require 'spec_helper' describe Ci::ProcessPipelineService, '#execute', :services do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:empty_project) } let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, ref: 'master', project: project) end before do project.add_developer(user) end context 'when simple pipeline is defined' do before do create_build('linux', stage_idx: 0) create_build('mac', stage_idx: 0) create_build('rspec', stage_idx: 1) create_build('rubocop', stage_idx: 1) create_build('deploy', stage_idx: 2) end it 'processes a pipeline' do expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy succeed_pending expect(builds.success.count).to eq(2) expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy succeed_pending expect(builds.success.count).to eq(4) expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy succeed_pending expect(builds.success.count).to eq(5) expect(process_pipeline).to be_falsey end it 'does not process pipeline if existing stage is running' do expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy expect(builds.pending.count).to eq(2) expect(process_pipeline).to be_falsey expect(builds.pending.count).to eq(2) end end context 'custom stage with first job allowed to fail' do before do create_build('clean_job', stage_idx: 0, allow_failure: true) create_build('test_job', stage_idx: 1, allow_failure: true) end it 'automatically triggers a next stage when build finishes' do expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy expect(builds_statuses).to eq ['pending'] fail_running_or_pending expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(failed pending) end end context 'when optional manual actions are defined' do before do create_build('build', stage_idx: 0) create_build('test', stage_idx: 1) create_build('test_failure', stage_idx: 2, when: 'on_failure') create_build('deploy', stage_idx: 3) create_build('production', stage_idx: 3, when: 'manual', allow_failure: true) create_build('cleanup', stage_idx: 4, when: 'always') create_build('clear:cache', stage_idx: 4, when: 'manual', allow_failure: true) end context 'when builds are successful' do it 'properly processes the pipeline' do expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy expect(builds_names).to eq ['build'] expect(builds_statuses).to eq ['pending'] succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success pending) succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test deploy production) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success success pending manual) succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test deploy production cleanup clear:cache) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success success success manual pending manual) succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success success success manual success manual) expect(pipeline.reload.status).to eq 'success' end end context 'when test job fails' do it 'properly processes the pipeline' do expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy expect(builds_names).to eq ['build'] expect(builds_statuses).to eq ['pending'] succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success pending) fail_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test test_failure) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success failed pending) succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test test_failure cleanup) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success failed success pending) succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success failed success success) expect(pipeline.reload.status).to eq 'failed' end end context 'when test and test_failure jobs fail' do it 'properly processes the pipeline' do expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy expect(builds_names).to eq ['build'] expect(builds_statuses).to eq ['pending'] succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success pending) fail_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test test_failure) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success failed pending) fail_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test test_failure cleanup) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success failed failed pending) succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test test_failure cleanup) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success failed failed success) expect(pipeline.reload.status).to eq('failed') end end context 'when deploy job fails' do it 'properly processes the pipeline' do expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy expect(builds_names).to eq ['build'] expect(builds_statuses).to eq ['pending'] succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success pending) succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test deploy production) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success success pending manual) fail_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test deploy production cleanup) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success success failed manual pending) succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success success failed manual success) expect(pipeline.reload).to be_failed end end context 'when build is canceled in the second stage' do it 'does not schedule builds after build has been canceled' do expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy expect(builds_names).to eq ['build'] expect(builds_statuses).to eq ['pending'] succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds.running_or_pending).not_to be_empty expect(builds_names).to eq %w(build test) expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w(success pending) cancel_running_or_pending expect(builds.running_or_pending).to be_empty expect(builds_names).to eq %w[build test] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[success canceled] expect(pipeline.reload).to be_canceled end end context 'when listing optional manual actions' do it 'returns only for skipped builds' do # currently all builds are created expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy expect(manual_actions).to be_empty # succeed stage build succeed_running_or_pending expect(manual_actions).to be_empty # succeed stage test succeed_running_or_pending expect(manual_actions).to be_one # production # succeed stage deploy succeed_running_or_pending expect(manual_actions).to be_many # production and clear cache end end end context 'when there are manual action in earlier stages' do context 'when first stage has only optional manual actions' do before do create_build('build', stage_idx: 0, when: 'manual', allow_failure: true) create_build('check', stage_idx: 1) create_build('test', stage_idx: 2) process_pipeline end it 'starts from the second stage' do expect(all_builds_statuses).to eq %w[manual pending created] end end context 'when second stage has only optional manual actions' do before do create_build('check', stage_idx: 0) create_build('build', stage_idx: 1, when: 