# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Query.ciConfig', feature_category: :continuous_integration do include GraphqlHelpers include StubRequests subject(:post_graphql_query) { post_graphql(query, current_user: user) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository, creator: user, namespace: user.namespace) } let_it_be(:content) do File.read(Rails.root.join('spec/support/gitlab_stubs/gitlab_ci_includes.yml')) end let(:query) do %( query { ciConfig(projectPath: "#{project.full_path}", content: "#{content}", dryRun: false) { status errors warnings stages { nodes { name groups { nodes { name size jobs { nodes { name groupName stage script beforeScript afterScript allowFailure only { refs } when except { refs } environment tags needs { nodes { name } } } } } } } } mergedYaml includes { type location blob raw extra contextProject contextSha } } } ) end it_behaves_like 'a working graphql query' do before do post_graphql_query end end it 'returns the correct structure' do post_graphql_query expect(graphql_data['ciConfig']).to include( "status" => "VALID", "errors" => [], "warnings" => [], "includes" => [], "mergedYaml" => a_kind_of(String), "stages" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "build", "groups" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "rspec", "size" => 2, "jobs" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "rspec 0 1", "groupName" => "rspec", "stage" => "build", "script" => ["rake spec"], "beforeScript" => ["bundle install", "bundle exec rake db:create"], "afterScript" => ["echo 'run this after'"], "allowFailure" => false, "only" => { "refs" => %w[branches master] }, "when" => "on_success", "except" => nil, "environment" => nil, "tags" => %w[ruby postgres], "needs" => { "nodes" => [] } }, { "name" => "rspec 0 2", "groupName" => "rspec", "stage" => "build", "script" => ["rake spec"], "beforeScript" => ["bundle install", "bundle exec rake db:create"], "afterScript" => ["echo 'run this after'"], "allowFailure" => true, "only" => { "refs" => %w[branches tags] }, "when" => "on_failure", "except" => nil, "environment" => nil, "tags" => [], "needs" => { "nodes" => [] } } ] } }, { "name" => "spinach", "size" => 1, "jobs" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "spinach", "groupName" => "spinach", "stage" => "build", "script" => ["rake spinach"], "beforeScript" => ["bundle install", "bundle exec rake db:create"], "afterScript" => ["echo 'run this after'"], "allowFailure" => false, "only" => { "refs" => %w[branches tags] }, "when" => "on_success", "except" => { "refs" => ["tags"] }, "environment" => nil, "tags" => [], "needs" => { "nodes" => [] } } ] } } ] } }, { "name" => "test", "groups" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "docker", "size" => 1, "jobs" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "docker", "groupName" => "docker", "stage" => "test", "script" => ["curl http://dockerhub/URL"], "beforeScript" => ["bundle install", "bundle exec rake db:create"], "afterScript" => ["echo 'run this after'"], "allowFailure" => true, "only" => { "refs" => %w[branches tags] }, "when" => "manual", "except" => { "refs" => ["branches"] }, "environment" => nil, "tags" => [], "needs" => { "nodes" => [{ "name" => "spinach" }, { "name" => "rspec 0 1" }] } } ] } } ] } }, { "name" => "deploy", "groups" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "deploy_job", "size" => 1, "jobs" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "deploy_job", "groupName" => "deploy_job", "stage" => "deploy", "script" => ["echo 'done'"], "beforeScript" => ["bundle install", "bundle exec rake db:create"], "afterScript" => ["echo 'run this after'"], "allowFailure" => false, "only" => { "refs" => %w[branches tags] }, "when" => "on_success", "except" => nil, "environment" => "production", "tags" => [], "needs" => { "nodes" => [] } } ] } } ] } } ] } ) end context 'when the config file includes other files' do let_it_be(:content) do YAML.dump( include: 'other_file.yml', rspec: { script: 'rspec' } ) end before do allow_next_instance_of(Repository) do |repository| allow(repository).to receive(:blob_data_at).with(an_instance_of(String), 'other_file.yml') do YAML.dump( build: { script: 'build' } ) end end post_graphql_query end it_behaves_like 