require 'spec_helper' describe Ci::ArchiveTraceService, '#execute' do subject { } context 'when job is finished' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live) } it 'creates an archived trace' do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error expect(job.reload.job_artifacts_trace).to be_exist end context 'when trace is already archived' do let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_artifact) } it 'ignores an exception' do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end it 'does not create an archived trace' do expect { subject }.not_to change { Ci::JobArtifact.trace.count } end end end context 'when job is running' do let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :running, :trace_live) } it 'increments Prometheus counter, sends crash report to Sentry and ignore an error for continuing to archive' do expect(Gitlab::Sentry) .to receive(:track_exception) .with(::Gitlab::Ci::Trace::ArchiveError, issue_url: '', extra: { job_id: } ).once expect(Rails.logger) .to receive(:error) .with("Failed to archive trace. id: #{} message: Job is not finished yet") .and_call_original expect(Gitlab::Metrics) .to receive(:counter) .with(:job_trace_archive_failed_total, "Counter of failed attempts of trace archiving") .and_call_original expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end end end