# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'Query.project.pipeline.stages.groups.jobs' do include GraphqlHelpers let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :public) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:pipeline) do pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, user: user) stage = create(:ci_stage_entity, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'first') create(:commit_status, stage_id: stage.id, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'my test job') pipeline end def first(field) [field.pluralize, 'nodes', 0] end let(:jobs_graphql_data) { graphql_data.dig(*%w[project pipeline], *first('stage'), *first('group'), 'jobs', 'nodes') } let(:query) do %( query { project(fullPath: "#{project.full_path}") { pipeline(iid: "#{pipeline.iid}") { stages { nodes { name groups { nodes { name jobs { nodes { name } } } } } } } } } ) end it 'returns the jobs of a pipeline stage' do post_graphql(query, current_user: user) expect(jobs_graphql_data).to contain_exactly(a_hash_including('name' => 'my test job')) end context 'when fetching jobs from the pipeline' do it 'avoids N+1 queries' do control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new do post_graphql(query, current_user: user) end build_stage = create(:ci_stage_entity, name: 'build', pipeline: pipeline) test_stage = create(:ci_stage_entity, name: 'test', pipeline: pipeline) create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage_id: build_stage.id, name: 'docker 1 2') create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage_id: build_stage.id, name: 'docker 2 2') create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage_id: test_stage.id, name: 'rspec 1 2') create(:commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage_id: test_stage.id, name: 'rspec 2 2') expect do post_graphql(query, current_user: user) end.not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) build_stage = graphql_data.dig('project', 'pipeline', 'stages', 'nodes').find do |stage| stage['name'] == 'build' end test_stage = graphql_data.dig('project', 'pipeline', 'stages', 'nodes').find do |stage| stage['name'] == 'test' end docker_group = build_stage.dig('groups', 'nodes').first rspec_group = test_stage.dig('groups', 'nodes').first expect(docker_group['name']).to eq('docker') expect(rspec_group['name']).to eq('rspec') docker_jobs = docker_group.dig('jobs', 'nodes') rspec_jobs = rspec_group.dig('jobs', 'nodes') expect(docker_jobs).to eq([{ 'name' => 'docker 1 2' }, { 'name' => 'docker 2 2' }]) expect(rspec_jobs).to eq([{ 'name' => 'rspec 1 2' }, { 'name' => 'rspec 2 2' }]) end end end