'a working graphql query' it 'returns the correct structure with included files' do expect(graphql_data['ciConfig']).to eq( "status" => "VALID", "errors" => [], "warnings" => [], "includes" => [ { "type" => "local", "location" => "other_file.yml", "blob" => "http://localhost/#{project.full_path}/-/blob/#{project.commit.sha}/other_file.yml", "raw" => "http://localhost/#{project.full_path}/-/raw/#{project.commit.sha}/other_file.yml", "extra" => {}, "contextProject" => project.full_path, "contextSha" => project.commit.sha } ], "mergedYaml" => "---\nbuild:\n script: build\nrspec:\n script: rspec\n", "stages" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "test", "groups" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "build", "size" => 1, "jobs" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "build", "stage" => "test", "groupName" => "build", "script" => ["build"], "afterScript" => [], "beforeScript" => [], "allowFailure" => false, "environment" => nil, "except" => nil, "only" => { "refs" => %w[branches tags] }, "when" => "on_success", "tags" => [], "needs" => { "nodes" => [] } } ] } }, { "name" => "rspec", "size" => 1, "jobs" => { "nodes" => [ { "name" => "rspec", "stage" => "test", "groupName" => "rspec", "script" => ["rspec"], "afterScript" => [], "beforeScript" => [], "allowFailure" => false, "environment" => nil, "except" => nil, "only" => { "refs" => %w[branches tags] }, "when" => "on_success", "tags" => [], "needs" => { "nodes" => [] } } ] } } ] } } ] } ) end end context 'when the config file has multiple includes' do let_it_be(:other_project) { create(:project, :repository, creator: user, namespace: user.namespace) } let_it_be(:content) do YAML.dump( include: [ { local: 'other_file.yml' }, { remote: 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/raw/1234/.hello.yml' }, { file: 'other_project_file.yml', project: other_project.full_path }, { template: 'Jobs/Build.gitlab-ci.yml' } ], rspec: { script: 'rspec' } ) end let(:remote_file_content) do YAML.dump( remote_file_test: { script: 'remote_file_test' } ) end before do allow_next_instance_of(Repository) do |repository| allow(repository).to receive(:blob_data_at).with(an_instance_of(String), 'other_file.yml') do YAML.dump( build: { script: 'build' } ) end allow(repository).to receive(:blob_data_at).with(an_instance_of(String), 'other_project_file.yml') do YAML.dump( other_project_test: { script: 'other_project_test' } ) end end stub_full_request('https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/raw/1234/.hello.yml').to_return(body: remote_file_content) post_graphql_query end it_behaves_like 'a working graphql query' # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength it 'returns correct includes' do expect(graphql_data['ciConfig']["includes"]).to eq( [ { "type" => "local", "location" => "other_file.yml", "blob" => "http://localhost/#{project.full_path}/-/blob/#{project.commit.sha}/other_file.yml", "raw" => "http://localhost/#{project.full_path}/-/raw/#{project.commit.sha}/other_file.yml", "extra" => {}, "contextProject" => project.full_path, "contextSha" => project.commit.sha }, { "type" => "remote", "location" => "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/raw/1234/.hello.yml", "blob" => nil, "raw" => "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/raw/1234/.hello.yml", "extra" => {}, "contextProject" => project.full_path, "contextSha" => project.commit.sha }, { "type" => "file", "location" => "other_project_file.yml", "blob" => "http://localhost/#{other_project.full_path}/-/blob/#{other_project.commit.sha}/other_project_file.yml", "raw" => "http://localhost/#{other_project.full_path}/-/raw/#{other_project.commit.sha}/other_project_file.yml", "extra" => { "project" => other_project.full_path, "ref" => "HEAD" }, "contextProject" => project.full_path, "contextSha" => project.commit.sha }, { "type" => "template", "location" => "Jobs/Build.gitlab-ci.yml", "blob" => nil, "raw" => "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/raw/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Jobs/Build.gitlab-ci.yml", "extra" => {}, "contextProject" => project.full_path, "contextSha" => project.commit.sha } ] ) end # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength end end