'manual', allow_failure: true) create_build('test', stage_idx: 2) process_pipeline end it 'skips second stage and continues on third stage' do expect(all_builds_statuses).to eq(%w[pending created created]) builds.first.success expect(all_builds_statuses).to eq(%w[success manual pending]) end end end context 'when blocking manual actions are defined' do before do create_build('code:test', stage_idx: 0) create_build('staging:deploy', stage_idx: 1, when: 'manual') create_build('staging:test', stage_idx: 2, when: 'on_success') create_build('production:deploy', stage_idx: 3, when: 'manual') create_build('production:test', stage_idx: 4, when: 'always') end context 'when first stage succeeds' do it 'blocks pipeline on stage with first manual action' do process_pipeline expect(builds_names).to eq %w[code:test] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[pending] expect(pipeline.reload.status).to eq 'pending' succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w[code:test staging:deploy] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[success manual] expect(pipeline.reload).to be_manual end end context 'when first stage fails' do it 'does not take blocking action into account' do process_pipeline expect(builds_names).to eq %w[code:test] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[pending] expect(pipeline.reload.status).to eq 'pending' fail_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w[code:test production:test] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[failed pending] succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[failed success] expect(pipeline.reload).to be_failed end end context 'when pipeline is promoted sequentially up to the end' do it 'properly processes entire pipeline' do process_pipeline expect(builds_names).to eq %w[code:test] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[pending] succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w[code:test staging:deploy] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[success manual] expect(pipeline.reload).to be_manual play_manual_action('staging:deploy') expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[success pending] succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w[code:test staging:deploy staging:test] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[success success pending] succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w[code:test staging:deploy staging:test production:deploy] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[success success success manual] expect(pipeline.reload).to be_manual expect(pipeline.reload).to be_blocked expect(pipeline.reload).not_to be_active expect(pipeline.reload).not_to be_complete play_manual_action('production:deploy') expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[success success success pending] expect(pipeline.reload).to be_running succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w[code:test staging:deploy staging:test production:deploy production:test] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[success success success success pending] expect(pipeline.reload).to be_running succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq %w[code:test staging:deploy staging:test production:deploy production:test] expect(builds_statuses).to eq %w[success success success success success] expect(pipeline.reload).to be_success end end end context 'when second stage has only on_failure jobs' do before do create_build('check', stage_idx: 0) create_build('build', stage_idx: 1, when: 'on_failure') create_build('test', stage_idx: 2) process_pipeline end it 'skips second stage and continues on third stage' do expect(all_builds_statuses).to eq(%w[pending created created]) builds.first.success expect(all_builds_statuses).to eq(%w[success skipped pending]) end end context 'when failed build in the middle stage is retried' do context 'when failed build is the only unsuccessful build in the stage' do before do create_build('build:1', stage_idx: 0) create_build('build:2', stage_idx: 0) create_build('test:1', stage_idx: 1) create_build('test:2', stage_idx: 1) create_build('deploy:1', stage_idx: 2) create_build('deploy:2', stage_idx: 2) end it 'does trigger builds in the next stage' do expect(process_pipeline).to be_truthy expect(builds_names).to eq ['build:1', 'build:2'] succeed_running_or_pending expect(builds_names).to eq ['build:1', 'build:2', 'test:1', 'test:2'] pipeline.builds.find_by(name: 'test:1').success pipeline.builds.find_by(name: 'test:2').drop expect(builds_names).to eq ['build:1', 'build:2', 'test:1', 'test:2'] Ci::Build.retry(pipeline.builds.find_by(name: 'test:2'), user).success expect(builds_names).to eq ['build:1', 'build:2', 'test:1', 'test:2', 'test:2', 'deploy:1', 'deploy:2'] end end end context 'when there are builds that are not created yet' do let(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, config: config) end let(:config) do { rspec: { stage: 'test', script: 'rspec' }, deploy: { stage: 'deploy', script: 'rsync' } } end before do create_build('linux', stage: 'build', stage_idx: 0) create_build('mac', stage: 'build', stage_idx: 0) end it 'processes the pipeline' do # Currently we have five builds with state created # expect(builds.count).to eq(0) expect(all_builds.count).to eq(2) # Process builds service will enqueue builds from the first stage. # process_pipeline expect(builds.count).to eq(2) expect(all_builds.count).to eq(2) # When builds succeed we will enqueue remaining builds. # # We will have 2 succeeded, 1 pending (from stage test), total 4 (two # additional build from `.gitlab-ci.yml`). # succeed_pending process_pipeline expect(builds.success.count).to eq(2) expect(builds.pending.count).to eq(1) expect(all_builds.count).to eq(4) # When pending merge_when_pipeline_succeeds in stage test, we enqueue deploy stage. # succeed_pending process_pipeline expect(builds.pending.count).to eq(1) expect(builds.success.count).to eq(3) expect(all_builds.count).to eq(4) # When the last one succeeds we have 4 successful builds. # succeed_pending process_pipeline expect(builds.success.count).to eq(4) expect(all_builds.count).to eq(4) end end def process_pipeline, user).execute(pipeline) end def all_builds pipeline.builds.order(:stage_idx, :id) end def builds all_builds.where.not(status: [:created, :skipped]) end def builds_names builds.pluck(:name) end def builds_statuses builds.pluck(:status) end def all_builds_statuses all_builds.pluck(:status) end def succeed_pending builds.pending.update_all(status: 'success') end def succeed_running_or_pending pipeline.builds.running_or_pending.each(&:success) end def fail_running_or_pending pipeline.builds.running_or_pending.each(&:drop) end def cancel_running_or_pending pipeline.builds.running_or_pending.each(&:cancel) end def play_manual_action(name) builds.find_by(name: name).play(user) end delegate :manual_actions, to: :pipeline def create_build(name, **opts) create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline, name: name, **opts) end end