:status3) { create_status(develop, status: 'running', allow_failure: true) } let!(:status4) { create_status(master, name: 'coverage', status: 'success') } let!(:status5) { create_status(develop, name: 'coverage', status: 'success') } let!(:status6) { create_status(master, status: 'success') } context 'latest commit statuses' do before { get api(get_url, reporter) } it 'returns latest commit statuses' do expect(response).to have_http_status(200) expect(response).to include_pagination_headers expect(json_response).to be_an Array expect(statuses_id).to contain_exactly(,,, json_response.sort_by!{ |status| status['id'] } expect({ |status| status['allow_failure'] }).to eq([true, false, false, false]) end end context 'all commit statuses' do before { get api(get_url, reporter), all: 1 } it 'returns all commit statuses' do expect(response).to have_http_status(200) expect(response).to include_pagination_headers expect(json_response).to be_an Array expect(statuses_id).to contain_exactly(,,,,, end end context 'latest commit statuses for specific ref' do before { get api(get_url, reporter), ref: 'develop' } it 'returns latest commit statuses for specific ref' do expect(response).to have_http_status(200) expect(response).to include_pagination_headers expect(json_response).to be_an Array expect(statuses_id).to contain_exactly(, end end context 'latest commit statues for specific name' do before { get api(get_url, reporter), name: 'coverage' } it 'return latest commit statuses for specific name' do expect(response).to have_http_status(200) expect(response).to include_pagination_headers expect(json_response).to be_an Array expect(statuses_id).to contain_exactly(, end end end end context 'ci commit does not exist' do before { get api(get_url, reporter) } it 'returns empty array' do expect(response.status).to eq 200 expect(json_response).to be_an Array expect(json_response).to be_empty end end context "guest user" do before { get api(get_url, guest) } it "does not return project commits" do expect(response).to have_http_status(403) end end context "unauthorized user" do before { get api(get_url) } it "does not return project commits" do expect(response).to have_http_status(401) end end end describe 'POST /projects/:id/statuses/:sha' do let(:post_url) { "/projects/#{}/statuses/#{sha}" } context 'developer user' do %w[pending running success failed canceled].each do |status| context "for #{status}" do context 'uses only required parameters' do it 'creates commit status' do post api(post_url, developer), state: status expect(response).to have_http_status(201) expect(json_response['sha']).to eq( expect(json_response['status']).to eq(status) expect(json_response['name']).to eq('default') expect(json_response['ref']).not_to be_empty expect(json_response['target_url']).to be_nil expect(json_response['description']).to be_nil end end end end context 'transitions status from pending' do before do post api(post_url, developer), state: 'pending' end %w[running success failed canceled].each do |status| it "to #{status}" do expect { post api(post_url, developer), state: status }.not_to change { CommitStatus.count } expect(response).to have_http_status(201) expect(json_response['status']).to eq(status) end end end context 'with all optional parameters' do before do optional_params = { state: 'success', context: 'coverage', ref: 'develop', description: 'test', coverage: 80.0, target_url: '' } post api(post_url, developer), optional_params end it 'creates commit status' do expect(response).to have_http_status(201) expect(json_response['sha']).to eq( expect(json_response['status']).to eq('success') expect(json_response['name']).to eq('coverage') expect(json_response['ref']).to eq('develop') expect(json_response['coverage']).to eq(80.0) expect(json_response['description']).to eq('test') expect(json_response['target_url']).to eq('') end end context 'when status is invalid' do before { post api(post_url, developer), state: 'invalid' } it 'does not create commit status' do expect(response).to have_http_status(400) end end context 'when request without a state made' do before { post api(post_url, developer) } it 'does not create commit status' do expect(response).to have_http_status(400) end end context 'when commit SHA is invalid' do let(:sha) { 'invalid_sha' } before { post api(post_url, developer), state: 'running' } it 'returns not found error' do expect(response).to have_http_status(404) end end context 'when target URL is an invalid address' do before do post api(post_url, developer), state: 'pending', target_url: 'invalid url' end it 'responds with bad request status and validation errors' do expect(response).to have_http_status(400) expect(json_response['message']['target_url']) .to include 'must be a valid URL' end end end context 'reporter user' do before { post api(post_url, reporter), state: 'running' } it 'does not create commit status' do expect(response).to have_http_status(403) end end context 'guest user' do before { post api(post_url, guest), state: 'running' } it 'does not create commit status' do expect(response).to have_http_status(403) end end context 'unauthorized user' do before { post api(post_url) } it 'does not create commit status' do expect(response).to have_http_status(401) end end end def create_user(access_level_trait) user = create(:user) create(:project_member, access_level_trait, user: user, project: project) user end end